Artykuł niniejszy stanowi z jednej strony próbę znalezienia związku między tak zwanym skrajnym realizmem filozoficznym Johna Wiklefa a jego przeważnie heterodoksyjnymi, ale czasami również dość konserwatywnymi, poglądami teologicznymi i społecznymi. Z drugiej strony zawiera także próbę umieszczenia polskiego wiersza Andrzeja Gałki Pieśń o Wiklefie w kontekście filozofii Wiklefa, przy zwróceniu uwagi zarówno na jej bardziej abstrakcyjne aspekty, jak również jej praktyczne konsekwencje dotyczące sfery polityki i stosunku do hierarchii kościelnej. W szczególności interesuje autora sposób wykorzystania filozofii Wiklefa dla uzasadnienia postulatu radykalnej reformy Kościoła katolickiego w duchu husyckim i równie radykalnej krytyki instytucji papiestwa w oparciu o analizę legendarnych korzeni tejże instytucji.
Among other things, the present article attempts to find a link between John Wycliffe’s so-called philosophical ultra-realism and his mostly heterodox, but also sometimes rather conservative theological and social opinions. It also attempts to interpret a Polish poem by Andrzej Gałka entitled Pieśń o Wiklefie [The Song of Wycliffe] in the context of Wycliffe’s philosophy, focusing on its more abstract aspects as well as on its practical consequences as regards politics and our attitude to the Church hierarchy. The author is particularly interested in the manner in which Gałka uses Wycliffe’s philosophy as the basis for a demand for a radical reform of the Catholic Church in the spirit of Hussitism and also for an equally radical critique of the papacy, founded on an analysis of its legendary origins.
The present article is an attempt to define the characteristic and distinctive features of P. Mroczkowski’s thinking about the Middle Ages. The author distinguishes between Mroczkowski the professional medievalist, Mroczkowski the popularizer of knowledge about the Middle Ages, and Mroczkowski an ideologist of medievalism understood as a certain counterpoint and counter proposal in relation to modernity. In this latter role the professor reveals the somewhat sentimental and nostalgic aspects of his attitude towards the Middle Ages, which, however, by no means prevents him from being able to analyse that epoch, and its culture, in a more critical spirit too. The author of the article also tries to establish the degree and nature of Mroczkowski’s indebtedness to some English representatives of ideological medievalism, particularly C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton. The Polish scholar appears from this comparison as perhaps a trifle less polemical or philosophical in his approach, but more firmly anchored in a thorough understanding of the materialist and dynamic context of medieval culture and literature.
The aim of the essay is to consider the ramifications of abandoning Latin as the lingua franca of Europe (with primary emphasis on Poland) and embracing English as a new international standard of communication. In Poland the use of foreign languages has always been fraught with political and class implications. At the same time certain foreign languages (e.g. Latin, French) have been used to bestow distinction on the speaker/writer and identify her/him as a superior citizen. In Sienkiewicz’s novellas and short stories, characters resort to various foreign languages to convey their attitudes to particular nations and emphasize their social positions.
The present article is an attempt to look at Stryjkowski’s story of Gediminas’, the Grand Duke’s of Lithuania, and his dream, involving a vision of an iron-clad wolf, in the light of its possible folkloric and mythographic context. It is natural to look at it as a foundation myth, associated with the legendary origins of the city of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The author claims that the usually postulated connection with the story of Romulus and Remus and the Capitoline She-Wolf is rather tenuous and that it is better understood within the framework of fairy tales about supernatural, enchanted, animals, whose disenchantment, that is, a return to the human form, is the natural and expected conclusion. A comparative analysis of various legends, myths, and fairy tales (including literary fairy tales) suggests that this predominantly Lithuanian story has some links with a vast European narrative heritage.
Background: Hearing loss caused by excessive exposure to noise is one of the most common health risks for employees. One solution for noise reduction is the use of hearing protectors, which is a very effective method for protecting hearing from the workplace noise. In order to obtain better attenuation efficiency, custom moulded earplugs can be equipped with a suitable acoustic filter. The effectiveness of the hearing protectors’ attenuation is based on real measurement of hearing thresholds for normal hearing people with and without hearing protectors. However, this is a time consuming process, and the obtained values are characterised by quite large inter-individual variability. The optimal solution is to measure the attenuation characteristics based on the objective method (without the presence of the subject), the results of which will be in accordance with the results of subjective tests. Therefore, the main purpose of the research in this work was to measure the attenuation characteristics of the self-designed custom moulded earplugs with and without acoustic filters through the use of subjective and objective methods, and to compare the results in terms of the research methods. Methods: Measurements of the acoustic attenuation obtained by custom moulded earplugs with designed F1, F2, and F3 acoustic filters (internal diameters dF1 = 1:25 mm, dF2 = 0:85 mm, and dF3 = 0:45 mm), as well as full insert earplugs (without any acoustic filters) were carried out using two methods: objective and subjective. The objective measurements were carried out in an anechoic chamber. The artificial head (High-frequency Head and Torso Simulator Brüel & Kjær Type 5128) was located at a distance of 3 m, directly opposite the loudspeaker. The test signal in the measurements was pink noise – in the frequency range up to 12.5 kHz and the level 85, 90, and 95 dB. The hearing protectors with and without acoustic filters were mounted in the Head and Torso Simulator which was connected with Pulse System Brüel & Kjær. Five normal hearing subjects participated in the subjective measurements. A pink noise signal was used for one-third octave bands: 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 Hz. The attenuation value was defined as the difference (in dB) between the hearing threshold of the test signal with a hearing protector and the hearing threshold determined without a hearing protector. Results: The results of the objective method proved that in addition to the significant impact of frequency on the attenuation values, the type of filter used in custom moulded earplugs also had a significant effect. In addition, the results of the objective method showed that in the whole frequency range the highest attenuation values are shown by the full earplugs, achieving slightly above 45 dB for frequency of 8 kHz. The attenuation values obtained from subjective measurements also confirmed that both the frequency and type of filter significantly affect the attenuation values of the tested hearing protectors. Conclusions: The results of this study did not confirm the hypothesis that the measurement method had no significant effect on the attenuation characteristics of self-designed custom moulded earplugs with different types of acoustic filters. The largest differences in attenuation values between the type of measurement methods occur for the low frequency band (250 Hz) and for higher frequencies (4000 Hz mainly). The change of the internal diameter of the F1 filter from 1.25 mm to 0.85 mm (F2 filter) did not significantly affect the attenuation characteristics.
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The different mechanical properties of the materials from which the tailpieces are made have a noticeable effect on the acoustic performance of the violin. These elements are made today from ebony, rosewood, boxwood, aluminium, or plastic. The aim of this study was to check the exact impact of tailpieces made of different materials on the frequency response function (FRF) of a violin’s bridge and the timbre of the instrument’s sound. For this purpose, the bridge FRF measurement was carried out, and a psychoacoustic test was conducted. The material from which the tailpiece is made to the greatest extent affects the modal frequencies in the range 530–610 Hz (mode B1+), which mainly manifested itself in a change in the instrument’s timbre in terms of the brightness factor. The study showed that the lighter the tailpiece, the darker the sound of the violin. It was also revealed that the selection of accessories affects factors such as openness, thickness, and overall quality of the sound.
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