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In dem Beitrag wird die Aufmerksamkeit dem Migrationsdiskurs mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Phänomens der sich darauf beziehenden Neubildungen im Gegenwartsdeutschen geschenkt. Es wird auf die Merkmale und die semantische Leistung der Komposita eingegangen, die mit dem Flüchtlingsproblem und seiner Beschreibung verbunden sind. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird den Sprachbildern geschenkt, mit denen man bei der Berichterstattung über das die gegenwärtige Zivilisation verunsichernde Problem arbeitet. Diese Bilder entstehen aus lexikalischen Mitteln, deren sich Medien und Politiker bei dem Umgang mit dem Thema Flucht bedienen. Sie lösen Unsicherheits-, Beunruhigungs-, Bedrohungs- und sogar Angstgefühle unter den Rezipienten aus, wecken ihre Vorstellungskraft und hinterlassen den beabsichtigten Eindruck. An herausrecherchierten Wortbildungen wird veranschaulicht, inwiefern der Sprachgebrauch eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bewertung von Menschen und Situationen spielen kann. Und da die Rezipienten der medialen Meldungen eher nicht selbständig über bestimmte Sachverhalte nachdenken oder nachdenken wollen, werden ihre Anschauungen durch diese fertigen sprachlichen Bilder beeinflusst. Auf welche Weise über die Phänomene der uns umgebenden Welt gesprochen wird, welche Ausdrücke dafür gewählt werden, spielt eine Schlüsselrolle dabei, wie wir diese Wirklichkeit wahrnehmen.
W niniejszym artykule poświęca się uwagę dyskursowi dotyczącemu problemu uchodźców ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem fenomenu złożeń powstałych we współczesnym języku niemieckim w celu realizacji tego dyskursu. Wybrane złożenia scharakteryzowane zostały pod względem metaforycznej treści, jaką przekazują. Szczególna uwaga poświęcona została obrazom językowym, którymi operuje się w sprawozdaniach i relacjach dotyczących problemu nurtującego współczesną cywilizację. Obrazy te ujawniają się w środkach leksykalnych, jakimi operują media i politycy w dyskursie dotyczącym problemu uchodźctwa. Wywołują one w społeczeństwie uczucie niepewności, zaniepokojenia, zagrożenia i strachu, pobudzają wyobraźnię odbiorców i pozostawiają wrażenie, które było zamierzone i celowe – uchodźcy to klęska żywiołowa, lawina, powódź, wielka fala. Na przykładzie wybranych złożeń ukazane zostało, jak ogromny wpływ ma użycie konkretnych środków leksykalnych w opisie otaczającej nas rzeczywistości na postrzeganie jej przez nas, tj. na jej interpretowanie oraz na kształtowanie naszej opinii o niej.
This article will address the refugee-related discourse, more specifically, the compounds in the contemporary German language which were created in order to set the terms of that discourse. A detailed analysis of the selected compounds will be offered as regards their metaphorical content. Particular attention will be given to the linguistic images used in reports and accounts pertaining to the refugee crisis. The images seem to be shaped by the lexical choices made by the media and politicians contributing to the refugee-related discourse. They are supposed to provoke a sense of uncertainty, anxiety and danger in the fear-ridden society; their intent is to work on people’s imagination, to leave the impression that refugees are synonymous with natural disasters, avalanches, floods, great waves, etc. The examples of compounds in the article demonstrate how much the use of specific lexical items to describe the real world influences the way we perceive, interpret and assess it.
Die heutige immer wieder nach neuen Erfahrungen, Erlebnissen und vor allem nach Luxus und Mode strebende Gesellschaft stellt eigentlich eine Gefahr für sich selbst dar. Bei diesem Streben nach Erfolg, Macht, materiellem Besitz, Luxus und Karriere kommen nämlich viele Schwächen des zeitgenössischen Menschen zum Vorschein. Zeitkritische Wortbildungen mit den Komponenten -drang, -druck, -itis, -manie, -rausch, -sucht, -wahn, -wut, -zwang, wie z.B. Putzsucht, Kaufzwang, Kaufwut, Kaufsucht, Konsumdrang, Fitnessmanie, Fitnesswahn, Gesundheitswahn, Montagitis, Rabatteritis, Erwartungszwang, Zeitdruck charakterisieren die heutige Gesellschaft, ihr Wesen, enthüllen die wahre Natur des heutigen Menschen. Um seine Ziele zu erreichen, handelt er skrupellos, wie ein Besessener, legt er ein zwanghaftes Verhalten an den Tag. Dieser fast wie ein Wahnsinniger agierende Mensch, der einen unwiderstehlichen, ihn durch seine gesetzten Prioritäten süchtig machenden Drang nach der Verwirklichung seiner Ziele, Ideen und Wünsche verspürt, verbalisiert auch seine Handlungsweise auf besondere Art und Weise. Er produziert Wortbildungen, deren Bestandteile sein Handeln als nicht den Normen entsprechend, als Handeln eines Kranken darstellen, deren semantische und wortbildungsspezifische Analyse zum Gegenstand des vorliegenden Beitrags wurde.
