W procesie spalania paliw stałych następuje rozpad ziaren węgla na mniejsze fragmenty. Podczas rozpadu ziarna węgla następuje skokowy wzrost powierzchni spalania, co prowadzi do skrócenia całkowitego czasu spalania ziarna oraz poprawy skuteczności spalania, poprzez lepszą wymianę masy i ciepła. W artykule określono mechanizmy procesu fragmentacji ziaren węgla podczas spalania w atmosferze wzbogaconej tlenem. Wyznaczono również prawdopodobieństwo i stopień fragmentacji pierwotnej oraz wtórnej dla czterech różnych typów węgli oraz przeanalizowano wpływ temperatury w komorze paleniskowej i średnicy ziarna na proces termicznego rozpadu.
Brown and hard coal particles undergo fragmentation during combustion process i.e. the decomposition of coal into a small pieces. It causes increase of combustion surface and accelerates combustion process. Results of experimental investigations of thermal fragmentation for four different types of coals during oxygen-enriched air combustion are presented in this paper. Probability and degree of fragmentation are determined. The effects of coal rank, temperature in combustion chamber and particle size on fragmentation have been also determined.
The combustion of coal in mixture of pure O2 and recycled flue gas is one variant of a novel combustion approach called oxy-fuel combustion. Conventional boilers use air for combustion in which the nitrogen from the air (approximately 79% by volume) dilutes the CO2 concentration in the flue gas. The capture of carbon dioxide from such dilute mixtures using amine stripping is relatively expensive. The recycled flue gases mainly consist of CO2 and H2O and are used to create combustion conditions similar to those of air. Spherical coal particles of 10 mm in diameter were combusted in the mixtures of O2/CO2 in a 10 kW bench scale unit at a temperature of 700-85O°C.
W pracy przeanalizowano oddziaływanie stężenia tlenu w mieszaninie O2/CO2 na przebieg procesu spalania paliw zawiesinowych, utworzonych z różnych typów węgli. Dla porównania pomiary przeprowadzono również w strumieniu powietrza. Spalanie tlenowe jest postrzegane współcześnie jako jeden z głównych kierunków rozwoju zero emisyjnych technologii energetycznych. Również badania spalania zawiesinowych paliw węglowo-wodnych nabierają coraz większego znaczenia, szczególnie w naszym kraju ze względu na niekorzystny bilans paliwowy, zdominowany przez węgiel kamienny i brunatny. W ramach pracy wykonano pomiary przebiegu zmian temperatury na powierzchni i w środku paliwa zawiesinowego, ubytku jego masy, czasu i temperatury zapłonu paliwa za pośrednictwem części lotnych wydzielających się z zawiesiny oraz wyznaczono całkowity czas procesu. Od Redakcji: Artykuł został wydrukowany ponownie, ponieważ w poprzednim zeszycie (Vol.11 (2011) nr 1-2) podczas opracowania redakcyjnego wstawiono do tekstu niewłaściwe rysunki. Redakcja przeprasza autorów za pomyłkę.
Combustion process of coal-water slurries in O2/CO2 mixtures is analyzed in this paper. The combustion in oxygen is one from the zero - emission energetic technologies, From second side, the necessity to undertake the research of coal-water combustion in our country results from the fuel structure of the Polish power industry where 97% of electric energy is produced from coal. The effect of oxygen concentration on combustion process of coal-water slurries, made from different types of coals, is determined, Detailed comparisons of fuels temperatures, mass loss, ignition time, devolatilization time and char combustion time have been made for coal-water slurries combusted in air and various O2/CO2 mixtures.
W pracy przestawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu fragmentacji czterech różnych typów węgli podczas spalania w temperaturze 850°C w mieszaninach O2/CO2 oraz dla porównania w powietrzu. Wyznaczono mechanizmy fragmentacji dla trzech węgli kamiennych (typu 31.1, 32.1 i 32.2) i węgla brunatnego, jak również określono oddziaływanie podwyższonych koncentracji tlenu na proces fragmentacji. Wyznaczono prawdopodobieństwo i stopień fragmentacji w wyniku szoku termicznego, fragmentacji pierwotnej oraz wtórnej dla badanych węgli. Przeanalizowano także wpływ typu węgla, średnicy ziaren oraz temperatury w komorze spalania na proces fragmentacji.
Results of experimental investigation of the fragmentation process for four different types of coals during combustion in air and O2/CO2 mixtures are presented in this paper. The mechanisms of fragmentation for three hard coals and one brown coal are determined. Probability and degree of fragmentation due to thermal shock, primary fragmentation and secondary fragmentation are also determined. The effects of coal rank, temperature in combustion chamber and particle size on fragmentation have been also determined.
