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Scienitific explanations of women's crime have often been dependent on dominant etiological systems of men's crime. The observed increased growth and the sort of crime committed by young girls and women, as well as the occurrence of young-female gangs, cause scholars to search for a reliable theory which would indicate why women are inclined to commit crime. The paper analyses the theories about women's crime that are predominant in world's literature. The author first concentrates on the early bio-psychological theories, which where the first in trying to explain the criminal behavior of women. Then the 'gender roles' and 'emancipation' theories are discussed, which help to show the historical outline. Currently, the 'power-control' theory - by John Hagan and his team, which tries to adapt the 'control' theory, plays a big role in explaining women's crime. Worthy of attention is the application of Robert Agnew's 'strain' theory to the issue. Also feminist criminology had a contribution in trying to explain the crime problem. It concentrated on the different evolvements of criminal behavior arising from the differences in gender. By focusing on the environment in which girls and women live in, particularly their victimization, it is expected that the causes of crime will be better understood. In Poland the problem of women's crime is underrepresented. The author expresses his hope, that this study will arouse interest in the matter and will also be of help in improving the 'prevention/re-socializing' methods for potential or current women offenders.
In 2008 Committee on Critical Mineral Impacts of the U.S. Economy, presented a definition of strategic raw materials, which was also adopted by the countries of the European Union. A group of strategic raw materials includes 12 minerals/materials with a very critical economic importance and specific conditions related to the criticality and risk of shortage of supply. The risk of the shortage of supply is mainly due to a limited number of sources of origin. These are: rhenium, tellurium, iron, aluminum, bauxite, magnesite, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium, zinc, nickel and chromium. The attention is put on the raw materials used in large quantities in the key industries (iron, aluminum) and the strategic raw materials which include among others: traditional ingredients of alloy steel (vanadium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum). The above list of 12 strategic raw materials is a proposal, which can be modified as a result of the reduction of strategic raw materials resources in European countries. The strategic raw materials are found in temperate locations in the world and have few substitutes. The analysis of the literature on identified technologies has showed that the most recognizable way to enrich the specific raw materials is by processing their ores, which are the carriers of many metals. The ore is processed to improve their chemical composition, to standardize their chemical and physico-chemical properties, to ensure the appropriate sizes of the ore pieces. Since the mined ores are mostly not suitable for direct processing, an important process is multi-enrichment. The enrichment of ores can be divided into: mechanical and chemical enrichment. The process of ore processing was applied to the following materials: rhenium, iron, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium, zinc, nickel and chromium. A comprehensive assessment of mineral potential of the European Union countries and the so-called identification of strategic raw materials a priority of the EU raw materials policy.
W 2008 r. Komitet ds. Kopalin Krytycznych dla Gospodarki Stanów Zjednoczonych przedstawił definicję surowców strategicznych, która została również przyjęta przez kraje Unii Europejskiej. Grupę surowców strategicznych stanowi 14 surowców, tj.: baryt, diatomity, perlit, talk, gliny ceramiczne (wraz z kaolinem), surowce skaleniowe, surowce boru, bentonit, srebro, miedź, piaski kwarcowe, lit, tytan i wapienie. Mają one ważne znaczenie ekonomiczne i charakteryzują się wysokim ryzykiem niedoboru lub braku podaży. Sytuacja ta jest wynikiem ograniczonej ilości źródeł ich pozyskiwania. Niniejszy rozdział prezentuje podsumowanie pracy przeglądowej IMBiGS dotyczącej surowców deficytowych. Praca ta zawierała m. in. informacje o: kopalinach/surowcach krytycznych i ich właściwościach fizykochemicznych oraz ich występowaniu i wydobyciu w Polsce, stosowanych technologiach wzbogacania rud i przetwórstwie koncentratów w celu pozyskania surowców deficytowych a także gospodarce surowcami deficytowymi w Polsce oraz o obszarach ich zastosowania. Kompleksowa ocena potencjału surowcowego krajów Unii Europejskiej oraz identyfikacja tzw. surowców krytycznych, niezbędnych dla jej harmonijnego i zrównoważonego rozwoju gospodarczego oraz postępu technologicznego, jest jednym z priorytetów polityki surowcowej UE.
In 2008 Committee on Critical Mineral Impacts of the U.S. Economy, presented a definition of deficit raw materials, which was also adopted by the countries of the European Union. A group of deficit raw materials includes 14 minerals/materials which have economic importance and have a high risk of deficiency or lack of supply. These are: barytes, diatomites, perlite, talc, clay ceramics (including kaolin), feldspar, raw material boron, bentonite, silver, copper, silica sands, lithium, titanium and limestone. Such situation is the result of a limited number of sources of acquisition. This paper is a summary of the review work performed by IMBiGS for deficit raw materials. This work contains information on: fuels/raw materials and their physico-chemical properties, occurrence and production in Poland, enrichment of ores and processing concentrates, deficit raw materials management in Poland and the fields of application of these materials. A comprehensive assessment of mineral potential of the European Union countries and the identification of the so-called deficit raw materials necessary for its harmonious and sustainable economic development and technological progress, is one of the priorities of the EU's raw materials policy.
Artykuł omawia problemy związane z gospodarką surowcami krytycznymi, strategicznymi i deficytowymi w Polsce. Gospodarka tymi surowcami obejmuje: zapotrzebowanie na ww. surowce nieenergetyczne, ich import do Polski wraz z głównymi kierunkami importu oraz eksport niektórych z tych surowców poza granice naszego kraju.
This paper presents issues concerning management of critical, strategic and deficit raw materials in Poland. Management of these materials includes: demand for the abovementioned non-energy raw materials, import and the origin of import of non-energy raw materials to Poland, export of some of these materials abroad.