With its drive towards new experiences and adventures, and above all toward the life of luxury and trend following, the modern day society in fact constitutes a danger to itself. The aspirations to success, power, material goods, luxury and career demonstrate the contemporary man’s weaknesses. The word forms which express critical attitudes toward the events and phenomena of the contemporary world and contain components such as -drang, -druck, -itis, -manie, -rausch, -sucht, -wahn, -wut, -zwang, e.g. in words such as Putzsucht, Kaufzwang, Kaufwut, Kaufsucht, Konsumdrang, Fitnessmanie, Fitnesswahn, Gesundheitswahn, Montagitis, Rabatteritis, Erwartungszwang, Zeitdruck, Einkauftstrauma, portray the contemporary society and unmask its true nature. In order to achieve their goals, the contemporary humans act in immoral ways, as if possessed, under considerable pressure and coercion. While acting in the above specified ways, humans experience an irresistible, downright intoxicating need to realize their goals, visions and wishes, and this modus operandi is described in a very particular manner: through the creation of compounds and derivates derivatives whose parts present the humans’ actions as non-normative, as a work of someone who is ill. This article will be devoted to a semantic analysis of the above mentioned word forms and some peculiarities in their word formation.
Dzisiejsze dążące do wciąż nowych doświadczeń, przeżyć, a przede wszystkim do luksusu i podążające za modą społeczeństwo stanowi właściwie niebezpieczeństwo samo dla siebie. Podczas tego dążenia do sukcesu, władzy, materialnych dóbr, luksusu i kariery ujawniają się słabości -wut, -zwang, jak np. Putzsucht, Kaufzwang, Kaufwut, Kaufsucht, Konsumdrang, Fitnessmanie, Fitnesswahn, Gesundheitswahn, Montagitis, Rabatteritis, Erwartungszwang, Zeitdruck, Einkauftstrauma, charakteryzują współczesne społeczeństwo, jego istotę, demaskują jego prawdziwą naturę. Aby osiągnąć swoje cele, współczesny człowiek działa bez skrupułów, jak opętany, pod przymusem i presją. Postępując prawie jak obłąkany, odczuwa nieodpartą, wręcz uzależniającą, potrzebę realizacji swoich celów, idei, marzeń, życzeń i werbalizuje swój sposób działania w szczególny sposób. Produkuje on złożenia, derywaty, których człony przedstawiają jego działanie jako nieodpowiadające normom, jako działanie kogoś, kto jest chory. Analiza semantyczna oraz specyfika słowotwórcza tych tworów słowotwórczych są przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu. współczesnego człowieka. Twory słowotwórcze wyrażające krytyczny stosunek wobec wydarzeń i zjawisk współczesnego świata z komponentami -drang, -druck, -itis, -manie, -rausch, -sucht, -wahn,
nr 13
The principles of word formation have been employed for a considerable period of time. In the contemporary Polish word formation numerous doubts are expressed concerning the correctness of newly formed words, but languages are constantly developing and some expressions which were previously considered incorrect are now accepted as a norm. The development tendencies of the language constitute its driving force. It should be observed that apart from two basic trends in the development of word formation, i.e. the propensity for abbreviating and the tendency to make information precise, a third trend can be added, namely the automatic use of derivational techniques. More specifically, the creation of derivatives out of native word-forming elements consists merely in their mechanical combining, while any complications are eliminated. It should also be stressed that in the contemporary Polish language abbreviations are created on a mass scale, and the process of creating neologisms involves a lot of univerbalising. Another observable trend in the contemporary Polish language is the creation of complex suffixes: -alność, -arstwo, -alnictwo, -owość, -ownictwo, e.g. in words such as zachorowalność, etapowość, drogownictwo. The process of internationalisation is becoming more and more intensive in the Polish language, too. Foreign words are quickly adapted in the Polish word formation system, a phenomenon which is particularly striking when derivatives are created, e.g. adjectives from borrowed nouns or verbs: weekend – weekendowy, kemping – kempingowy, detergent – detergentowy, outsider – outsiderski.
