The article focuses on issues of perception and evaluation of audiovisual social advertising treated as a specific space and cultural message. The paper presents certain findings concerning the so-called diegetic space of an advertising spot, with an application of theoretical and methodological achievements of the film theory. The paper discusses anthropological questions of an informative dimension of the diegesis of iconic and phonic advertising, as well as axiological aspects of persuasion in the diegetic space of a social spot.
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Artykuł dotyczy zjawiska stereotypizacji w aspekcie sytuacji antropologicznych oraz wizji świata zawartych w przekazach audiowizualnych narodowych kampanii reklamowych jednego z produktów korporacji Danone na Słowacji, w Czechach, Polsce i Rosji. Analizie jakościowej poddano reprezentatywne przykłady spotów dostępnych w międzykulturowym środowisku użytkowników serwisu internetowego You Tube. Zwrócono uwagę na stereotypy oraz perswazję reklamową ukierunkowaną na wartości instrumentalne współczesnej kultury. Wskazano na pewne uniwersalia aksjosfery w reklamowym wymiarze medialnej kultury krajów słowiańskich. Poddano również analizie osobliwość rosyjskich kampanii reklamowych polegającą na upowszechnianiu stereotypu męskiej agresji w relacjach interpersonalnych.
The increased scientific interest in late adulthood, as well as in intergenerational relations of the elderly, finds particular justification in the current demographic situation in Europe and Poland. The subject of the study is old age functioning as a motif of advertising messages. The reflections concern the psychological-positive alternative to the phenomenon of generating a stereotype of the elderly in advertising. The stereotyping of the advertising image of people at the existential stage of late adulthood poses a danger of increasing ageism in the media space and in colloquial social consciousness. The postulated form of counteracting ageism is education in the aspect of developmental changes in late adulthood (including through the dissemination of reliable knowledge about the aging process in social communication), taking into account the current state of research on the intergenerational potential of older people, i.e. wisdom, quality of life.
The subject matter of the article concerns one of the Polish narrative marketing projects, i.e. the storytelling advertising campaign of the Tiger Energy Drink brand on the YouTube service from 2022. The aim of the research is to analyse the advertising narrative in the following aspects: rhetorical (rhetorical tonality of the stories and descriptions in the statements of the characters-narrators, rhetorical tonality of the advertising song), psychological (needs, emotions, attitude/lifestyle), axiological (propagated values), aesthetic (artistic and aesthetic values) , anthropological-cultural (narrative archetypes: hero, trickster, traveller), public relations (created and promoted brand image), ethical (promoting the consumption of an energy drink in a target group of minors; promoting a drug; equating product consumption with sporting success). The article explains the reasons for the failure of brand image communication, demonstrates errors in advertising creations from the interdisciplinary methodological perspective of contemporary narratology.
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