Soil structure is widely accepted as one of the most important attributes affecting its physical properties and soil humus is commonly considered as one of the most important structure-forming factors. Chemical composition of brown coal similar to that of soil humus was a premise which prompted the application of this component for soil restoration. In 1992, an experiment was established in which brown coal dust in the amount of 1000 tha-1 was applied. The experiment with brown coal comprised four combinations of mineral fertilisation: 0 NPK - without mineral fertilisation, 100 kg N.ha-1 200 kg N.ha-1 and 300 kg N.ha-1. Levels of fertilisation with phosphorus and potassium on all plots with mineral fertilisation were as follows: 40 kg P2O5.ha-1 and 80kg K2O.ha-1. The control included plots without brown coal supplementation and three fertilisation combinations: 100 kg N.ha-1, 200 kg N.ha-1 and 300 kg N.ha -1as well as potassium-phosphorus fertilisation in the amount of 40 kg P2O5.ha-1 and 80kg K2O.ha-1. In both variants winter cereals were cultivated and straw as well as post-harvest residues were ploughed under every year. Investigations of soil structures were carried out on the basis of published original methodological solutions elaborated by Rzasa and Owczarzak in which an aggregate measuring 1 cm(3) is the basis of investigations. The following parameters were determined: dynamic water resistance of soil aggregates (DW), static water resistance of soil aggregates (SW), state of secondary aggregation after dynamic and static action of water, velocity of capillary seepage (Tkmin), minimal (Vkmin) and maximal (Vkmax) capillary water capacity, aggregate compression resistance (Rc). The above-mentioned values were determined in 5 replications. Using methods commonly known and applied in soil science, texture composition, solid state density, hygroscopic capacity (H) and maximal hygroscopic capacity (MH) were also determined. The analysed samples belonged to two neighbouring texture groups sandy barns and light loams. It is evident from the performed investigations that the application of brown coal resulted in loosening of the arable soil layer. The observed increase of porosity in absolute values by approximately 15% means increase in pore numbers of about 50% in relation to the numbers of pores in the soil without brown coal supplementation. The aggregates collected from the soil without the addition of brown coal were characterised by the resistance ranging from 1.460 to 1.798 MPa. It was almost three times greater than that of aggregates with brown coal addition (0.453-0.775 MPa). The addition of coal reduced from two to five times the resistance to dynamic water action. The degree of breakdown of the analysed primary aggregates measured by the so called sum of secondary aggregates (mezo-aggregates) measuring >0.25 mm varied widely both for dynamic and static water action. The addition of brown coal worsened soil secondary aggregation. This also contributed to the increase of hygroscopic and maximal hygroscopic water capacity. The hygroscopic capacity of aggregates with the addition of brown coal was by about 50% and of maximal hygroscopic capacity - by about 100% greater in comparison with those without the addition of brown coal. Moreover, the addition of brown coal also accelerated water transfer in aggregates. Water translocation time in aggregates without the addition of brown coal was by about three times higher. Minimal capillary water capacity of soil aggregates collected from the variants without brown coal supplementation ranged from 49.3 to 55.8%, and maximal capillary water capacity - from 55.1 to 74.8%. Minimal and maximal capillary water capacity was considerably greater in aggregates collected from variants supplemented with brown coal and amounted to: from 47.4 to 83.9% and from 61.8 to 84.5%, respectively. The performed investigations revealed that the addition of brown coal loosened bulk soil in the arable soil level leading to its improved susceptibility to the action of cultivation tools. However, during periods of low total precipitation, these soils are sensitive to excessive sputtering. This was confirmed by the results associated with water resistance of soil aggregates, resistance of aggregates to compression as well as secondary aggregation following static and dynamic water action. The addition of brown coal increased possibilities of water retention but majority of this water was not easily accessible to plants as indicated by the research results concerning H and MH as well as capillary water capacity.
Badania dotyczyły tempa procesów glebotwórczych zachodzących w gruntach pogórniczych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że to tempo uzależnione jest od poziomu nawożenia mineralnego. Z tej samej skały w tym samym czasie i przy oddziaływaniu tych samych roślin, powstały dwie gleby. Gleba wytworzona na 0 NPK jest uboga w składniki pokarmowe i charakteryzuje się niską produktywnością. Gleba wytworzona na kombinacjach 1 NPK i 2 NPK jest zasobna w składniki pokarmowe a jej produktywność wynosi 3-4 t‧ha⁻¹ zbóż.
The research was dealing with the speed of soil forming process in post- mining grounds. The obtained results indicate that the speed is determined by mineral fertilization level. From the same rock at the same time and due to influence of the same plant two different kinds of soil were formed. The soil on plots with 0 NPK is poor in nutritional components and it is characterized by the low productivity. The soil formed in fertilization variants: 1 NPK and 2 NPK is rich in nutritional components and its productivity amounts to from 3 to 4 t cereals per hectare.
