Analysis of the cumulative cavitation erosion curvesleads to the inkling that material destruction may be controlled by hardening ab initio, hence one can regards the process runs in hardening regime or may be determined by hardening processes only after some time from the beginning of the erosion, i.e., implying the process proceeds in fatigue dominant regime in the initial stages. Verification of material damage susceptibility on the variations of parameters referring to fatigue strength or material ability to mechanical hardening without changing other parameters is almost unfeasible. The method of resolving the cavitation erosion regime for given material has been proposed. The major role of fatigue strength and hydrogen diffusivity at normal temperature in the process was assumed. The scope of the work covers determining the auxiliary parameter values for selected erosion curves obtained under the ICET Programme and referring them to fatigue strength and hydrogen diffusivity of the materials employed, which led to constituting the classification predictor.
Two-parameter phenomenological model for quantification of the cavitation damage process in its initial — incubation stage inspired by Förster energy migration theory is presented in the paper. The model built was supplemented with functional relationships between calculation parameters and strength parameters of the materials derived for chosen cavitation loading conditions. Experiments at the rotating disk set-up have been carried out in order to obtain necessary experimental data. The values of calculation parameters have been determined by adjusting the theoretical erosion curve to experimental one. Preliminary experimental verification of the model soundness consisted in comparing theoretical to experimental results obtained from both the ICET program and the experimental investigations of the cavitation erosion at Banki-Michel turbine blades. Reliability as well as the sources of inaccuracy and uncertainties were also discussed. The far-reaching aim of the work is to create the calculation tool for prediction of cavitation erosion performance in hydro-turbines during their operating cycle.
Prediction of cavitation erosion performance of the Banki-Michel turbine blades is a domain of the paper. Method based on the phenomenological simulation model has been tested. Experimental research were conducted in hydro power plant in Jeziorany (Poland). Methodology employed consists in determining the cumulative erosion curves for the blades and computing the corresponding theoretical curves. Compatibility of the experimental and theoretical dependences has been accomplished by calibrating the computational parameter values. Analysis of the correlations derived was carried out. As it was found, dependence of the computational parameters on the loading is weak, thus the loading can be accounted in the cavitation erosion prediction procedure as a factor.
Praca dotyczy przewidywania kawitacyjnego niszczenia łopatek turbiny Banki-Michela w oparciu o fenomenologiczny symulacyjny model erozji. Badania eksperymentalne prowadzono w elektrowni wodnej w Jezioranach (Polska). Metodyka badań polegała na wyznaczeniu krzywych erozyjnych zużycia łopatek turbiny, wyznaczeniu odpowiadających im krzywych modelowych poprzez odpowiedni dobór parametrów obliczeniowych oraz dokonaniu analizy uzyskanych korelacji. Ustalono, że zależność parametrów równań modelowych od obciążenia jest niewielka, wobec czego w procedurze przewidywania obciążenie może być uwzględniane jako mnożnik.
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