Podano aksjomatykę rachunku operatorów Bittnera oraz przykład wykorzystania tej teorii w analizie układów dynamicznych. Algebraizacja metod analizy matematycznej ma już swoją historię, Wywodzi się ona z przekształceń całkowych Laplace'a i Fourier'a. Innym podejściem jest teoria operatorów Mikusińskiego, którą rozwinął i uogólnił profesor Ryszard Bittner.
This article introduces the Bittner's operational calculus axiomatics and an example of its application in the analysis of dynamic systems. The first steps in the general operational calculus were created by Laplace and Fourier transformations. In this context the operational calculus of Mikusinski, further developed by Bittner, is very interesting and powerful.
The paper presents two structural and measurement variants of the Kalman filter in an integrated navigational system. The shape of a particular model is determined by the measuring capacity of navigational parameters and the assumed form of the state vector.
The article presents formulas describing the values of average circular error, the average coordinate values and their covariance in the function of gradient matrix elements of hyperbolic position lines. The classical formulas do not take into account the correlation existing between the measurements of navigational parameters, and therefore also the correlation existing between position coordinates. This is also why they do not fully describe the accuracy of determined position coordinates. This is particularly significant in the case of strong correlation between coordinates and in cases when we are interested in directional error.
Terrestrial navigation is one of the method of parametric navigation, i.e. a method of fix determination. Recently the method has become quite common again thanks to automated measurements of navigational parameters (radar navigation, radio direction finders and others) and connection with the ECDIS. The accuracy of position coordinates determined by such method is affected by navigational measurement errors and the accuracy of navigational mark coordinates used for position determination. The coordinates values are obtained from nautical publications (including charted data) or from an electronic chart data base. This article presents an original method for an analysis of how the accuracy of navigational mark coordinates affects the accuracy of ship’s fix. Considerations are supplemented with an example of the most common terrestrial position determination in marine navigation.
The sequential method of integrating navigartional parameters obtained from non-simultaneous navigational measurements is presented. The proposed algorithm of position coordinates estimation is general and includes two modes of data processing - from simultaneous and non-simultaneous measurements. It can be used in hybrid receivers of radionavigation systems integrating non-homogeneous position lines or in integrated navigation systems, particulary in receivers combining the measurements of various satellite navigation systems.
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The sequential method of integrating navigational parameters obtained from nonsimultaneous navigational measurements is presented. The proposed algorithm of position coordinates estimation is general and includes two modes of data processing - from simultaneous and non-simultaneous measurements. It can be used in hybrid receivers of radionavigation systems integrating non-homogeneous position lines or in integrated navigation systems, particularly in receivers combining the measurements of various satellite navigation systems.
W artykule przedstawiono sekwencyjną metodę integracji parametrów nawigacyjnych pochodzących z niejednoczesnych pomiarów nawigacyjnych. Zaproponowany w niej algorytm estymacji współrzędnych pozycji jest ogólny i zawiera w sobie dwa przypadki opracowywania pomiarów - jednoczesnych i niejednoczesnych. Może on być wykorzystany w hybrydowych odbiornikach systemów radionawigacyjnych integrujących niejednorodne linie pozycyjne lub w zintegrowanych systemach nawigacyjnych, a w szczególności w odbiornikach łączących pomiary różnych nawigacyjnych systemów satelitarnych.
The article presents an accuracy analysis of calculation made by a Multiagent Decision-Support System (MADSS) of navigation. On the basis of messages received from Universal Ship-borne AIS system (Automatic Identification System) the system calculates the parameters of vessels' encounter and works out the parameters of own vessel's movement (course or speed), which lead to passing other objects according to a set CPA (Closest Point of Approach).
W artykule przedstawiono analizę dokładności obliczeń wykonywanych przez multiagentowy system wspomagania nawigacyjnego procesu decyzyjnego (MADSS - Multi-agents Decision Support System). System ten na podstawie komunikatów odebranych z systemu AIS (Universal Ship borne Automatic Identification System) oblicza parametry spotkania statków oraz wypracowuje nowe parametry ruchu statku własnego (kurs lub prędkość), które prowadzą do rozminięcia z innymi obiektami na zadane CPA (Closest Point of Approach).
We współczesnej, precyzyjnej nawigacji wykorzystuje się dane nawigacyjne pochodzące z różnych źródeł: dane aktualne, uzyskane z sensorów oraz dane archiwalne, otrzymywane z publikacji nautycznych i elektronicznych baz danych nawigacyjnych. Fuzja tych niejednorodnych danych oraz informacji o procesie nawigacyjnym (modelu ruchu obiektu nawigującego) realizowana jest w algorytmach zintegrowanych systemów nawigacyjnych oraz ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System). W prezentowanym artykule przedstawiono jeden z wariantów integracji danych nawigacyjnych uzyskanych z systemów nawigacyjnych o różnej zasadzie pomiarowej. Jako model matematyczny integracji pomiarów zastosowano klasyczny filtr Kalmana. Jego struktura została zdeterminowana dostępnymi urządzeniami nawigacyjnymi – układ nawigacji zliczeniowej oraz odbiornik DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System). Przedstawiony algorytm nawigacji zintegrowanej zilustrowano wynikami badań z wykorzystaniem rzeczywistych pomiarów wykonanych podczas prób morskich na okręcie ratowniczym.
Nowadays precise navigation uses navigation data from various sources: current data from sensors and archival data from the nautical publications and the electronic navigation database. The fusion of these heterogeneous data and information about the navigation process (the model of motion of the navigating object) is performed in the integrated algorithms of navigation systems and in the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). The article presents a variant of the integration of navigational data obtained from the navigation systems of different measurement principle. As the mathematical model of the integration of measurements the classical Kalman filter is used. Its structure was determined by the available navigation devices – the dead reckoning navigation system and DGPS ( Differential Global Positioning System). The presented algorithm of integrated navigation is illustrated by results of research of studies using actual measurements taken during sea trials the ship rescue.
