The article aims at presenting the specific differences in property related status of the family’s daughter in the Roman agnatic family. To enable such considerations it was necessary to compare legal and property related position of filiae familias and fiilus familias. An analysis of the selected sources of reference, juridical and otherwise, allowed for certain findings. It turns out the status of the family’s son according to ius civile during the late Republic and the Principate was subject to progressive change, which was manifested in the fact he received active legal capacities and limited capacity in law (peculium castrense). With regard to the legal and property related position of the family’s daughter, the regulations of ius civile in the same period did not introduce any changes which would have increased her active legal capacities or her capacity in the law of property. Therefore, in accordance with ius civile, females who were subject to familial authority were deprived of private autonomy.
The subject of my paper is a passage from the Institutes of Gaius challenging the view of the veteres that adult women sui iuris should continue to have a legal guardian responsible for them because of their levitas animi (lack of prudence). It is assumed in the literature that Gaius was looking at tutela mulierum from a historical perspective, and that he said that the institution of tutelage over women, especially freeborn women, had been abolished. However, the grammatical analysis of the text (G. 1,190) indicates that in the period when the Gaius wrote his work there were situations in which testamentary or judicial tutelage could arise for ingenuae as well.
Przedmiotem rozważań autorki jest fragment pochodzący z Instytucji Gaiusa. Jurysta kwestionuje w nim pogląd veteres, którzy uważali, że dojrzałe kobiety sui iuris powinny pozostawać pod opieką z powodu levitas animi (braku roztropności). W literaturze przedmiotu przyjmuje się, że Gaius patrzy na tutela mulierum z perspektywy historycznej i w swoim wykładzie na temat tej instytucji informuje o zaniku opieki nad kobietami, zwłaszcza nad kobietami wolnourodzonymi. Jednak analiza gramatyczna tekstu (G. 1,190) wskazuje, że w okresie, w którym prawnik pisał swój podręcznik, mogły zdarzać się sytuacje, w których opieka testamentowa lub sądowa była ustanawiana również dla ingenuae.
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