Israeli literature is replete with examples of politically engaged poetry, written as a voice of protest and an expression of grief caused by the aftermath of Israel’s policy toward the Palestinian Authority. The poems selected for this study were written by several Israeli authors over the last three decades. The works by Yehuda Amichai, Tuvya Rübner, Meir Wieseltier, David Avidan, Aharon Shabtai, Avner Treinin and Aryeh Sivan concern the issues of mourning, forgiveness, wrath and disgust in the face of war. The analysis is an attempt to look at the recent Hebrew poetry through the prism of grammatical forms associated with the first and second person plural (‘we’ and ‘you’). It is an attempt to examine their function in the poems and the way they create the poetic vision of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Offstage: The revealed and the concealed in An-sky’s The DybbukThe Israeli theatre scholar Shimon Levy describes the works of Samuel Beckett using the category of “offstage,” i.e. what is “backstage” or “behind the scenes.” This notion is also suitable to describe the plot of An-sky’s play The Dybbuk. The plot, which follows the wanderings of the soul of a prematurely deceased lover, is based on a continuous interplay between the explicit and the implicit, the revealed and the concealed, the present and the absent. Applying the category of “offstage” as an analytical tool allows for speaking about the supernatural forces which are depicted in the play, while replacing religious nomenclature with a glossary of terms from the field of theatre. Poza sceną, czyli jawne i niejawne w Dybuku Szymona An-skiegoIzraelski teatrolog Shimon Levy opisuje twórczość Samuela Becketta, posługując się kategorią „offstage”, czyli tego, co znajduje się poza sceną, za kulisami. Kategoria ta doskonale nadaje się także do opisu fabuły Dybuka Szymona An-skiego. Akcja dramatu o wędrówce duszy przedwcześnie zmarłego kochanka opiera się na ciągłej grze jawnego z niejawnym, odkrytego z zakrytym, obecnego z nieobecnym. Zastosowanie kategorii „offstage” jako narzędzia analitycznego pozwala mówić o ukazanych w dramacie siłach nadprzyrodzonych przy zastąpieniu nomenklatury religijnej zestawem pojęć ze sfery teatru.
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