Przedmiotem rozważań w tym artykule są zagadnienia współzarządzania odniesione do problemów zarządzania miastem. Ze względu na obszerność zarówno problematyki współzarządzania, jak i funkcjonowania miasta jako całości społeczno-przestrzennej, należało dokonać wyboru pewnych aspektów do rozważenia. W pierwszej części dokonano socjologicznego oglądu koncepcji governance (współzarządzania), a następnie, w części drugiej, możliwości wykorzystania jej założeń i zasad w praktyce zarządzania różnymi sferami życia miasta. Określono także czynniki sprzyjające rozwojowi współzarządzania w miastach współczesnych oraz niektóre bariery, funkcjonujące zwłaszcza w krajach postsocjalistycznych.
The paper focuses on problems of governance in contemporary cities. Both concepts: 'governance' and 'city', refer to a socio-spatial entity and are complex and require a broader discussion and analysis. Therefore, it was neccessary to choose some aspects for the present consideraton. In the first part of the paper the concept of governance has been discussed from a sociological point of view. Then, in the second part, we discussed and reviewed some possible applications of the principles and main rules of governance to in various spheres of urban life. Finally, some factors influencing the development of urban governance practices were presented and barriers typical for postsocialist cities were identified.
For three decades, Polish society has been confronted with new expectations and challenges related to the transformation of virtually all areas of life. It has to deal with many problems, as well as with the necessity to acquire new competences, skills, and knowledge in various fields. In this article, the author has identified several key challenges. They refer especially to obtaining capabilities needed for active participation in the market economy and civil society. Social values enabling integration are of key importance among them. According to research cited in the paper, Polish society has insufficient knowledge and competences in these fields. Simultaneously, they are very desirable in the process of modernization of Poland’s economy. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the socialization processes, both formal and non-formal, are adequate to the needs and expectations of the society. It is difficult to overestimate the value of the opportunity to explore freely, to ask questions, and to be allowed to find a solution to a given problem because such experiences support the development of key competences indispensable for proper functioning in the modern, dynamically changing world. In this article, the author points out a vital role of non-formal institutions, particularly the children’s universities, which are more flexible and may have an impact on creating the concept of the future more personalized education.
Cities have emerged thousands years ago as a cultural response to new expectations and aspirations of individuals and social groups. But, meeting these needs always was (and is currently) a very complex process which is often an important source of conflicts, both – spatial and social. It is worth mentioning that within cities, for centuries, there is, often acute, battle for space, for the best localization, for the prestige of the given place. These distinctions between „good” and „bad” neighborhoods are, in many cities, stable and long lasting, supported by generations. Then, one can distinguish divisions based on ethic and religious diversity within the urban space. Sometimes, they enrich city attractions, sometimes they contribute to conflict character of social and spatial relations. This is especially the case when every minority wants to stress its own cultural heritage. There are some other problems connected with the development of gated communities mirroring patterns of social inequalities and social distances existing within the city. For the majority of cities, there are characteristic phenomena of unequal access to some goods and services – so cities are often „places of frustration” generating conflicts between groups. There are also problems strengthening unmanageable conflicts between private and public interests. The development of higher level of urban governance, efficient institutions negotiating various interests and aspirations seems to be the best key to solve spatial and social conflicts within the city.
W pierwszej części artykułu zawarto określenie społeczeństwa dobrze funkcjonującego i jego uwarunkowań. Druga część została poświęcona charakterystyce społeczeństwa polskiego, a zwłaszcza jego "słabym punktom", czyli zagrożeniom występującym w rozmaitych sferach życia społecznego. Następnie wskazano na obszary niezbędnych interwencji. W przekonaniu autorki instytucje gospodarki społecznej mogą i powinny odegrać istotną rolę w rozwoju społeczeństwa dobrze funkcjonującego poprzez ułatwianie osiągania pożądanego ładu społecznego, wpływanie na wzrost kapitału społecznego, uczestniczenie w procesach socjalizacji do przedsiębiorczości i edukacji obywatelskiej. Temu zagadnieniu - aktualnemu i potencjalnemu znaczeniu podmiotów gospodarki społecznej w kształtowaniu dobrze funkcjonującego społeczeństwa w Polsce - została poświęcona ostatnia część artykułu zawierająca pewne rekomendacje.(abstrakt oryginalny)
In the first part of the article, the definition of well functioning society and its prerequisites have been developed. Its second part has been devoted to the characteristics of Polish society, predominantly its weaknesses, that is threats emerging in various spheres of social life. Consecutively, the fields of necessary interventions have been indicated. The author is convinced that institutions of social economy are able and should play critical role in society development, operating effectively through facilitating achievement of desired social order, influencing on the growth of social capital, participating in socialisation processes as well as in entrepreneurship and citizen education. The final part of the article with certain recommendations has been devoted to that issue: the present and potential role the social economy entities play in order to achieve satisfactory performance of Polish society. (original abstract)
Potencjał kulturowy społeczeństwa jest wielowymiarowym zasobem obejmującym elementy materialne i niematerialne, zakorzenienie w kulturze i związane z nim orientacje mentalne, gotowość uczestnictwa w kulturze, łączące się z tym potrzeby i kompetencje, aktywność w różnych dziedzinach życia, wartości prorozwojowe. Szczególnym zasobem są kompetencje i moc wzorotwórcza elit. Innego typu elementy potencjału kulturowego to instytucje kultury wnoszące swój wkład w budowanie kapitału społecznego i kapitału kreatywności. Kolejnym jest szeroko rozumiane dziedzictwo kulturowe. Potencjał kulturowy jest tworzony przez działania jednostek, grup społecznych i instytucji funkcjonujących na różnych poziomach życia społecznego. Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję potencjału kulturowego społeczeństwa, defi niuje go, omawia jego rolę w procesach rozwoju, mechanizmy tworzenia i wzmacniania tego zasobu, wreszcie kwestie zarządzania nim.
