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Robert Fogel’s economic history has given not only a new and interesting interpretation of the economic past but also the ground to face the challenges of globalization and demographic development. Idea of physiological capital as factor affecting economic growth follows from Fogel’s hypothesis about synergism between rapid technological changes and improvement in human physiology. His theory of technophysiological evolution is also a source of new view on the measurement of economic growth and social welfare. Fogel has convinced us that successful economic and social policy has to be based on a long-run perspective and that research of economic historians is very important for economists and politicians. From secular trends in physiological capital, one can infer implications for policy in health care and education.
The article presents the factors of development in the world economy in the last three decades of the XXth century. The most important of them were: the rising amount of population, the changes in national income and employment structure, industrial and agricultural output and level of international trade. The publication focuses on showing the tendencies that prevail in the modern world economy. It appears that the slate economy is determined by the process of strengthening mutual relations between nations regions and continents. These links are of different character: production, technology, trade, financial and institutional. The text also includes political elements, which influenced on global economical situation. The article is based on long-term research and the conclusions are supported by statistical figures and tables, which may help to understand the changes in the world economy from the beginning of the 70’s until the end of the 90’s of the previous century.
The institutional integration of the Polish agriculture within the economy of European Union countries is a process, which beginning can be linked to the implementation of the agreement on Polish association with the European Communities - dated from the very beginning of the year 1994. The end of the process in question will come together with the expire of transitional periods, this is when, our agriculture will be ruled accordingly to the CAP’s regulations. However, we need to remember th at the integration in terms of regulation aspect is not equivalent within the integration concerning the real sphere- in which the decisive voice belongs not only to farmers but also to the companies operating in the field connected with agriculture. Regarding integration as a process, which has its own inner dynamic, it seems to be obvious that the date of polish accession to the European Union will be of crucial importance for our farmers, however it does not have to be the breakthrough. Thus the optimal situation for polish farmers, would be the one, in which the 1st of May 2004, would be “ invisible and intangible” them. The level of reaching this optimum depends on many of factors. However, it can be mainly affected by both: the knowledge about CAP’S functioning and CAP's effects, as well as by effectiveness o f institutions dealing with farmers. This paper is intended to familiarise with the knowledge about CAP and its hitherto economic and social effects concerning specified European Union countries as well as highlighting both: prospective merits and disadvantages for polish agriculture emerging from the implementation of CAP.
The process of formation of global thinking was influenced by economic thought. The article presents how some economic theories were used by the authors of the global reports. The main areas of filiations discussed here are: the exploitation of natural resources, demography, non-economical effects of business and the assessment of industrialization and economic growth. The analysis proves that the classical economic thought was the most important source of inspiration (works of T. R. Malthus, D. Ricardo and J. S. Mill).
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