The security service (SB) has been interested in the staff of the University of Silesia since its creation (1968), however, a significant increase in that type of interest was noticed in the 1970s and 1980s. The scope of observation of academic circles has increased at that time, finishing this very process with the formation of a separate unit of the SB in 1982, the task of which was a struggle with anti-systemic attitudes in the environment of higher education in Katowice. In its operation- al work, SB gained secret agents (TW) from the academic circle (academics, students, academic- technical workers, supportive organs), and used operational connections (KO). The operational connections involved usually members of the Polish United Workers Party. It was assumed that they are to some extent obliged to “help” the security organs, without imposing any formal com- mitments consisting in signing the declarations of cooperation on the secret service organ at the same time. They worked more eagerly than secret agents who were often gained via blackmail or other forms of compulsion. Operational contacts in the form of people performing big and decisive functions in the university were often used. After November 1989, a subsequent reorganization of the SB, deriving from a change of the political situation in the country, the task of the “security” of higher education and academic institutions was taken over (together with an agency) by the Constitutional State Order Protec- tion Division. Its officers closed the case “University” in January 1990 and made the exposition materials be destroyed. Finally, the observation of the academic circle by the structures of the security service finished with its liquidation between May and August 1990.
Aufgrund des Verfassungsgesetzes vom 15. Juli 1920, das der Woiwod- schaft Schlesien weitgehende Selbstverwaltungsrechte, üblicherweise „Autonomie“ genannt, ge- währte, entstand eine Reihe von interessanten systempolitischen Lösungen, denen man zuvor in den polnischen Verfassungssystemen nicht begegnet war. Ihre Anwendung gab den Anstoß zur Einführung der einem Verfassungsstaat eigenen Instrumente, die für den Aufbau demokratischer Systeme entscheidend sind. Zu diesen Instrumenten gehörten auch parlamentarische Anfragen.
On the basis of the Constitutional Act of 15th July 1920, which guaranteed the Sile- sian Voivodeship extensive self-governing rights, known in practice as the autonomy, a num- ber of interesting constitutional solutions arose that had been previously absent from the Polish constitutional systems. Their practice initiated implementation of instruments characteristic of a constitutional state, determining the scale of democratic systems. One of such instruments was a parliamentary question.
Na bazie ustawy konstytucyjnej z 15 lipca 1920 roku, gwarantującej województwu śląskiemu szerokie prawa samorządne, nazywane w praktyce autonomią, powstało szereg ciekawych rozwiązań ustrojowych, które wcześniej w polskich systemach konstytucyjnych nie występowały. Ich praktyka była zaczynem wdrażania właściwych dla państwa konstytucyjnego instrumentów, decydujących o skali budowy ustrojów demokratycznych. Do takich instrumentów należały interpelacje poselskie.
The image of the University of Silesia (UŚ) has been presented in various ways. The basic problem, which makes it possible to understand many mechanisms taking place in universi- ties in the times of totalitarian system domination, boils down to the evaluation of the authority of the people of the University, without which the essence of universitas does not exist. In 1981, the construction of opposition structures and the possibility of effective action to eliminate vari- ous abnormalities, especially when it came to systemic solutions, proved impossible. After the institutional collapse of the totalitarian system, attempts were made to settle ac- counts, which often met with resistance from academic circles. At the University of Silesia, at the request of the company branch of the Solidarity Trade Union, no sooner than in April 2007 did the Senate of the University of Silesia pass a resolution to establish a Historical Commission, which was to analyse the attitudes of the University’s people in the past on the basis of the docu- ments of the Institute of National Remembrance and the University Archives. An opportunity arose to objectively examine not only the history of the institution, but also the attitudes of its employees. The aim was to indicate not only negative examples of behaviour which were supposed to imply a violation of the principles of academic ethics, especially in the context arising from vetting statements, but also heroic attitudes of the employees of the University of Silesia in the years 1968-1990. The Commission’s reports were made public, either in the form of information about the works or in their entirety by the “Gazeta Uniwersytecka” daily. One of the most active members of the works of the Historical Committee of the University of Silesia Senate was its first Chairman - prof. zw. dr hab. Adam Lityński.