The 27the Edition of The Duden German Dictionary and Its Secrets: A Characteristics of the Specific Nature of Selected New Entries Duden – an orthographic dictionary of German language – is updated each three to five years, because this is the time period in which enough lexical changes take place to be enumerated and described. On the basis of a representative list of new entries in the latest Duden, conclusions are drawn in this article concerning the most recent German vocabulary. The specific nature of the new lexical items is commented upon as well as the most recent tendencies in the German language, the direction in which it is heading and the degree to which the development of the language is correlated with the development of the society and its priorities in the given timeframe and context. Furthermore, an important goal of the present article is to examine the ways in which vocabulary reflects the changes in our attitudes/communication behaviours.
The present paper is devoted to the specificity of adjectival neologisms on the basis of observations made while analyzing the ‘Wortwarte’ electronic corpus, whose author is doctor Lothar Lemnitzer from Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. This lexical corpus is updated on a nearly daily basis and provides a source of valuable information concerning German lexis for people learning the language as well as for linguists. It also encourages the researchers to pay more attention to new lexemes and to describe them. The adjectival neologisms listed in ‘Wortwarte’ are certainly worth attention. The empirical material for the paper, which comprises adjectival neologisms that were listed in 2012 and in January 2013, was subjected to both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: adjectival neologisms constitute 6% of the neologisms listed in ‘Wortwarte’ and in terms of quantity they prevail over verbal neologisms, although they are significantly fewer in comparison with nominal neologisms. However, it should be emphasized that the number of emerging adjectival neologisms in relation to neologisms derived from different parts of speech proves that the adjective enjoys a firm, stable status both among the lexemes existing in the German language and those emerging on a day-to-day basis. As far as the structure of adjectival neologisms is concerned, of particular importance is the fact that most of them are two- or multi-word compounds (in 2012 – 95%, in January 2013– 90% of all neologisms under analysis) which demonstrate a distinct tendency to form word series, e.g.: airbagfrei, ambientefrei, couchfrei, exzellenzfrei, fracfrei, gagfrei. Another interesting issue concerns the spelling of adjectival neologisms. More specifically, these neologisms reflect the overall tendency in the contemporary German language to opt for hyphenation. What this paper underlines is that the graphic-optical breaking of individual parts of a compound, by means of a hyphen, serves variouspurposes. The results of the analysis are presented using diagrams, which helped to order the data gathered, to visualize them and facilitate their interpretation.
tom XXIII/1
The goal of this article is to examine the issue of gender neutrality of job classifieds in contemporary German language using the results of empirical analysis of a research corpus. In light of the General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG) adopted by German Bundestag on the 14th of August, 2006, as well as the Act Modifying the Information to be Entered into the Birth Register (Gesetz zur Änderung der in das Geburtenregister einzutragenden Angaben) of the 18th of December, 2018, there is an obligation in Germany to edit job classified in accordance with gender neutrality. The implementation of linguistic equality of the sexes in job ads in such a way that they meet the guidelines of the AGG often leads to linguistic chaos and wrong and/or confusing phrasing: a fact confirmed by the examples from the above mentioned corpus. These phenomena have a considerable impact on the readability and the aesthetic qualities of the ads, and on the possibility of understanding them both in the written form and as audio files. To some extent, they also determine the degree of success of the recruitment process. Gender neutrality in language consists in expressing both male and female genders as well as other gender-related identities. However, this has to be done in accordance with grammatical, syntactic and stylistic norms. In order to prevent the “job classified” genre of texts from being misunderstood, unclearly phrased names of jobs must be eliminated.