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Opracowano nowy sposób otrzymywania kluczowego półproduktu do syntezy substancji oftalmicznej nepafenak. Zgodnie z procedurą 2-amino-3-benzoilo-α-(metylotio)fenyloacetamid (5A) uzyskano w wyniku przegrupowania [2,3]-sigmatropowego Gassmana, w reakcji 2-aminobenzofenonu (1A) z 2-(metylotio)acetamidem (2), wobec dotychczas nieopisanych w literaturze czynników chlorujących, takich jak N-chloroftalimid (3) i 1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimetylohydantoina (4). Nowa metoda charakteryzuje się efektywnością, dogodnymi warunkami prowadzenia reakcji oraz wysoką czystością otrzymywanego półproduktu.
Known synthesis of 2-amino-3-benzoyl-α-(methylthio)phenylacetamide (nepafenac intermediate) was improved by using N-chlorophthalimide or 1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin as chlorination reagents. The product showed a purity of above 98%.
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Nowoczesna metoda tworzenia wiązania węgiel–węgiel, jaką jest sprzęganie Suzuki cieszy się coraz większym zainteresowaniem z punktu widzenia przemysłowego wytwarzania m.in. substancji farmaceutycznych. Unikatowe cechy tej reakcji pozwalają na tworzenie przyjaznych środowisku procesów technologicznych, charakteryzujących się wysoką efektywnością i bezpieczeństwem wytwarzania. Obecnie coraz większą rolę odgrywa wykorzystanie prostych źródeł palladu umożliwiających znaczną redukcję kosztów wytwarzania i uproszczenie metod usuwania katalizatora w porównaniu z typowymi systemami katalitycznymi opartymi na ligandach fosfinowych. Przykładem takiego rozwiązania jest synteza zaawansowanego półproduktu w metodzie otrzymywania substancji lapatinib opracowana w firmie Glaxo. Jednakże opublikowane wyniki są ograniczone do typowych laboratoryjnych warunków prowadzenia reakcji Suzuki. Biorąc pod uwagę wytwarzanie tego związku, dalsze udoskonalenia wydają się być pożądane. Z tego punktu widzenia postanowiono zbadać różne warunki prowadzenia reakcji uwzględniające wykorzystanie różnych rozpuszczalników o odmiennym charakterze fizykochemicznym oraz prostych źródeł palladu, takich jak pallad na węglu aktywnym i octan palladu w obecności prostych zasad organicznych i nieorganicznych w celu znalezienia bardziej korzystnych warunków syntezy.
A review, with 23 refs., including unpublished authors’ data.
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Precursor kinetics and its influence on MOCVD growth was investigated using an infrared absorption gas analyser. After several refinements, the analyser was able to be used to measure time dependent concentrations of precursors in the growth zone. Changes were induced by periodic switching of corresponding bubbler valves. It was proved that precursor transport could be accurately described by the combined plug flow and perfectly mixed tank model. The studies of the precursor trans-port are strategically important for the growth of multilayer structures, when growth time of particular layers becomes comparable to delays and time constants. One example is quantum wells or interdiffused multilayer process (IMP) used in the growth of Hg1-xCdxTe heterostructures, where knowledge of precursor transport characteristics is vital for understanding and properly designing that growth. The model parameters, sc. the delays and time constants for DIPTe and DMCd, were evaluated for various growth conditions and then successfully used to optimise the growth of complex Hg1-xCdxTe heterostructures.
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The acceptor doping of mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) layers grown by MOCVD are investigated. (111)HgCdTe layers were grown on (100)GaAs substrates at 350°C using horizontal reactor and interdiffused multilayer process (IMP). TDMAAs and AsH3 were alternatively used as effective p-type doping precursors. Incorporation and activation rates of arsenic have been studied. Over a wide range of Hg₁₋xCdxTe compositions (0.17 < x < 0.4), arsenic doping concentration in the range from 5×10¹⁵ cm⁻³ to 5×10¹⁷ cm⁻³ was obtained without postgrowth annealing. The electrical and chemical properties of epitaxial layers are specified by measurements of SIMS profiles, Hall effect and minority carrier lifetimes. It is confirmed that the Auger-7 mechanism has decisive influence on carrier lifetime in p-type HgCdTe epilayers.
