Der Band enthält die Abstracts ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.
Academic reading has gained considerable interest among language theoreticians and practitioners as a key component of generally understood academic literacy competencies. Yet, despite the unquestionable importance of developing advanced reading skills in both L1 and L2 academic settings, a definition of the concept of academic reading is still not easy to formulate. In an attempt to better understand the notion of academic reading, this article first, provides an overview of the goals of academic reading comprehension, with special focus on reading to learn, and then, discusses the relationship of academic reading to other concepts currently employed with reference to academic literacy. The article finishes with some guidelines for L2 reading instruction developed at the academic level.
L'article contient uniquement les résumés en anglais.
Nauka zorientowana na treść z przedmiotów z różnych obszarów tematycznych w języku obcym wymaga skutecznego zrozumienia tekstu przy pomocy odpowiednich strategii czytania i uczenia się. Niniejsza publikacja przedstawia wgląd w złożoną metodę strategiczną dotyczącą uczenia się z tekstu zwaną wzajemnym czytaniem. Chociaż ta metoda przynosi korzyści uczniom na wszystkich szczeblach edukacji, niniejsza publikacja skupia się na wytycznych, według których należy postępować podczas wprowadzania wzajemnego czytania do procesu uczenia się z tekstu akademickiego w języku obcym. Na początku przedstawiono krótki przegląd definicji i głównych celów omawianej metody. Następnie omówiono teoretyczne podstawy wzajemnego czytania oraz wybrane aspekty związane z jego wykorzystaniem. Na koniec zwrócono szczególną uwagę na stosowanie metody wzajemnego czytania podczas uczenia się z tekstu na poziomie akademickim napisanego w języku obcym.
Studying content-area subjects in a foreign language requires efficient text comprehension with the help of adequate reading and learning strategies. The current paper provides an insight into a multiple strategic approach to learning from text called reciprocal reading. Although the approach is beneficial for students at all the levels of institutional education, this paper focuses on guidelines to be adopted while implementing reciprocal reading in learning from academic text in a foreign language. First, a brief review of the definitions and principal objectives of the approach under consideration is offered. Then, the theoretical underpinnings of reciprocal reading are examined and selected aspects connected with its implementation are discussed. Finally, special attention is paid to the use of reciprocal reading tasks in learning from text in a foreign language at the academic level.
It is common knowledge for contemporary teachers at all educational levels that reading literacy and learning attainment require adopting a strategic approach. This article reports the results of the classroom-based study in which a group of English Studies students were guided over a span of time in implementing text-based questions as a component of reciprocal reading tasks. The primary goal of the study was to trace changes appearing in the quality in the use of student-generated questioning in one-term reciprocal reading training and in delayed sessions, nine months later. Some changes were identified in the students’ actual performance by assessing the quality of the questions the students asked throughout the training and delayed sessions. Also, the students’ perceptions regarding the instruction routines they participated in, were elicited by means of two interviews. The article puts forward some important insights from the study for organizing efficient classroom instruction in support of EFL students’ reading and learning achievement.
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