Vor dem Hintergrund der Beschreibung sprachlicher Vermittlung der Wortbildungsregeln im Unterricht DaF werden in dem vorliegenden Beitrag die Regeln, die die Bildung der Komposita im Deutschen bestimmen und die für deutschlernende Polen – vor allem auf höheren Niveaustufen – von Bedeutung sind, thematisiert. Es wird auf die Merkmale der deutschen Komposita eingegangen, die für die Optimierung der Vermittlung der Regeln zur Kompositabildung im Unterricht DaF bedeutend sind. Wenn sich der Deutschlernende dieser Merkmale und Regeln bewusst ist, wirkt sich das positiv auf den Prozess der Entwicklung seiner kommunikativen Kompetenz und ihrer Bestandteile aus. Die Kenntnis der Wortbildungsgesetzmäßigkeiten erlaubt überdies, neue Wörter zu Zwecken der Beschreibung bestimmter Phänomene ad hoc zu produzieren, was wiederum für die Entwicklung sprachlicher Kompetenzen sowie die Kommunikationsfähigkeit von großer Relevanz ist. Der Versuch einer Beschreibung der Herangehensweise an das deutsche Kompositum im Rahmen des DaF-Unterrichts bildet die Grundlage für die zu Zwecken dieses Beitrags durchgeführte quantitative Analyse des Korpusmaterials, das durch Cosmas II-Recherchen gewonnen wurde.
This article aims at describing the rules of word-formation which determine how compounds are formed in the German language and which are essential for Poles learning German as a foreign language, especially at the advanced levels. The focus of the article is on those properties of German compounds which are important for optimizing the teaching process concerning the rules of compound formation at the lesson of German taught as a foreign language. When students of German are aware of the properties of compounds as well as the principles governing their formation, it has a positive impact on the development of their communication competence in all of its aspects. Additionally, the knowledge of word-forming principles contributes to the formation of new words in an ad hoc manner, in order to describe specific real life phenomena, which, in turn, is also important in developing the communication competence among students of German. The attempt to describe the ways of analysing the German compound while teaching German as a foreign language constitutes the basis for a qualitative analysis of the corpus material obtained as a result of the query of Cosmas II, a corpus created by the German Language Institute in Mannheim.
W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę opisu reguł słowotwórczych, które determinują tworzenie złożeń w języku niemieckim, a które są ważne dla uczących się języka niemieckiego – przede wszystkim na wyższych poziomach zaawansowania – Polaków. Zwrócono uwagę przede wszystkim na te cechy niemieckich kompozytów, które są ważne dla optymalizacji przekazu zasad dotyczących tworzenia kompozytów podczas lekcji języka niemieckiego jako obcego. Gdy uczący się języka niemieckiego są świadomi cech kompozytów oraz zasad i reguł ich tworzenia, wówczas oddziałuje to pozytywnie na proces rozwoju ich kompetencji komunikacyjnej oraz jej części składowych. Znajomość prawidłowości panujących w słowotwórstwie umożliwia ponadto tworzenie nowych słów ad hoc w celu opisu konkretnych fenomenów otaczającego nas świata, co z kolei jest także bardzo ważne dla rozwoju kompetencji komunikacyjnych jak i komunikatywność uczących się tego języka. Próba opisu sposobu analizy niemieckiego złożenia w ramach lekcji języka niemieckiego jako obcego stanowi podstawę dla analizy jakościowej materiału korpusowego pozyskanego do celów niniejszego artykułu z kwerendy korpusu Cosmas II tworzonego przez Instytut Języka Niemieckiego w Mannheim.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest omówienie specyfiki procesu słowotwórczego ‘mocja‘ w języku polskim, przedstawienie uwag wynikających z analizy przytoczonych przykładów zaczerpniętych z literatury przedmiotu oraz ze źródeł prasowych i internetowych, a także zwrócenie uwagi na złożoność i ważność problemu, jakim jest formułowanie określeń zawodów, funkcji, stanowisk i stopni naukowych w sposób uwzględniający płeć w obliczu współczesnych przemian społeczno-gospodarczych. Szczególna uwaga poświęcona zostaje najpopularniejszemu formantowi słowotwórczemu -ka służącemu tworzeniu żeńskich odpowiedników nazw męskich, przy czym poruszony zostaje problem jego multifunkcjonalności, co najczęściej negatywnie wpływa na jego funkcję tworzenia feminatywów. Ważnym punktem jest także wskazanie na charakterystyczne, obecnie jeszcze wydaje się nieakceptowalne, żeńskie formy w języku polskim typu filologini, ministra, które funkcjonują już w niektórych kręgach i prawdopodobnie w miarę upływu czasu zakorzenią się w języku oficjalnym.
