The purpose of this paper is to explore the references to nuptial customs found in the Song of Songs as well as their place in relation to the structure of the text. The first stage of analysis consists of identifying various types of these references, while the second stage involved analysing and evaluating their positioning within the composition of the Song of Songs as an expression of the editorial intent of the biblical writers. The study has used elements of form analysis and lexical analysis as well as a comparative analysis of biblical and non-biblical/sub-biblical texts. The analysis revealed that the most important places in the structure of the Song of Songs are allocated to the so-called “poetic episodes,” which have been distinguished earlier, concerning the different stages of nuptials – engagement negotiations, wedding procession, wedding feast and consummation of the marriage. Therefore, they constitute a point of reference for the interpretation of the remaining songs and at the same time the teachings of the sages in the Song of Songs.
Opracowanie podejmuje problem doświadczania wartości oraz roli wychowania chrześcijańskiego w przezwyciężaniu współczesnego kryzysu wartości w zakresie materializmu i problemów związanych z wartością wolności. Zasadniczym przedmiotem badań była rola wychowania chrześcijańskiego w przezwyciężaniu problemów kryzysu wartości. Głównym celem badania było określenie roli wychowania chrześcijańskiego w przezwyciężaniu konfliktów wartości zawiązanych z materializmem i wolnością. Próbowano odpowiedzieć na pytanie: w jakim zakresie i w jaki sposób Kościół wspiera jednostki w procesach refleksji oraz prób przełamywania własnego materializmu? Celem pomocniczym było zbadanie jakie doświadczenie wartości posiadają badani studenci. Z tym celem wiąże się drugi przedmiot badań, jakim jest doświadczanie wartości. Wstępne badanie miało formę krótkiego sondażu, w ramach którego pytano studentów Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie o doświadczanie wartości. Drugi etap badań został zrealizowany metodą wywiadu fokusowego, uczestniczyły w nich dwie grupy studentek pedagogiki.Badania pozwoliły wyodrębnić cztery wymiary doświadczania wartości, określić najważniejsze według studentek wartości we współczesnym wychowaniu chrześcijańskim oraz opisać rolę wychowania chrześcijańskiego w przezwyciężaniu problemów materializmu i realizacji wolności, zarówno tę pozytywną, jak i negatywne jej aspekty. Najważniejsze postulaty dotyczące wspierania młodych w doświadczaniu i wyborze wartości odnoszą się do zmiany w komunikacji i postawie księży wobec wychowanka, zmiany celów wychowawczych w zakresie przygotowania wychowanka do doświadczeń aksjonormatywnych oraz inicjowania działań w zakresie różnych form doświadczania wartości.
The study addresses the problem of experiencing values and the role of Christian education in overcoming the contemporary crisis of values in terms of materialism and problems related to the value of freedom. The main subject of research was the role of Christian education in overcoming the problems of the crisis of values. The main aim of the study was to define the role of Christian education in overcoming conflicts of values associated with materialism and freedom. Attempts have been made to answer the following question: to what extent (and how) does the Church support individuals in reflections upon their own materialism and their attempts to overcome it? The auxiliary aim was to investigate what experience of value have surveyed students. The initial study took the form of a short survey in which students of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow were asked about their experience of values. The second stage of the research was carried out using the focus group method, involving two groups of pedagogy students.The research allowed four dimensions of experiencing values to be distinguished, identifying the most important values according to female students in contemporary Christian education and defining the role of Christian education in overcoming the problems of materialism and the realization of freedom, both the positive and negative aspects of it. The most important postulates concerning supporting young people in experiencing and choosing values apply changes in priests’ communication and attitude towards persons, changes in educational goals in the area of preparing young people for axionormative experiences and initiating activities in various forms of experiencing values.
Il tema della fedelta nella visione deuteronomista non costituisce un argomento a se stante, alla quale vengono dedicate alcune della pericope, ma viene iscritta nei testi di diverso carattere. Dio e presentato come fedele, invece nella prospettiva storica si percepisce prima di tutto l'infedelta passata d'Israele. E proprio per questo, che la fedelta diventa una sfida per il popolo eletto. Nel contesto del patto essa viene espressa nella lealta, che vuol dire rimanere saldamente legati a Dio. La legge cioe la Torah che Mose insegna, diviene dunque l'indicatore della fedelta, della fedelta ancorata nell'alleanza. Per il fondamento di fedelta cosi compresa si trova nel precetto di amore per Dio. Nel Deuteronomio, che ha un carattere parenetico, Mose e presentato come colui che si rivolge ad Israele col grande ardore e attraverso gli ammonizioni e gli insegnamenti lo richiama alla fedelta.
This article deals with teacher interventions in crisis situations regarding a direct threat of students using psychoactive drugs on school premises, particularly in the difficult period of adolescence: 12–16 years of age. The focus of the research was on teacher interventions in situations where students are threatened by psychoactive substances. The research problem was whether the age and experience of the teacher were determinants of such an intervention. It investigated the relevance that a teacher’s age and experience have on their attitude and manner of intervening on behalf of a student when there is an imminent threat from psychoactive substances. The research investigated the importance of a teacher’s age and work experience in their attitude and the manner in which they intervene. It was carried out from 2017 to 2019 among teachers at middle schools in Bielsko-Biala, using the diagnostic survey method and a questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the results showed no statistically significant difference in teachers’ declarations of readiness for intervention. Regardless of age and tenure, the respondents declared a high readiness to intervene. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences according to the teachers’ age and seniority in how the intervention was carried out. Teachers from different age and seniority groups (defined by a specific length of service) more often or less often took some of the actions envisaged in the intervention procedure. Thus, it is feasible to speak of a readiness, or lack thereof, to take certain intervention actions.
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