Calculations of position coordinates in dead reckoning navigation essentially comes down to the integration of ship movements assuming an initial condition (position) of the ship. This corresponds to Cauchy’s problem. However, in this case the ship’s velocity vector as a derivative of its track (trajectory) is not a given function, but comes from navigational measurements performed in discrete time instants. Due to the discrete character of velocity vector or acceleration measurements, ship’s movement equations particularly qualify for numerical calculations. In this, case the equation nodes are the time instants of measurements and navigational parameter values read out at those instants. This article presents the applications of numerical integration of differential equations (movement) for measurements of velocity vectors and acceleration vector (inertial navigation systems). The considerations are illustrated with navigational measurements recorded during sea trials of the rescue ship integrated system.
Jednym z elementów bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego transportu morskiego jest analiza sytuacji kolizyjnej oraz rozwiązanie zagadnienia określenia bezpiecznego kąta drogi statku własnego. Współcześnie w nawigacji morskiej parametry manewrów antykolizyjnych określane są z wykorzystaniem radarowych automatycznych systemów akwizycji i śledzenia ech (ARPA - Automatic Radar Plotting Aids). Po wprowadzeniu na wyposaSenie statków systemów automatycznej identyfikacji (AIS - Universal Ship borne Automatic Identification System), które transmitują do innych jednostek pływających oraz brzegowych systemów kierowania ruchem dane o swoim położeniu i parametrach ruchu, można dane te, w połączeniu z danymi nawigacyjnymi statku własnego, wykorzystać do rozwiązywania manewru antykolizyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono analizę dokładności obliczania podstawowych parametrów manewru antykolizyjnego: odległości maksymalnego zbliżenia (CPA - Closest Point of Approach), czasu do momentu największego zbliSenia (TCPA - Time to Closest Point of Approach) oraz bezpiecznego kąta drogi statku własnego w takim właśnie systemie.
One of the elements of safe navigation in sea transport is analysis of collision situation as well as defining the safe angle of own ship's track. Nowadays the parameters of anti-collision maneuvers in navigation at sea are defined by means of radar automatic identification systems and by following the vessel's echoes with the use of ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids). Fitting vessels with AIS- Automatic Identification System which transmits to other vessels, to coastal stations, to vessel traffic systems data regarding own position and parameters connected with vessel's movement has made it possible to use these data and the data of own ship to find best anti-collision maneuver. This article presents the analysis of accuracy of calculating basic parameters of anti-collision maneuver, i.e. CPA- Closest Point of Approach and TCPA- Time of Closest Point of Approach and the safe angle of own ship's track in such a system.
One of the stages that navigation is composed of is making decisions. One indispensable condition for making adequate decisions is assessment of a navigational situation. This article presents one modern method for supporting the decision-making process. The method consists in assessing a navigational situation with the use of artificial intelligence.
The estimation of position coordinates of a navigating ship is one of the navigational subprocesses. The methods used in this process are either deterministic (the case of a minimum number of navigational parameters measurements) or probabilistic (in cases where we have access to information redundancy). Naturally, due to the accuracy and reliability of the calculated coordinates, probabilistic methods should be primarily used. The article presents the use of the method of least squares and Kalman filtering in algorithms in integrated navigation for the estimation of position coordinates, taking into account ship movement parameters.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób określania krzywizny trajektorii statku w płaszczyźnie horyzontu z wykorzystaniem ciągu pozycji GPS. Stosując aproksymację średniokwadratową ciągu pomiarów współrzędnych pozycji, możemy otrzymać równania parametryczne współrzędnych statku. Pozwala to na wykreślenie krzywej płaskiej trajektorii statku oraz jej ewoluty. W artykule przedstawiono przykład krzywoliniowej trajektorii statku oraz jej ewoluty (z cyrkulacją oraz z punktem przegięcia) określonej na podstawie rzeczywistych pomiarów DGPS.
This article describes a method for the determination of ship's trajectory curvature in the horizontal plane using a series of GPS positions. Using mean square approximation of a series of position coordinates measurements we can obtain parametric equations of ship's coordinates. This allows us to plot a ship's plane trajectory curve and its evolute. Besides, an example of ship’s curvi-linear trajectory and its evolute are presented, including the circulation and the inflexion point, determined from actual DGPS measurements.
This article presents the results of synchronous DGPS measurements. The measurements involved two identical receivers with the same software, installed permanently at a fixed distance between each other, in conditions eliminating multipath signal reception. The results analysis, however, shows that the compatibility of received satellite configurations ranges significantly.
GPS signals are of time-spatial nature. And they should be modeled as such in the algorithms for establishing navigational measurements. Therefore, they should be treated as stochastic processes. This article prcsents the results of testing the correlation properties of GPS/DGPS signals. Several measurement series were carried out to obtain position co-ordinates at various times and in various points as well as synchronous measurements of two GPS/DGPS receivers. The tests aimed at identifying the function of auto-correlation between and co-ordinates and the function of intercorrelation between and coordinates. As it turns out, these measurements are significantly correlated, and the mean time of correlation is within the range of a couple or more minutes.
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The increase in the barge-carried cargo volumes in the Lower Odra River area necessitates the tracking of barge traffic in order to ensure the safety of navigation. The Dziwnow DGPS reference station, designed for marine traffic, is located near the mouth of the Odra River. The paper presents the results of investigation into the availability and accuracy of DGPS signal transmitted by the Dziwnow reference station in the Lower Odra River area between Kostrzyn and Szczecin.
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