The aim of the present article is to examine the specificity of “motion” word-forming process in the Polish language, particularly as regards the feminine noun names, which are, essentially, derived from masculine names; to comment on the analysis of several examples drawn from the literature on the subject, press and Internet sources; and to draw attention to the complexity and importance of the problem of coining terms for occupations, functions, positions and degrees in a gender-sensitive manner, taking into account contemporary socio-economic changes. Of crucial importance will be most popular word-forming formant -ka, whose purpose is to derive feminine equivalents of masculine names; its multifunctional nature will be discussed insofar as it, most often, has a negative impact on the creation of feminine forms. Attention will also be given to the peculiar, and not yet officially recognized, feminine forms in the Polish language, such as filologini ministra, which already function in selected language user groups and which, in the course of time, will probably become acceptable in the official language.
Celem niniejszego artykułu nie jest omówienie poszczególnych teorii dotyczących badań nad framingiem, lecz analiza fenomenu framingu z perspektywy lingwistycznej. Rama interpretacyjna jest interesująca jako fenomen językowy, który jest rezultatem działania językowego oraz ze względu na to, jaki wpływ ma lub ewentualnie może mieć właśnie poprzez swoją specyficzną formę językową na adresata danego działania językowego. W centrum zainteresowania badania empirycznego leżącego u podstawy niniejszego artykułu podejmującego temat dyskursu dotyczącego problemu migracji znajduje się rama interpretacyjna oraz pytania, za pomocą jakich środków leksykalnych jest realizowana i jakie reakcje to celowe używanie słów może wywołać u odbiorców. Teoretyczne rozważania uzasadnione są opisem wyników przeprowadzonej analizy korpusu badawczego będącego podstawą do napisania niniejszego artykułu.
The aim of the present article is, rather than discussing individual theories of framing, an analysis of the phenomenon from the point of view of linguistics. Interpretative frame is interesting as a linguistic phenomenon resulting from linguistic activity and also because of the influence it has or can have on the addressee of the given linguistic activity, precisely due to its specific linguistic form. The empirical research on which this article is based (and which is connected with the discourse on migration-related problems) focuses on the interpretative frame, the lexical means employed to establish the frame, and the reactions that deliberate wording can evoke among the receivers. The theoretical reflections are justified by the description of the results of analysing the relevant research corpus.
Content available Emotionale Wirkung(en) von Medienframes
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of framing. The aim of the analysis was to show that numerous frames of interpretation which are conveyed by the ubiquitous media and establish themselves in public opinion reach the recipients and have a certain effect on them. With the help of established frames, the journalists can process and merge information without investing a lot of time and effort in a comprehensive analysis of the topic (cf. Matthes 2009: 120), because “[n]ot facts, but frames are the basis of our everyday life social, economic and political decisions” (Wehling 2016: 45). Thus, it seems necessary to investigate how media makers’ framed messages influence the recipients. Based on the corpus evidence obtained through online research, it was possible to establish that the most conspicuous frames arise when dealing with contemporary problems that society has to face. The most popular frames address, among other things, taxes, social benefits, terrorism, refugee, policy and environment issues. The media frames ensure that certain emotions and attitudes towards the given situation are evoked in the recipient. In order for the frames to reach the recipient’s consciousness and evoke emotions, the facts to which they point must be expressed verbally, i.e. put into appropriate words. The analysis carried out shows that a well-thought-out linguistic packaging – for example framed complex words such as Menschenschwarm, gigantische Migrationswelle, Schutzsuchende, Steuerhölle, Steuerparadies – can shape the recipients’ perception of reality. Compounds – which are often metaphorically charged – are particularly suitable as framed terms because they are rich in content and attract the recipients’ attention. These frame compounds can, in very particular ways, activate desired – positive or negative – ideas in the recipients and control their expectations. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that frames to some extent assess and interpret social and political conditions from a specific perspective and often have a direct influence on the recipient’s emotions as well as their actions.
In the field of German word formation, a heated debate has been taking place concerning the problem of defining and classifying the relatively new word forming elements called confixes. In connection with word formation based on foreign material, the problem of analyzing and defining confixes has become particularly important. Many linguists argued that confixes should be distinguished from affixes, while other representatives of the discipline maintain that confixes should be classified as a subgroup of affixes. This article is devoted to the research done by well known German linguists (e.g. Günter D. Schmidt, Wolfgang Fleischer, Elke Donalies, Peter O. Müller, Anja Seiffert, Silke Flies, Angelika Feine, Mechthild Habermann, Sascha Michel) who concentrated on the elements belonging to the bio-, biblio-, anarch-, geo-, ident-, omni-, thermo- type, in order to arrive at a precise definition of the term “confix”. While trying to define and classify the word forming formants called confixes, one can opt for two methods: either taking into account the semantic dimension of the formant or rejecting the semantic approach altogether. Scholars have analyzed the problem of confixes for over twenty years. Elke Donalies [2009b: 60] offers a fairly convincing definition of confixes, but ultimately proposes that the controversial notion be abandoned. However, it is rather unlikely that other researchers will follow her suggestion. The research concerning confixes is still very intensive and the debate has certainly not come to a close, all the more so because in modern German word formation there is a tendency to adopt more and more foreign formants, which convey the meaning more precisely than native word forming elements.
