The LNS Superconducting Cyclotron has been working in stand alone mode since the beginning of 2000, after 5 years of operation as a booster of the 15 MV Tandem. The new mode has proven to be by far more advantageous than the previous one from the point of view of operation. Working with axial injection, a quite high number of new beam types has been developed. The new mode allows for acceleration of H2 + molecules, which break into two protons when crossing a stripper in the beam line out of the cyclotron. 62 MeV protons have been used for radiotherapy since February 2002. The new mode allows to inject a more intense beam as compared to the previous mode. Therefore, an upgrading program of the cyclotron has started, aiming at having an intense extracted beam to be used as a primary beam in a facility for production of radioactive beams. Beam tests have been accomplished to evaluate transmission figures, while the upgrading of the present electrostatic deflectors has started: new deflector systems, able to dissipate high beam power and allowing for easier maintenance, have been designed and will soon be tested in the machine.
A four sector compact superconducting cyclotron for light ion beams with a maximum energy of 250 MeV/amu has been studied. This cyclotron is mainly designed to accelerate H2 + ions to be extracted by stripping. Ions like C, O or Ne can also be accelerated and extracted by stripping. Extraction by stripping allows to overcome many problems, especially if a certain beam intensity is requested. The preliminary design model of the magnet circuit has been accomplished with the 3D electromagnetic code OPERA [4]. The design of the main coils and of the cryostat has been investigated, too. The features of beam dynamics of this cyclotron, including extraction trajectories, will be presented. Several fields of application have been envisaged for this cyclotron, namely nuclear physics, therapy treatment, interdisciplinary research and radioisotope production using low or medium intensity beams.
We are going to change the present radio-frequency sources with a new one, based on the Direct Digital Synthesis (from now on referred to as DDS) technique [6]. A first prototype with three different sinusoidal signal sources has been tested and the preliminary results give us some confidence for future applications. In brief, we would like to obtain a multiple frequencies system where the present stability between our RF systems is still ensured, together with a more flexible and easier way to synthesise the sinusoidal signals.
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