Das Bild der Schlesischen Universität wurde auf verschiedene Art und Wei- se präsentiert. Das Grundproblem, das es ermöglicht, viele in den Hochschulen auftretenden Mechanismen während der Dominanz des totalitären Systems zu verstehen, besteht darin, die Autorität der Universitätsangehörigen zu bewerten, ohne die das Wesen universitas nicht existie- ren würde. Im Jahre 1981 erwiesen sich der Aufbau von Oppositionsstrukturen und die Möglich- keit der wirksamen Handlung zur Beseitigung verschiedener Regelwidrigkeiten - insbesondere bei Systemlösungen - als unmöglich. Nach dem institutionellen Zusammenbruch des totalitären Systems wurden Abrechnungs- versuche unternommen, was in den akademischen Kreisen häufig auf Widerstand stieß. An der Schlesischen Universität beschloss der Senat der Schlesischen Universität auf Antrag der Ge- werkschaftskommission des Unabhängigen Selbstverwalteten Gewerkschaftsbundes Solidarität erst im April 2007, die historische Kommission ins Leben zu rufen, die die Einstellungen der Universitätsangehörigen aus der Vergangenheit anhand der Unterlagen des Instituts für Nationa- les Gedenken und des Universitätsarchivs analysieren sollte. Es bot sich die Möglichkeit, nicht nur die Geschichte der Einrichtung objektiv zu betrachten, sondern auch die Haltungen der Mit- arbeiter einzuschätzen. Es handelte sich nicht nur darum, negative Verhaltensweisen aufzuzeigen, die Vermutungen über den Verstoß gegen die Grundsätze der akademischen Ethik anstellen konnten, was sich insbesondere aus den Lustrationserklärungen und den heroischen Haltungen der Mitarbeiter der Schlesischen Universität in den Jahren 1968-1990 ergab. Die Berichte der Kommission wurden entweder in Form von Informationen über die Arbeit oder vollständig durch die „Universitätszei- tung“ veröffentlicht. Eines der aktivsten Mitglieder der der historischen Kommission des Senats der Schlesischen Universität war ihr erster Vorsitzender - ord. Prof. Dr. habil. Adam Lityński.
Wizerunek Uniwersytetu Śląskiego (UŚ) przedstawiano w różny sposób. Problemem podstawowym, pozwalających na zrozumienie wielu mechanizmów zachodzących w szkołach wyższych w czasach dominacji systemu totalitarnego, sprowadza się do oceny autorytetu ludzi Uniwersytetu, bez którego istota uniwersitas nie istnieje. W roku 1981 budowa opozycyjnych struktur i możliwość skutecznego działania w celu eliminacji różnych nieprawidłowości - w szczególności, gdy chodziło o rozwiązania systemowe, okazała się niemożliwym. Po instytucjonalnym upadku systemu totalitarnego podejmowano próby rozliczeń, które często spotykały się z oporem środowisk akademickich. W UŚ, na wniosek komisji Zakładowej NSZZ Solidarność, dopiero w kwietniu 2007 roku, Senat UŚ podjął uchwałę o powołaniu Komisji Historycznej, która miała przeanalizować postawy z przeszłości ludzi uniwersytetu, w oparciu o dokumenty Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej i Archiwum Uczelni. Zaistniała szansa na obiektywne przyjrzenie się nie tylko historii instytucji, ale także dokonanie oceny postaw pracowników. Chodziło o wskazania nie tylko negatywnych przykładów zachowań, które w domyśle miały oznaczać naruszanie zasad etyki akademickiej, szczególnie w kontekście wypływającym z oświadczeń lustracyjnych, ale także heroicznych postaw pracowników UŚ w latach 1968-90. Raporty Komisji były upubliczniane czy to w formie informacji o pracach, czy też w całości przez Gazetę Uniwersytecką. Jednym z najbardziej aktywnych członków prac Komisji Historycznej Senatu UŚ był jej pierwszy Przewodniczący, Prof. zw. dr hab. Adam Lityński.