For more than twenty years now, confix has been a topic of great interest for linguists and it has become an indispensable part of the current research devoted to word formation with foreign elements. However, there are still contentious issues related to the problem of confixes that require more academic research and explanations. Contemporary linguists hold debates concerning the confix, its precise definition, classification and ways of distinguishing it from other word-forming formants. Confix plays a very important role in the contemporary German language. Nowadays, only foreign confixes are productive. They form new units of meaning as a result of being combined with native word-forming affixes and elements of compounds. Foreign confixes are also important from the point of view of communication, namely, they are productive in many languages. Additionally, the same formants are used in many languages, for example the formant -phob-, and this phenomenon certainly facilitates international communication. Julia Trunkwalter (cf. 2009: 300) believes that the term “confix” should be included in lexicons and dictionaries and considers it necessary to popularize the word outside scholarly circles, because foreign elements in the German word formation system are of great significance not only for linguists and non-scholars interested in language, but also for German language learners. The confix-related research belongs to the area of the latest German word formation scholarship and the steady influx of new ideas concerning confixes proves that language is constantly evolving, always demanding active interest from its users.
nr 10
The article discusses the notion of equivalence of meaning which poses a problem to translators and teachers of translation. In my article I address “the problem of multivalency” (Wills 1977: 226), that is the phenomenon which occurs when, during translation, two or more comparable solutions appear. This fact is considered to be a problem by both a student and a teacher, and may be a source of dissatisfaction. How can it be explained to the student that one or the other variant is better or worse? One must eliminate one’s own expectations and subjectivity. What should be expected of future translators? Competence in every field of knowledge, as texts to be translated cover various subjects. The article is an attempt to answer these questions, through using authentic samples of texts translated by the students participating in translation courses.
nr 21
The present article is devoted to the role of language in the fight against the world-wrecking coronavirus. The aim of the analysis was to demonstrate, on the basis of the excerpted corpus, that language has become an important tool in the combat against the destructive effects of the pandemic. It is constantly influenced by global events connected with the pandemic, reflecting their current status and revealing their multifaceted dimensions. The pandemic leaves distinct traces in our vocabulary. Depending on the stage of the global fight against the pandemic, language users create new concepts, thanks to which they are able to cope with the pandemic reality. The extent to which language manages to deal with the dynamically changing reality, which functions according to the rules dictated by the virus, can be observed particularly well in the media discourse related to the fight against the pandemic. The lexical material which constitutes the basis for the linguistic analysis described in this article was obtained between March 2020 and July 2021, as a result of a query conducted in German-language Internet media. Most of the said research material has a metaphorical quality. The analysis of the above-mentioned corpus makes it possible to state that the corona-concepts appearing in the media discourse belong to two metaphor-forming areas: one connected with military issues and war (Teststrategie, Virus-Attacke, Impfstoffkrieg) and the other – with natural disasters related to the impact of water (Corona-Tsunami Erschütterungswelle, dritte Welle). The analysis in question showed that the metaphorical representation of events related to infections caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 as a wave or tsunami reflects the feeling of helplessness and huge mental stress. On the other hand, expressions derived from the language of war and military issues conceptualize the ability of the world to act and the readiness to fight against the dangerous virus. They are an important element of the crisis-related strategies. The corpus under analysis constitutes evidence that both metaphorical domains are the dominant representatives of the concept of catastrophe in the collective consciousness of the contemporary societies. Conceptualization by means of a controlled threat of war conflict and an uncontrolled threat coming from nature are realized in this corpus most frequently through the use of compounds. The process of compounding offers to German language users almost unlimited possibilities as regards constant creation of new expressions describing the reality. The metaphorically driven corona-compounds are rich in content and attract the receivers’ attention – a phenomenon which is of particular relevance to journalists. For this reason, the rules of compound word-forming processes are often the point of reference in all kinds of discourses describing new phenomena.
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