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The history, status, and recent progress in the middle and long wavelength Hg1-xCdxTe infrared detectors operating at near room temperatures are reviewed. Thermal generation of charge carriers in narrow gap semiconductor is a major limitation or sensitivity. Cooling is a straightforward way to suppress thermal generation of charge carriers and reduce related noise. However, at the same time, cooling requirements make infrared systems bulky, heavy, and inconvenient in use. A number of concepts to improve performance of photodetectors operating at near room temperatures have been proposed and implemented. Recent considerations of the fundamental detector mechanisms suggest that near perfect detection can be achieved without the need for cryogenic cooling. This paper, to a large degree, is based on the research, development, and commercialization of uncooled HgCdTe detectors in Poland. The devices have been based on 3D-variable band gap and doping level structures that integrate optical, detection and electric functions in a monolithic chip. The device architecture is optimized for the best compromise between requirements of high quantum efficiency, efficient and fast collection of photogenerated charge carriers, minimized thermal generation, reduced parasitic impedances, wide linear range, wide acceptance angles and other device features. Recent refinements in the devices design and technology have lead to sensitivities close to the background radiation noise limit, extension of useful spectral range to > 16 µm wavelength and picosecond range response times. The devices have found numerous applications in various optoelectronic systems. Among them there are fast scan FTIR spectrometers developed under MEMFIS project.
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Growth of MOCVD Hg1-xCdxTe (HgCdTe) epilayers on GaAs substrates is described. The paper focuses on the interdiffused multilayer process (IMP). In this process, the CdTe/HgTe growth times are comparable with transition times between the phases. The non-optimum flow velocities and partial pressures that may induce poor morphology and reduce growth rate characterize the growth during transition stages. The optimum conditions for the growth of single layers and complex multilayer heterostructures have been established. One of the crucial stages of HgCdTe epitaxy is CdTe nucleation on GaAs substrate. Successful composite substrates have been obtained with suitable substrate preparation, liner and susceptor treatment, proper control of background fluxes and appropriate nucleation conditions. Due to the large mismatch between GaAs and CdTe, both (100) and (111) growth may occur. It mostly depends on substrate disorientation and preparation, nucleation conditions and growth temperature. Cd or Te substrate treatment just before growth results in (100) and (111) orientation, respectively. Generally, layers with orientation (100) show superior morphology compared to (111) but they are also characterized by hillocks. The benefits of the precursors ethyl iodine (EI) and arsine (AsH3) for controlled iodine donor doping and arsenic acceptor doping are summarized. Suitable growth conditions and post growth anneal is essential for stable and reproducible doping. In-situ anneal seems to be sufficient for iodine doping at any required level. In contrast, efficient As doping with near 100% activation requires ex-situ anneal at near saturated mercury vapours. The transport properties of HgCdTe epilayers indicate on achieving device quality material. Reproducible n- and p-type doping at the low, intermediate and high level (1015-1018 cm-3) has been achieved with stable iodine and arsenic dopants. The mobilities and carrier lifetimes achieved for extrinsically doped n-type and p-type layers follow essentially the same trends observed in state-of-the-art liquid phase epitaxy grown HgCdTe.
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In the paper recent progress at VIGO/MUT (Military University of Technology) MOCVD Laboratory in the growth of Hg1-xCdx Te (HgCdTe) multilayer heterostructures on GaAs/CdTe substrates is presented. The optimum conditions for the growth of single layers and complex multilayer heterostructures have been established. One of the crucial stages of HgCdTe epitaxy is CdTe nucleation on GaAs substrate. Successful composite substrates have been obtained with suitable substrate preparation, liner and susceptor treatment, proper control of background fluxes and appropriate nucleation conditions. The other critical stage is the interdiffused multilayer process (IMP). The growth of device-quality HgCdTe heterostructures requires complete homogenization of CdTe-HgTe pairs preserving at the same time suitable sharpness of composition and doping profiles. This requires for IMP pairs to be very thin and grown in a short time. Arsenic and iodine have been used for acceptor and donor doping. Suitable growth conditions and post growth anneal is essential for stable and reproducible doping. In situ anneal seems to be sufficient for iodine doping at any required level. In contrast, efficient As doping with near 100% activation requires ex situ anneal at near saturated mercury vapours. As a result we are able to grow multilayer fully doped (100) and (111) heterostructures for various infrared devices including photoconductors, photo electromagnetic and photovoltaic detectors. The present generation of uncooled long wavelength infrared devices is based on multijunction photovoltaic devices. The technology steps in fabrication of devices are described. It is shown that near-BLIP performance is possible to achieve at c.a 230 K with optical immersion. These devices are especially promising as 7.8-9.5-J-[mu]m detectors, indicating the potential for achieving detectivities above 10 do potęgi 9 cmHz1/2/W.
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