In this study, thermogravimetric behavior of Soma and Tuncbilek lignites of Turkey, and the effect of different particle sizes on thermal properties of these lignites were investigated. Samples were first crushed in a jaw crusher under close control and four different size fractions were obtaibed. By using approximately 10 mg samples, non-isothermal thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) experiments were carried out on a temperature range of ambient temp. to 900 °C in air atmosphere. Linear heating rate of 10 °C/min and the air flow rate of 5 ml/min were chosen as operating parametrs. Peak and burn-out temperatures were slightly decreased as the particle size decreased. Kinetic parameters of the samples were obtained from differential thermogravimetric data by using an Arrhenius type reaction model. TG/DTG thermograms of both samples showed two reaction regions at two different temperature ranges; first region was to be due to the combustion of carbon part of the samples, and the second region was due to the decomposition of the mineral matter in the samples. Lower activation energies were found for the Soma samples. Particle size had almost no effect on the activation energies in the major combustion region of both samples. Thermogravimetry was found to be very suitable for combustion characterization of coal samples.
W pracy badano węgle brunatne pochodzące z miejscowości Soma i Tuncbilek w Turcji. Próbki węgli poddano kruszeniu w celu przygotowania czterech różnych klas ziarnowych. Przeprowadzono nieizotermiczne pomiary termograwimetryczne (TG/DTG) w zakresir temperatur od 20 do 900 stopni C w obecności powietrza stosując liniową szybkość ogrzewania wynoszącą 10 stopni na minutę przy przepływie powietrza wynoszącego 5ml/min. Stwierdzono, że pliki przemian i temperatura spalania nieznacznie malały z wielkością ziaren. Obliczono kinetyczne parametry procesu w oparciu o uzyskane dane termograwimetryczne używając do tego celu zależności Arrheniusa. Termograwimetryczny (tG/DTG) pokazały, że oba węgle posiadają dwa różne zakresy reakcji zachodzące przy różnych temperaturach. Pierwszy zakres jest wynikiem spalania substancji węglowej próbki podczas gdy drugi zakres jest spowodowany rozkładem substancji mineralnej węgla. Niższe energie aktywacji uzyskano dla węgla pochodzącego z Soma niż dla węgla Tuncbilek. Stwierdzono także, że wielkość ziarn nie miała prawie wpływu na energię aktywizacji spalania obu próbek. Wyniki badań potwierdziły, że termograwimetria jest bardzo użyteczna do termicznej charakterystyki próbek węglowych. Vol. 1, nr 32 s. 149-156, Bibliogr. 15 poz., rys. 2, tab. 4
Background: Although racial and ethnic variations in the morphology of anatomical structures are defined well, the size, shape, and weight of the thyroid gland have not previously been reported in Turkish people. This study provides data about the morphometric features of the thyroid gland, thyroid lobes, and pyramidal lobe, and highlights some anatomical variations in people from the Marmara region in Turkey. Material and methods: The material for the present study consisted of thyroid glands obtained from 75 male and 15 female adult cadavers aged between 18 and 80 years. A dissection was carried out and the thyroid glands were exposed. The glands were weighed and measured according to the various age groups of the patients. Results: Results: A pyramidal lobe was found to be present in 57.8% of the cadavers (52/90). During midline dissection of the neck 2 males out of 90 cadavers, giving an incidence of 2.22%, did not show an isthmus. The mean thyroid weight was 26.11 ± 8.14 g. In males it was 26.93 ± 7.96 g while in females it was 21.93 ± 7.98 g. Conclusions: This is the first reported morphometric study on cadaveric thyroid glands from Turkey and it highlights individual and ethnic/racial variations. In order to perform safe and effective surgery and for the accurate diagnosis of thyroid disorders, knowledge of normal anatomy and the variations of the thyroid gland are essential. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 2: 103–108)
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