Legislative competences guaranteed the voivodeship far-reaching independence within the Polish state’s system of government. A fundamental question arises as to what extent the scope of matters defined as self-governing by the constitutional bill of July 15, 1920, mak- ing the Silesian voivodship autonomous, breached the fundamental principles upon which the structure of government was based according to the March Constitution passed eight months later. It is mainly the case of the state’s uniformity. The terms a “self-governing system” and an “autonomous system of government” may be used interchangeably, noting that the binding phrase for a lawyer should be: a system based on self-governing laws, as it derives from statutory terminology. Regardless of which of these terms we are going to use, they will contain in essence, in their semantic layer a broad form of decentralization, perceived as a scope of competences ascribed to a given community and giving a local community vast freedom to realize their most required goals.
After gaining independence, the Second Republic of Poland had to face many chal- lenges, among which the unification of the political system was the most important one. It deter- mined the stability of life, the homogeneity of the political system, the elimination of regional particularisms, and the construction of the basis which would unite social structure. This process faced obstacles that were frequently impossible to overcome. It was vital to reconcile contradic- tions with challenges imposed by various factors based on inner conditioning and additionally reinforced with a catastrophic economic situation, with a complex social and national condition, as well as international situation. The newly-established Silesian voivodeship was one of those regions where most of the aforementioned problems were especially pronounced. It was connected with a vast decentraliza- tion which took the form of the autonomy that was granted to this voivodeship. The present article discusses only a handful of examples that depict the conflicts which in practical terms manifested the differences concerning the extent of autonomous rights that had been attributed to the Silesian voivodeship. At that time, the conflicts were not accompanied by the doctrinal debate nor by any other legal discussion on the matter in question that would specify mutual relations between the central government units and the autonomous authorities, mainly the Silesian Sejm. The problem of the autonomy of the Silesian Voivodeship and the constitutionality of the or- ganic statute became the subject of a serious doctrinal discussion after the adoption of the April constitution in 1935. The changes that had been introduced had a considerable influence on some political solutions of the Silesian voivodeship. This direction seemed to confirm the thesis about the inevitability of serious changes in the political structure of this voivodeship. The adoption of one of the two solutions, namely either the abolishment of the political system that guaranteed autonomy or its deep reconstruction, was just a matter of time.
After the 1921 plebiscite which led to the division of Upper Silesia and the need for the then II Polish Republic to create a self-governing (autonomous) Voivodship in the re- gion, overcoming the results of Germanisation was one of the most important problems to be faced by those responsible for forming the state. The principles of shaping a modern public administration and earlier traditions of a well organised Prussian system, considerably influenced the Polish administrative model se- lected, imposing strict requirements for future Polish administrative staff. A legal envi- ronment had to be involved in the process of creating the framework of the Voivodship’s political system, while the Polish Constitution assumed the preference for clerks to be employed that were native to the region. Content-related and legal preparation of local staff was considered one of the most important factors at the time. This required the establishment of a Polish education system up to and including university level. The delay that occurred in creating such a system was largely due to the predominant German population in Upper Silesia. Other weakening factors included: social differences, lack of staff and tradition in university education in the region and local traits relating to the expected aspirations of children, or lack of; a dire situation that was further exacerbated by the appalling condition of the nation’s economy. Steps were taken to change all of this but the founding of a university with its universal idea, failed to materialise through the haze of local conditions and for all intents and purposes appeared to have been a lost cause. Eventually, and after a lapse of almost fifty years, the original idea finally reached fruition in 1968 with the founding of the University of Silesia in Katowice.