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tom 18
Among the topics submitted, but finally not elaborated and discussed at the Pan-Orthodox Synod, is found the manner of granting autocephaly. Calling the Great Synod signifies a revival of the institution of conciliarity’s activity at the Pan-Orthodox level in a similar manner as at the Great Ecumenical Councils. Unfortunately, the issue of autocephaly was not approved at the Fifth Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference. The topic of autocephaly and the means by which it is proclaimed did not receive the required unanimous voting (consensus) despite the in-depth discussion at the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Commission and the Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference meetings. The resolutions of the abovementioned meetings and lively discussion provoked by the topic, gave the question of autocephaly a new dimension and produced new elements and theories. The manner of granting autocephalous status in the Orthodox Church is an extremely important question today and is awaiting a solution by establishing commonly accepted canons which guarantee the preservation of Orthodox unity. The difficulties experienced in the discussion are caused a the lack of specific and clear canonical resolutions regarding the meaning of autocephaly, the conditions of granting it, who is the responsible organ for its granting or deprivation, and also concerning the internal relations of daughter Churches with their Mother Churches and their relations with the remaining Autocephalous Churches.
Wśród przedłożonej tematyki, która nie została ostatecznie wypracowana i przedłożona na Soborze panprawosławnym znajduje się sposób ogłaszania autokefalii. Zwołanie Wielkiego Soboru oznaczało wznowienie działalności instytucji soborowości na szczeblu ogólnoprawosławnym, na wzór Soborów powszechnych. Niestety, podczas V Komisji przygotowawczej, na której poruszono temat autokefalii nie osiągnięto ostatecznej zgody. Temat sposobu ogłaszania autokefalii kościelnej, pomimo dogłębnej dyskusji w ramach Międzyprawosławnej Komisji Przygotowawczej i Ogólnoprawosławnej Konferencji Przedsoborowej, nie uzyskał wymaganej jednogłośnej zgody – konsensusu. Uchwały powyższych spotkań oraz wywołana w ich wyniku żywa dyskusja, dodały kwestii autokefalii nowy wymiar oraz wniosły nowe elementy i teorie. Sposób udzielania ustroju autokefalii w Kościele prawosławnym stanowi dziś niezwykle ważną kwestię, oczekującą na rozwiązanie przez ustalenie wspólnie przyjętych kanonów, będących gwarantem zachowania jedności Prawosławia. Trudności w dyskusji polegają na braku konkretnych i jasnych uchwał kanonicznych odnośnie znaczenia pojęcia autokefalii, warunków jej udzielania, kto jest odpowiedzialnym organem udzielania lub jej pozbawiania, ale także odnośnie wewnętrznych relacji Kościoła-córki i Kościoła-matki oraz tych z pozostałymi Kościołami autokefalicznymi.
The patriarchal emissary’s role in the Metropolitanate of Kyiv at the end of the 16th century consisted of informing the patriarchate about the church’s situation, promoting education and undertaking translation activities. Their intellectual and spiritual formation took place under the careful supervision of the patriarchate, initially at the Greek school in Venice and later at the University in Padua. Patriarchal emissary Archdeacon Cyprian Ostrogski maintained close contact with the patriarchal exarchs in the Commonwealth and the main representatives of the Orthodox nobles. He had excellent knowledge of the Greek language, culture and philosophy and was the main receiver and translator of Patriarch Meletius Pegas’s writings. As a translator from Greek, he actively participated in the anti-union Orthodox synod in Brest in 1596. Thanks to the information he received from Cyprian, the Patriarch was fully aware of the potential the educated teaching staff could have and about the situation in the Metropolitanate of Kyiv.