The cultural potential of society is a multidimensional resource that encompasses tangible and intangible elements, e.g. mental orientations rooted in culture, needs and competences in the sphere of cultural participation, and activities in other spheres of life, as well as pro-development values. A particular resource are competent elites able to create new patterns of behaviour. Another kind of cultural potential are cultural institutions that contribute to the creation of the social capital and the capital of creativity. Last but not least, there is cultural heritage. Th is potential is created by the actions of individuals, social groups, and institutions functioning on various levels of social life. Th e aim of this paper is to describe the idea of society’s cultural potential. It presents the defi nition of the cultural potential of society, its role in development processes, the issues of creating and strengthening this resource and of managing it.
Objectives: The purpose of this article is to show and highlight the selected development-related trends of urban areas in Poland, with particular emphasis put on the phenomena that constitute urban sprawl, and taking into consideration historical aspects of the urban sprawl. Research Design & Methods: The object of the study was Poland. The important base of the analysis was the historical evolution of the urban sprawl in Poland. The main research method is a comparative analysis based on historical examples in order to show the “roots” of the development processes of the urban sprawl in Poland as well as their characteristic features. Findings: As a result of the research, the authors have determined that the Polish urban sprawl is specific and results from historical changes, the mentality of Polish people, economic processes, and legal conditions (too liberal laws on spatial planning). Contribution / Value Added: This research adds to knowledge about the circumstances of the phenomenon of the urban sprawl in Poland, its evolution, and – above all – the degree of the individualisation of the causes and consequences of the Polish urban sprawl, which will allow decision-makers to adopt appropriate tools to support local development. Implications / Recommendations: Polish urban sprawl is specific due to the high degree of suburban urban chaos (disorganised, spontaneous development), which has negative economic, social, and environmental consequences. In connection with the consequences of urban sprawl, action should be two-fold: on the one hand, it is about organising stretched suburban areas, giving them new spatial, social, cultural, and economic values. Here, an important role is played by spatial and social planning; the search for axes crystallising the organisation of space, i.e. places around which development could concentrate, creating more focused and ordered areas. There is also a need for centres of social concentration that could create centres of social life. This role could be played by cultural institutions (e.g. libraries), educational institutions, or religious institutions. On the other hand, it is necessary to create conditions for a ‘return to the cities’ for those whose life situation has changed, e.g. if their children are of legal age and independent, or who grew up in the suburbs. The latter is very complex. It would be difficult to identify existing cities that have ‘recovered’ their inhabitants from suburban areas on a large scale. Infrastructural preparation is needed, i.e. some sort of the rebuilding of cities, especially their centres. What is needed is the development of services and recreational spaces as well as the creation of new opportunities and possibilities.
Objectives: The objective of this article is to identify the reasons for the emergence of urban sprawl in Poland, with particular reference to selected medium-sized cities in the Małopolska voivodeship, located at different distances from Kraków. The second objective of this article is to indicate the awareness of the authorities of these cities of the influence of the core city (Kraków) and their efforts to use this phenomenon for their own developmental goals. Research Design & Methods: Documents defining the socio-economic development policies of Limanowa, Niepołomic and Nowy Targ were used for the analysis, as well as selected quantitative data indicating the direction and strength of the urban sprawl. An important element of this article is an indication of the consequences of this phenomenon and remedies for public administration of various levels in Poland. The model of gravitational potential was utilised as the research basis. Contribution / Value Added: As an added value, an attempt should be made to indicate the relation between the values of indicators and the policy of local development (actions of local authorities to eliminate negative effects of the urban sprawl phenomenon). Implications / Recommendations: Although the urban sprawl phenomenon is involuntary (and ubiquitous), it can be controlled, and the lack of actions to control consequences will make them even more acute. Solutions should be systemic in nature and implemented at the level of central administration in Poland, but the attitude of local authorities is also important. In addition, the influence of Kraków on its functional surroundings has a different strength and character. From the point of view of local authorities, it is important to diagnose strength and character (positive or negative) in order to properly choose the direction of the given city’s development policy.
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