The right of a disabled person to live in a world which is free from transportation barriers is one of the rights incorporated in the common idea of the right to exist in an environment which is shaped functionally. It is not complex law concerning the comfort of life. This could happen in the case of an able-bodied person who could more easily use public transport or social buildings, for instance. The person, whose physical and mental abilities of functioning in society are dysfunctional, can easily become a victim of legal system where this reality is not necessarily included. In such a situation legal discrimination can even pose danger such a person’s life.
In the present paper the problem of changing law into terror with reference to Polish legislation is described. The problem is being approached from the points of view of morality as well as quality of law. The author argues that absence of morality of law and poor quality of law are the basis for the development of terror. The paper also describes premises of morally wrong of law taken from L.L. Fuller's work „Morality of law” and criteria of quality of law presented by G. Radbruch in „Legal philosophy”.
This article discusses the rules of temporary export of historical artefacts abroad in relation to the regulations on the permits for the temporary transfer of historical artefacts abroad to the territory of another European Union Member State, issued by the provincial conservator of monuments. Polish law distinguishes between three basic approaches to the transport of historical artefacts across the border. Some artefacts can be removed without the need to obtain an export license, some can be exported with an export license, while some cannot be exported from Poland at all. The problem of historical artefacts is related to determining the limits of the owner’s disposal of this particular item. Within the limits specified by the laws and rules of social coexistence, the owners, with the exclusion of other persons, may use things in accordance with the socio-economic purpose of their right, in particular, they may receive benefits and other income from these objects. Within the same limits, they may dispose of the thing, as provided for in Article 140 of the Civil Code. The administrative situation of the owner of historical property results in restrictions in this respect. This also applies to the transfer of such an object across the border. The transfer of historical artefacts abroad is a de facto act subject to administrative regulation. The analysis of legal norms in the context of norms related to extra-legal knowledge will give a full picture of the state’s will to protect national heritage, as well as reveal the theory of public administration activity in this area, which can be called the theory of state intervention in the export of historical artefacts abroad.
Zezwolenie wydawane przez wojewódzkiego konserwatora zabytków na podstawie art. 83a ustawy o ochronie przyrody jest decyzją administracyjną sformalizowaną w stopniu większym niż wymaga tego art. 107 K.p.a. Charakter prawny zezwolenia na usunięcie drzew lub krzewów z terenu nieruchomości wpisanej do rejestru zabytków jest niejednoznaczny. Nie da się go bez wątpliwości przypisać do działań z zakresu ochrony zabytków lub działań z zakresu ochrony przyrody. Wiele przesłanek wskazuje na to, że pomimo wydawania zezwolenia przez wojewódzkiego konserwatora zabytków jest to działanie z zakresu ochrony przyrody.
Permission given by provincial monument conservator on the grounds of art 83a The Act of nature protection is an administrative act more formalized than art. 107 Code of Administrative Procedure requires. The legal character of permit to remove trees or shrubs from an area of property entered in the register of monuments is ambiguous. It is impossible to treat such activity merely as an activity of monument protection or merely an activity of nature protection. There are many premises to view such activity as protection of nature despite the fact that permission is given by monuments protection conservator.
As Article 42(2) of the Polish Constitution provides: “Anyone against whom criminal proceedings have been brought shall have the right to defence at all stages of such proceedings. He may, in particular, choose counsel or avail himself – in accordance with principles specified by statute – of counsel appointed by the court.” This provision should be also applied to a legal situation of the accused in the petty offence proceedings. The purpose of this article is to point out the lack of an actual guarantee for persons with dysfunctions, indicated in Article 21 § 1 of the Petty Offences Procedure Code (KPW), to exercise their right to defence. This right is not fully exercised, although KPW Article 4 directly provides that “the accused shall have the right to defence, including the right to a counsel, of which s/he should be instructed.” According to Article 42(3) of the Polish Constitution, “Everyone shall be presumed innocent of a charge until his guilt is determined by the final judgment of a court.” According to the amendments mentioned above, this rule will be violated.
Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w art. 42 ust. 2 stanowi: „Każdy, przeciw komu prowadzone jest postępowanie karne, ma prawo do obrony we wszystkich stadiach postępowania. Może on w szczególności wybrać obrońcę lub na zasadach określonych w ustawie korzystać z obrońcy z urzędu”. Normę tę należy odnosić również do sytuacji prawnej obwinionego w postępowaniu w sprawach o wykroczenia. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie braku rzeczywistych gwarancji na realizację prawa do obrony osób mających dysfunkcję organizmu, wyrażonych w art. 21 § 1 Kodeksu postępowania w sprawach o wykroczenia (k.p.w.). Prawo to nie jest w pełni realizowane pomimo wskazania wprost w art. 4 k.p.w., że „obwinionemu przysługuje prawo do obrony, w tym do korzystania z pomocy jednego obrońcy, o czym należy go pouczyć”. Artykuł 42 ust. 3 Konstytucji RP stanowi: „Każdego uważa się za niewinnego, dopóki jego wina nie zostanie stwierdzona prawomocnym wyrokiem sądu”. Zgodnie z opisywaną nowelizacją, reguła ta będzie złamana.
Dobra współpraca administracji ochrony zabytków i Kościoła katolickiego w zachowaniu dla przyszłych pokoleń zabytkowych obiektów sakralnych jest szczególnym wyrazem wskazanej w Preambule Konstytucji RP wdzięczności przodkom, za kulturę zakorzenioną w chrześcijańskim dziedzictwie Narodu i ogólnoludzkich wartościach. Najważniejszymi wadami prawa dotyczącego ochrony zabytków, które utrudniają realizację tego celu, jest niedookreślony zasięg luzu decyzyjnego wynikający m. in. z w zasadzie otwartego katalogu pozwoleń, co skutkuje pozornością dookreślenia obowiązku. Znaczna ilość klauzul generalnych powoduje umocnienie pozycji administracji ochrony zabytków względem podmiotu podporządkowanego w stosunku administracyjnoprawnym, co może prowadzić do zjawiska nadużycia władzy. Brakuje wyrażonych wprost konkretnych kryteriów oceny stanu faktycznego związanego z wydawaniem lub odmową wydania pozwolenia, co dla podmiotu zobowiązanego w stosunku administracyjnoprawnym może grozić utratą bezpieczeństwa prawnego w wykonywaniu swych praw.
A good cooperation between the historical monuments protection authority and the Catholic Church, aimed at preserving historical religious monuments for future generations, is a token of gratitude to our ancestors for our culture rooted in the Christian heritage of the Nation and in universal human values, as referred to in the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The most significant defects of law on historical monuments protection, which make it difficult to achieve this goal, is the underdetermined margin of decision which is a result, inter alia, of an open list of permits, which in turn results in apparent determination of an obligation. A large number of general clauses strengthens the position of the historical monuments protection authority with regard to the entity subordinate in the administrative and legal relations, which may lead to the abuse of power. There are no directly determined specific criteria of assessment of the actual status related to the issue of or refusal to issue a permit, which for the obliged entity in the administrative and legal relations may result in the loss of legal certainty in exercising its rights.
The right of a disabled person to live in a world which is free from transportation barriers is one of the rights incorporated in the common idea of the right to exist in an environment which is shaped functionally. It is not complex law concerning the comfort of life. This could happen in the case of an able-bodied person who could more easily use public transport or social buildings, for instance. The person, whose physical and mental abilities of functioning in society are dysfunctional, can easily become a victim of legal system where this reality is not necessarily included. In such a situation legal discrimination can even pose danger such a person’s life.
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