tom 18
Św. Paweł naucza, że życie rodzinne opiera się na związku mężczyzny i kobiety, które symbolizuje związek między Chrystusem i Jego Cerkwią. Drugą wskazówką życia rodzinnego jest edukacja i wychowanie dzieci „w Chrystusie”. Apostoł Paweł w swoich listach udziela rodzicom rad, w jaki sposób należy wychowywać swoje dzieci, a dzieciom, jak powinni się zachowywać wobec swoich rodziców. W tych zaleceniach można wyróżnić podstawowe elementy edukacji chrześcijańskiej dzieci. Dla apostoła Pawła zachowanie zdrowych relacji jest niezbędne nie tylko w stosunkach między małżonkami, ale także w relacjach między rodzicami i dziećmi. Rodzice ponoszą główną odpowiedzialność za tworzenie pedagogicznych relacji z dziećmi i mogą przyczynić się do ich edukacji, poprzez dostarczanie im właściwych bodźców społecznych. Instytucja rodziny od dawna przyciąga zainteresowanie uczonych bizantyjskich. Pod wpływem - między innymi - nauk społecznych, w ostatnich latach położono szczególny nacisk na funkcję rodziny jako jednostki społecznej i ekonomicznej w społeczeństwie bizantyńskim. Ponieważ małżeństwo jest podstawą do tworzenia rodziny, omawiany obszar badawczy obejmuje przepisy regulujące zawieranie małżeństw (wiek, kryteria wyboru małżonka), zaręczyn, przeszkód do zawarcia małżeństwa, instytucji posagu, statusu żony i dzieci, rozwodów, itd. U Rzymian, małżeństwo było aktem cywilnym. W miarę rozprzestrzeniania się chrześcijaństwa, Cerkiew stopniowo zajmowała stanowisko odnośnie tej instytucji. Celem małżeństwa jest prokreacja i utrwalenie rasy ludzkiej, pod tym względem jest przedmiotem zainteresowania zarówno Cerkwi i państwa. Istotny punkt zwrotny został osiągnięty przez Leona VI Mądrego (886-912), który uznał małżeństwo pobłogosławione przez Cerkiew za jedyne legalne. Później, poczynając od Tomosu (997) patriarchy Sysaniusza, skodyfikowano przeszkody do zawarcia małżeństwa z powodu pokrewieństwa lub powinowactwa. Ważnymi źródłami do badań nad rodziną i stosunkami prawnymi wynikającymi z małżeństwa są decyzje i opinie sądów cerkiewnych Despotatu Epiru, a zwłaszcza te należące do biskupów Jana Apokaukosa i Demetriosa Chomatenosa.
St Paul teaches that family life is founded on the union of a man and woman, which symbolises the relation between Christ and His Church. A second guideline to family life is the education and upbringing of children “in Christ.” The Apostle Paul, in his letters provides parents with advice on how they should raise their children, and children on how they should behave in relation to their parents. In this advice, although limited in number and extend, one can distinguish the basic elements of Christian education for children. For the Apostle Paul, the cultivation of healthy relations is indispensable, not only in the relations between husbands and wives, but also in the relationship between parents and children. Parents have the main responsibility for the creation of pedagogic relation with their children and they can contribute to their education, by providing them social stimuli. The institution of the family has long attracted the interest of Byzantine scholars. Influenced by, among other things, the social sciences, the focus has expanded in recent years to include the function of the family as a social and economic unit in Byzantine society. Since marriage is the basis for the formation of a family, the field of study embraces the rules governing the contracting of a marriage (age, criteria for the selection of a spouse), betrothal, impediments to marriage, the institution of marriage portions and bridal gifts, the status of the wife and children, divorce and so on. Under the Romans, marriage was a civil act. As Christianity spread, the Church gradually came to intervene and acquire a role in the institution. The purpose of marriage is procreation and the perpetuation of the human race, and in this sense, it is of interest to both church and state. A turning-point was reached with the promulgation by Leo VI the Wise (886-912) of Novella 89, which laid down that only marriages blessed by the Church were legal. Later statues, beginning with the Tome (997) of Patriarch Sisinnius, codified the impediments to marriage by reason of kinship or affinity. Among the most illuminating sources for the study of the family and the legal relations deriving from marriage are the decisions and opinions of the ecclesiastical courts of the principality of Epirus and specifically those of the Metropolitan, John Apokaukos, and the Archdiocese of Ochrid, under Demetrios Chomatenos. It is interesting to note that these two prelates considered the cases brought before them not only in the light of the secular law and Church rules, but also with a certain broadness of mind and social sensitivity.