In 2008 Committee on Critical Mineral Impacts of the U.S. Economy, presented a definition of critical raw materials, which was also adopted by the countries of the European Union. According to this definition the critical raw materials are “minerals / materials exposed to the risk of disrupting or interruption of the supply, for which this deficit can have serious economic consequences for the entire economy”. The most critical to the economy of the European Union were considered 14 raw materials of significant economic importance, (i.e.: antimony, beryllium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite, indium, magnesium metal, niobium, platinum group metals, rare earths, tantalum and tungsten) characterized primarily by a high risk of shortage or lack of supply, which result from a limited number of sources of their acquisition. Most materials belonging to this group are essential for the development of new technologies. The above list of 14 critical raw materials is a proposal that can be modified as a result of the reduction of critical raw materials resources in European countries. As a result of the literature analysis of identified technology it was found that the most recognizable way to enrich the individual raw materials is processing their ores, which are the carriers of many metals. The ore is processed in order to improve the chemical composition, standardization of the ore in terms of chemical and physico-chemical properties, providing adequate size pieces of the ore. Since the mined ore is usually not suitable for direct processing, multi-stage process of the ore enrichment is important. The enrichment of metal ores can be divided into: mechanical and chemical enrichment. The process of ore processing was applied to the following materials: beryllium, cobalt, tungsten and fluorite. A comprehensive assessment of mineral potential of the European Union countries and the identification of the so-called critical raw materials necessary for its harmonious and sustainable economic development and technological progress, is one of the priorities of the EU's raw materials policy.
Powietrzne stoły koncentracyjne typu FGX służą do odkamieniania urobku węgla kamiennego. W Instytucie Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego Oddziale Zamiejscowym w Katowicach prowadzi się badania nad możliwością wykorzystania powietrznych stołów koncentracyjnych do wzbogacania krajowych węgli kamiennych. Badano efekty rozdziału różnych klas ziarnowych pod kątem obniżenia zawartości popiołu i podwyższenia wartości opałowej. W uzyskiwanych produktach określano także zawartość siarki całkowitej, mimo iż nie była ona zakładanym kryterium rozdziału. W niniejszym artykule zestawiono zawartość siarki w badanych próbkach (nadawa) oraz produktach rozdziału (koncentrat, produkt pośredni, odpady). Z wielu badanych klas ziarnowych zamieszczono wyniki wzbogacania klasy ziarnowej 20–0 mm i klasy ziarnowej 25–6 mm. Zwrócono uwagę na sposób występowania siarki w węglach kamiennych mający wpływ na efektywność rozdziału (wzbogacania). Zamieszczono też wyniki odsiarczania koncentratów węglowych otrzymywanych podczas wzbogacania w osadzarkach. Prezentowane badania pokazują celowość podjęcia kompleksowej pracy nad wykorzystaniem powietrznych stołów koncentracyjnych typu FGX do odsiarczania węgli kamiennych.
FGX type air concentration tables are used for de-shaling raw coal. At the Institute of Mechanized Construction and Rock Mining, Branch in Katowice studies are carried out on the use of tables for the air enrichment of domestic hard coal. We studied the effects of the separation of different size fractions in terms of the reduction of ash content and increase of the calorific value. The total sulphur content was determined in the obtained products, even though it was not a criterion for the separation. This article presents the sulphur content in the tested samples (the feed) and the separation products (concentrate, middling, rock). Out of many tested grains classes, the article presents the results of enrichment raw coal with a granulation of 20–0 mm and 25–6 mm. Attention was drawn to the way the occurrence of sulphur in hard coals has an impact on the effectiveness of the separation (enrichment). The results of desulfurization of coal concentrates obtained by the enrichment jigs are also included. The presented study shows the desirability of taking up a comprehensive work on the use of air concentration FGX type tables for the desulfurization of coal.
Odpady sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego są źródłem glinu, żelaza (surowce strategiczne), miedzi, srebra (surowiec deficytowy), magnezu, kobaltu i antymonu (surowce krytyczne) oraz kadmu, stopów metali, a także tworzyw sztucznych (polipropylen, akrylonitryl-butadien-styren, polistyren i teflon). Stale postępujący rozwój technologiczny w zakresie sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego powoduje u potencjalnych użytkowników chęć posiadania sprzętu nowej generacji. Naturalną konsekwencją tej prawidłowości jest wzrost ilości wytwarzanych odpadów zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego (ZSEE).
The waste management of waste electrical and electronic equipment are the source of metals, for example: aluminium, iron (strategic raw materials), copper, silver (deficit raw material) magnesium, cobalt, antimony (critical raw materials) and cadmium and alloys, and plastics (for example: polypropylene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, polystyrene and teflon). Constant technological development in the field of electrical and electronic equipment causes potential users to desire newer generation of hardware. The natural consequence of this regularity is to increase the amount of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
W „Planie gospodarki odpadami dla województwa śląskiego na lata 2016–2022”, odpady z górnictwa węgla kamiennego zostały omówione w rozdziale dotyczącym odpadów pochodzących z sektora gospodarczego (w tym odpadów, których zagospodarowanie stwarza problemy). W niniejszym artykule autorzy dokonali analizy masy wytwarzanych odpadów z górnictwa węgla kamiennego na przestrzeni lat 2005–2015 oraz sposobów ich zagospodarowania. Autorzy przedstawili również przykłady „dobrych praktyk” gospodarczego wykorzystania tych odpadów stosowanych w polskich firmach.
In the „Waste Management Plan for the Silesian Province for the years 2016-2022", waste from hard coal mining was discussed in the chapter on waste coming from the economic sector (including waste the management of which poses problems). In this article, the authors analyzed the mass of waste generated from hard coal mining in the years 2005-2015 and the methods of its management. The authors also presented examples of „good practices" of the economic use of this waste applied by Polish companies.
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