Dante and the Function of Water for an Investigation of the Self. Psychosymbolic Cosmology in the Divine Comedy The famous Epistle to Cangrande written by Dante encourages us to identify the Divine Comedy as an emblematic representation of a psychotherapeutic itinerary. The principal aim of his work is in fact creating a shocking poetic impression for freeing everyone from anxiety and pain, bringing us back to the origin of that eternal joy, which was lost through the Edenic sin, by creating the jail of egoism and the consequential abandon of a global and satisfactory perception of life. Associating itself with the feminine side of the soul and the mystery of the generation of life, the water symbolism in Dante’s poem acquires various meanings and is mainly connected with the malignant or positive rivers, which directly or indirectly indicate the right orientation for going back to the splendid sea of joy: the sea of divine intellect. This last is heaven, and corresponds to a psychic state where we can live together with the vivid memories of all the best we have experienced, learned and discovered during our mortal existence. Hell is a symbol of anguish and despair; here, a psychic emblem of a potential positive transformation is constituted by a little, apparently unimportant brook, which is studied in depth for the first time in this article, revealing the fundamental importance of this emblem, capable of guaranteeing a possible defeat of evil or, more specifically, the transformation of its destructive energy into a positive magic power, which can lead us to the stars. The whole journey of the Divine Comedy appears now more clearly as a symbolic example of ante litteram psychoanalysis.
Within the mysteries of 'The Divine Comedy', it seems that the culture of Muslims is well known to Dante, above all thanks to the mediation of works such as the 'Book of Muhammad’s Ladder '(Kitāb al‑miʿrāj), the 'Travels of Marco Polo' and various writings of friar Riccoldo of Montecroce. Islam is considered a danger, yet it is also admired in Dante’s vision, for its scientific height reached in the Middle Ages. Love is the essential concept of the whole message of Christianity: it is caritas, a universal embrace that includes every aspect of man and harmonizes it. Muhammad, despite his original Christian spiritual formation, according to Dante, did not understand the concept of caritas. Therefore, he deceived others and himself, founding a new creed and a different faith, which is by no means superfluous from a Dantean point of view. Indeed, it is useless and dangerous as a heresy, due to its same nature that generates schism and, precisely, war. It is natural, in this sense, that Muhammad finds himself in hell in the vision of The Divine Comedy, grotesquely oppressed by his guilt of fraud, because he has shared the circle of love (the all‑encompassing and Trinitarian perfection of Love) with all the hatred of his anger. However, beyond all the Muslim limits of a culture of submission and the doctrine that arises from it, Dante reveals to us in his 'Paradise' a possible salvation also for Islam (apparently damned); and this for a very subtle yet strong way: the mystical way in its perfect sentimental Truth, which is tolerant, fraternal and inclusive.
Within the mysteries of 'The Divine Comedy', it seems that the culture of Muslims is well known to Dante, above all thanks to the mediation of works such as the 'Book of Muhammad’s Ladder' (Kitāb al‑miʿrāj), the 'Travels of Marco Polo' and various writings of friar Riccoldo of Montecroce. Islam is considered a danger, yet it is also admired in Dante’s vision, for its scientific height reached in the Middle Ages. Love is the essential concept of the whole message of Christianity: it is caritas, a universal embrace that includes every aspect of man and harmonizes it. Muhammad, despite his original Christian spiritual formation, according to Dante, did not understand the concept of caritas. Therefore, he deceived others and himself, founding a new creed and a different faith, which is by no means superfluous from a Dantean point of view. Indeed, it is useless and dangerous as a heresy, due to its same nature that generates schism and, precisely, war. It is natural, in this sense, that Muhammad finds himself in hell in the vision of The Divine Comedy, grotesquely oppressed by his guilt of fraud, because he has shared the circle of love (the all‑encompassing and Trinitarian perfection of Love) with all the hatred of his anger. However, beyond all the Muslim limits of a culture of submission and the doctrine that arises from it, Dante reveals to us in his Paradise a possible salvation also for Islam (apparently damned); and this for a very subtle yet strong way: the mystical way in its perfect sentimental Truth, which is tolerant, fraternal and inclusive.
Rozpatrując zagadki "Boskiej Komedii", można przyjąć, że kultura muzułmańska była dobrze znana Dantemu, przede wszystkim poprzez dzieła takie jak "Księga Drabiny Mahometa", "Podróże Marco Polo" czy prace Riccolda z Montecroce. Islam jest uznawany za zagrożenie, a jednak podziwiany w wizji Dantego. Miłość jest postrzegana jako kluczowy element chrześcijaństwa, jest to caritas i obejmuje ona każdy aspekt życia człowieka, utrzymując go w harmonii. Według Dantego Mahomet nie rozumiał tej koncepcji, dlatego stworzył nowy rodzaj wiary. Zgodnie z wizją "Boskiej Komedii" Mahomet znalazł się w piekle, z poczuciem winy z powodu oszustwa. Z kolei w "Raju" Dante wskazuje, że zbawienie jest możliwe również w islamie, gdzie Prawda jest tolerancyjna, braterska i całkowita.
L’article est une tentative d’appliquer la théorie de l’orientalisme à Partonopeu de Blois, un roman anonyme médiéval français, particulièrement populaire au Moyen Age. L’auteure de l’article analyse le comportement d’un jeune chevalier occidental après son arrivée à Chef d’Oire, une ville byzantine opulente, dissimulant des merveilles de la technique orientale et procurant la prospérité à ses habitants invisibles. Les contacts de Partonopeu avec Mélior, une fée et l’héritière du trône, ainsi que les événements qui permettront au héros de devenir empereur, sont également interprétés. Tous ces éléments contribuent à créer une vision spécifique des relations entre l’Occident et l’Orient byzantin, dans laquelle ce dernier semble se soumettre à la suprématie étrangère.
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