Computer methods in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry are constantly evolving, mainly towards BIM, and the design process itself within an investment project focuses mainly on documentation. Visualisation or animation are optional elements, mostly done for sales purposes. Photorealism and the quality of created visualisations influence the impressions of the recipient, and the emotions evoked can determine a purchase or investment. As a rule, designers pay great attention to the visualisations they create, but they are not always aware of the solutions available on the market in this respect. In recent decades, rendering engines based on so-called real-time rendering have developed rapidly. The aim of the study was to provide a deep review of existing 3D modelling and visualisation solutions in terms of their popularity, applicability and advantages and limitations. The focus is on applications working with BIM software, which is widely used in the AEC industry. The paper attempts to compare the applications, lists their advantages, disadvantages, benefits and limitations in their use. The conclusions, sometimes subjective, can be useful for the whole community of architects and engineers, related to space design. The results of the review indicate the increasing popularity of 'real-time' solutions, which are displacing 'offline' solutions.
BIM is penetrating more and more areas of human activity. Currently, it is not only volume or infrastructure objects that are being digitised, but also public spaces such as parks. To achieve this, a number of BIM tools are used to build a LIM model. The LIM model can contain a quantum of information necessary for the park management process. A municipality, for example, can use the LIM model to perform ongoing maintenance or plan rearrangements of the park space. The model itself can serve as a database for the reconstruction of a park in the event of its destruction, e.g. by forces of nature. This paper presents the LIM model of Ołtarzew Park in Ożarów Mazowiecki (Poland), which can serve as a model for building similar models in other cases. In addition to the construction methodology, examples of analyses are presented and the benefits and advantages of using a LIM are described.
Rapid urbanization and population growth require new human-oriented adaptations in cities. Functional zoning, largely applied in the past century, has left current urban development with many difficulties, including space consumption and car dependency. The article examines a specific type of monofunctional land use – commercial areas, as they struggle the most with past planning mistakes. These spatially separated sites demand instant transformations in order to meet global urban challenges. With background information on the development process of commercial land uses and a literature review of existing sustainable approaches, the theoretical framework is created, with respect to economic, environmental, and social fields. Subsequently, the toolbox of good urban practices is being formed as a template for sustainable urban design followed by a discussion of potential implementation methods.
Content available Geodesy: General theory and methodology 2015–2018
The summary of research activities concerning general theory and methodology performed in Poland in the period of 2015–2018 is presented as a national report for the 27th IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) General Assembly. It contains the results of research on new or improved methods and variants of robust parameter estimation and their application, especially to control network analysis. Reliability analysis of the observation system and an integrated adjustment approach are also given. The identifiability (ID) index as a new measure for minimal detectable bias (MDB) in the observation system of a network, has been introduced. A new method of covariance function parameter estimation in the least squares collocation has been developed. The robustified version of the Shift-Msplit estimation, termed as Shift-M*split estimation, which enables estimation of parameter differences (robustly), without the need of prior estimation of the parameters, has been introduced. Results on the analysis of geodetic time series, particularly Earth orientation parameter time series, geocenter time series, permanent station coordinates and sea level variation time series are also provided in this review paper. The entire bibliography of related works is provided in the references.
The aim of the paper is to present the structure and research potential of the newly created measurement and information system for observing dynamic phenomena occurring in the Earth's crust in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland as a result of mining activities. The structure of the system is similar to the one developed for monitoring the movements of the European tectonic plate under the European Plate Observation System (EPOS) programme. The measurement part of the system consists of stationary devices and sensors working in monitoring mode, installed in various locations of the USCB, both on the surface and underground, as well as data sets from periodically performed measurements using land, air and satellite techniques. The IT part of the system will create a local data centre with specialized and dedicated processing and modelling software in which all measurement data will be archived and processed to a form which enables the analysis of the short and long-term impact of mining operations on the environment. As one of the elements of the system will be observations of the short and long-term gravity and morphology changes, the collected data will enable research in the field of the geodynamics of mining areas to be conducted.
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