W pracy oceniono wybrane wskaźniki fizyko-chemiczne oraz cechy organoleptyczne mleka zagęszczonego niesłodzonego, różniącego się zawartością tłuszczu (7,5% i 4%). W obu wariantach mleka zagęszczonego niesłodzonego stanowiącego materiał badawczy oznaczono zawartość wody, tłuszczu, białka, a także określono kwasowość miareczkową, pH oraz zawartość hydroksymetylofurfuralu. Doświadczalne mleko zagęszczone poddane zostało również analizie reologicznej, która opierała się na ocenie jego lepkości. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że mleko zagęszczone charakteryzowało się normatywnymi cechami organoleptycznymi oraz składem chemicznym. Warianty mleka zagęszczonego różniły się istotnie kwasowością, zarówno miareczkową, jak i czynną. Zawartość tłuszczu nie różnicowała prób badawczych pod względem zawartości hydroksymetylofurfuralu a jego przyrost okazał się istotny statystycznie w przypadku obu prób badawczych. Stwierdzono istotny statystycznie przyrost lepkości mleka zagęszczonego niesłodzonego a zaobserwowane różnice w lepkości prób badawczych okazały się nieistotne statystycznie.
Selected physico-chemical indices and organoleptic attributes of condensed unsweetened milk with various fat content (7,5% and 4%) were evaluated. The examined condensed milk was assessed organoleptically as well as changes in water, fat, protein, hydroxymethylofurfural (total and free), titratable acidity and pH were determined. Analysed milk was also a subject to rheological analysis that was based on estimation of viscosity. Performed analyses showed that condensed milk bad normative organoleptic features and chemical composition. Both variants differed significantly with respect to pH and titratable acidity. Fat contents did not differed both variants with respect to contents of hydroxymethylofurfural and its increase was statistically significant in both analyzed samples. Viscosity increased significantly in both variants of condensed unsweetened milk and observed differences between these two samples we re statistically insignificant.
This paper presents an assessment of selected qualitative attributes of fermented drinks obtained from organic cow’s and goat’s milk by using yogurt cultures in 10-day refrigeration storage process (5 ± 1°C). The raw material was purchased in organic farms located in north-west Poland. Two yogurt starters obtained from the Chr. Hansen company were used in the study: YC-X16 and YF-L811. Both cultures contained Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. These cultures did not differ in the qualitative content of the lactic acid bacteria but their use allows for obtaining products with different qualitative properties. Four variants of yogurt were produced: i. J-X16 - yogurt from cow’s milk with YC-X16 culture, ii. J-L811 - yogurt from cow’s milk with YF-L811 culture, iii. KJ-X16 - yogurt from goat’s milk with YC-X16 culture, iv. KJ-L811 - yogurt from goat’s milk with YF-L811culture. All samples of fermented milk were subjected to microbiological, physico-chemical, rheological (hardness) analyzes and a sensory assessment (PN-EN ISO 6658:1998). It was determined that the yogurt cultures (YE-L811 and YC-X16) used in the experiment are worthy of recommendation for the production of fermented milk from both organic acidity, pH and hardness), the vitality of the microflora as well as sensory properties of yogurt from organic cow’s and goat’s milk depended on the type of used yogurt culture and time of refrigeration storage. The type of used milk has no impact on the vitality of the microflora.
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