Końcowa część zwałowiska wewnętrznego odkrywki Władysławów (KWB "Adamów") zbudowana jest głównie z utworów piaszczystych. Ich odczyn jest zasadowy. Ubogie są w wodę i składniki pokarmowe dla roślin. Zasobne są w związki siarki. Możliwa jest jednak w tych warunkach realizacja rekultywacji rolniczej. Plony uprawianych roślin będą bardzo niskie. Znacznie korzystniejsze będzie przeznaczenie tej powierzchni pod rekultywację rekreacyjną.
The properties of post mining area which builds the final part of inner dump opencast Władysławów indicates the possibility of agricultural use of this area. The agricultural reclamation will not be sufficiently effective and the area will be abandoned by farmers. Realization of recreational reclamation of that area will prevent wasteland from coming into existence and the area will be more attractive.
Kopalnie węgla brunatnego Konin i Adamów należą do kopalń wieloodkrywkowych. Wymusza to konieczność ustawicznego zajmowania nowych terenów pod eksploatację oraz pokonywania barier finansowych i prawnych. Przykładem jest odkrywka Tomisławice, w przypadku której uzyskanie decyzji środowiskowych trwało 13 lat. Teren odkrywki położony jest poza obszarem Natura 2000, a na jej powierzchni występują grunty orne należące do 8 klas bonitacyjnych. Przeważają gleby IV klas bonitacyjnych. Na terenach pogórniczych KWB "Konin" dominuje rekultywacja rolnicza, a w strukturze zasiewów lucerna. Rekultywacja rolnicza, w odróżnieniu od rekultywacji leśnej i rekreacyjnej, jest intratna dla kopalni, umożliwiając sprzedaż zbędnych i obciążonych wysokimi podatkami gruntów pogórniczych.
Konin and Adamów lignite mines are multi-strip mines. Therefore, the areas for mining are expanded continuously and financial while legal obstacles have to be overcome. The example can be the open-pit mine in Tomisławice where it took 13 years to obtain environmental approvals. The mine is located outside of the Natura 2000 area and it is overlaid by arabie land included in eight soil valuation classes, from class II to class VI Rz. The majority of soils (43.56 per cent) are of average quality and included to class IV of the soil valuation classes. Due to soil conditions, it is not justified by nature or economy reasons to selectively remove the humus layer to be used to improve the usable value of the soils of lower soil valuation classes and to reconstruct soils in the post-mining areas. In the Konin post-mining areas, agricultural reclamation prevails and it covers 29.8-49.0 per cent of the dumping ground surface. Predominantly, the crops structure includes lucerne (79.3 per cent) that has become the basis for the fodder and crop system of using the areas. Unlike forest and recreational reclamation, the agricultural reclamation is profitable for mines as it allows them to sell unnecessary post-mining areas that are additionally burdened with high taxes.
Badania dotyczyły wpływu dwu kombinacji 0 NPK i 1 NPK na wybrane parametry jakościowe nasion rzepaku ozimego i ziarniaków pszenicy ozimej. Badania wykazały, że nawożenie mineralne wpływa na wielkość i jakość plonów obu gatunków roślin. Wyższe plony i lepszą ich jakość uzyskano na kombinacji z nawożeniem mineralnym. Ziarniaki pszenicy ozimej nie spełniały wymogów ziarna technologicznego.
The investigations concerned the influence two combinations 0 NPK and 1 NPK on some qualitative parameters of the seeds winter rape and grain winter wheat. Investigations show that mineral fertilization influenced on size and quality of crops both plants' species. Higher crops and better their quality were got on combination from fertilization mineral. The grain did not it fulfill the requirements of technological grain.
Praca dotyczy właściwości gruntów pogómiczych Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego "Konin" jako skaty glebotwórczej. Jakość pokrywy^glebowej powstającej w wyniku eksploatacji odkrywkowej węgla brunatnego jest uzależniona od czynnika antropogenicznego decydującego o doborze i stosowaniu zabiegów rekultywacyjnych. Jakość powstającej w procesie rekultywacji gleby jest wyższa niż gleb zalegających na tym terenie przed eksploatacją.
The thesis concerns properties of the post mining areas of the Brown Coal Mine "Konin" and forming out of this soil parent rock of the soils. The quality of the soil cover made as a result of the post mining of the brown coal is depended on the an anthropogenical factor deciding about the selection and applying of the reclamation treatments. The quality of soil forming in the reclamation process is higher than behindhand ones on this area before the reclamation.