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The paper is an attempt at synthetic reconstruction of the theory of cultural capital of Pierre Bourdieu. It also presents a reflection on its potential application to analyses of contemporary Polish society. Different approaches to the definition of cultural capital as well as its relations with other types of capital distinguished by P.Bourdieu are discussed. In particular, relations between cultural capital and social as well as symbolic capital are discussed. Notions of "capital conversion", "reproduction" and "field" have been also presented. The theoretical and ideological context of the development of the theory of cultural capital is discussed, as well as its functions in the context of so-called "critical theory" and relations with the notion of "human capital". The notion of cultural capital has been also discussed in relation to the theory of symbolic violence. A number of criticisms of assumptions and observations made by Bourdieu made by different authors have been presented, in particular those suggesting that Bourdieu presents his conclusions pertaining to observa- tions of contemporary French society as universal. Other reservations expressed about his theory discussed in the text included assumptions of coherence of dominant canons of the high culture in modern Western societies. The paper is concluded with a reflection on the relevance of cultural capital theory in the context of societies of Central and Eastern Europę, and in particular its uses for the study of the Polish society.
Content available remote Jan Sowa. Fantomowe ciało króla. Peryferyjne zmagania z nowoczesną formą
Recenzja książki Jana Sowy "Fantomowe ciało króla. Peryferyjne zmagania z nowoczesną formą"
The paper deals with the phenomenon of waning memory of the Polish economic elite in the late Russian Empire. It is related to the disappearance of the memory of the liberal political movement of the Polish political scene before the First World War. Mechanisms of these processes of forgetting are related to the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, in particular it is argued that the liberal Polish elite of the Russian Empire could be defined as economic-capital-based elite. Its rivals, both socialists led by Piłsudski and National-Democrats led by Dmowski, classical intelligentsia figures, could be seen as leaders of the cultural capital-based elites. As it is argued, the intelligentsia was in many ways a benefactor of the Bolshevik Revolution, which deprived the Polish economic elite of most of their capitals and led to its political marginalization. In effect the intelligentsia was able to impose its values and social hierarchies on the modern Polish national identity, which ever since is defined in terms largely unrelated to the economic logic. These mechanisms privilege memory of the intellectual figures and freedom-fighters in the mainstream canons of Polish history. A closer look at the forgotten economic and political Polish elite of the late Russian Empire allows to point out to several arbitrary elements in the dominant readings of the Polish and Russian history in contemporary Poland. They are illustrated in the paper on the example of the biography of Aleksander Lednicki, a prominent politician and lawyer, leader of the Polish community in Moscow until 1918.
Aleksander Lednicki and the fate of his milieu of the Polish community in Russia at the turn of the 20th cent. as a mirror of the transformations of the Polish field of powerThe paper deals with the phenomenon of waning memory of the Polish economic elite in the late Russian Empire. It is related to the disappearance of the memory of the liberal political movement of the Polish political scene before the First World War. Mechanisms of these processes of forgetting are related to the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, in particular it is argued that the liberal Polish elite of the Russian Empire could be defined as economic-capital-based elite. Its rivals, both socialists led by Piłsudski and National-Democrats led by Dmowski, classical intelligentsia figures, could be seen as leaders of the cultural capital-based elites. As it is argued, the intelligentsia was in many ways a benefactor of the Bolshevik Revolution, which deprived the Polish economic elite of most of their capitals and led to its political marginalization. In effect the intelligentsia was able to impose its values and social hierarchies on the modern Polish national identity, which ever since is defined in terms largely unrelated to the economic logic. These mechanisms privilege memory of the intellectual figures and freedom-fighters in the mainstream canons of Polish history. A closer look at the forgotten economic and political Polish elite of the late Russian Empire allows to point out to several arbitrary elements in the dominant readings of the Polish and Russian history in contemporary Poland. They are illustrated in the paper on the example of the biography of Aleksander Lednicki, a prominent politician and lawyer, leader of the Polish community in Moscow until 1918.
The text presents an overview of the state of Polish historiography after 1989 seen from the perspective of the sociology of science, in particular the so-called critical sociology. It points, firstly, to the main achievements, weaknesses, and potential directions for the development of disciplines, especially global history; secondly, to the history of empires, closely related to global history; and thirdly, to the study of the history of modernity in its various understandings and forms.
W tekście przedstawiono ogląd stanu polskiej historiografii po 1989 r. z puntu widzenia socjologii nauki, w szczególności tzw. socjologii krytycznej. Wskazano, po pierwsze, na główne osiągnięcia, słabości, a także potencjalne kierunki rozwoju dyscyplin, w szczególności tzw. historię globalną, po drugie na związaną z nią blisko historię imperiów, po trzecie na studia nad historią nowoczesności w jej różnych rozumieniach i obliczach.
Głównym celem tekstu jest przedstawienie hipotezy dualności peryferyjnego systemu tworzenia wiedzy akademickiej. Opiera się ona na podkreśleniu znaczenia zależności procesów tworzenia wiedzy od zależności centro-peryferyjnych w ujęciu zarówno globalnym jak i lokalnym. Szczególnym przypadkiem analizowanym w tekście są polskie nauki społeczne. Przedstawiono ich analizę w kontekście teorii systemu światowego, socjologii krytycznej oraz krytycznej analizy dyskursu. W odwołaniu do socjologii wiedzy przedstawiono bardziej ogólny model dualności systemów tworzenia wiedzy naukowej na peryferiach. Ten model mający status hipotezy może pomagać tłumaczyć pozorne niespójności w funkcjonowaniu systemu nauki w Polsce. Jednym z elementów przedstawionej propozycji jest redefinicja koncepcji „działań pozornych” Jana Lutyńskiego, która początkowo rozwinięta została w odniesieniu do opisu działania instytucji w Polsce komunistycznej. Główną tezą tekstu jest hipoteza, iż dualność systemu polskich nauk społecznych ma bardzo specyficzny charakter i nie przejawia się wyraźnie w warstwie instytucjonalnej.
The main aim of the present article is to offer a hypothesis of duality of the peripheral systems of production of academic knowledge, highlighting the dependency of that process on the centre-periphery structures of the contemporary world as well as form the local contexts. A particular focus of the text will be on the case of the social sciences in contemporary Poland. Consequently, a view on the Polish academic knowledge production system in the framework of the world system theory, critical sociology and critical discourse analysis will be offered. Drawing on the selected tools of sociology of knowledge a more general hypothesis on the dual nature of the knowledge production systems in the peripheries is presented. The hypothesis may serve to explain apparent inconsistencies in the functioning of the Polish and other peripheral knowledge production systems. One of its key elements is a proposal of redefinition of Jan Lutyński’s concept of “apparent actions”, which has been originally developed to interpret the tensions in the functioning of institutions of the communist Poland. The paper concludes with suggestion that the form of duality observed in Poland is atypical and not obvious in the institutional dimension.
The text starts with a supportive opinion on the concept of the Global East, evaluating it as a convincing and useful tool for the development of critical studies on the so-called post-communist or the second world in a wider global perspective. In the remaining comments, several reasons for possible problems with the broader implementation of the proposed concept are discussed. They include both the resistance which it could encounter in Central and Eastern Europe, and broader, structural reasons why introducing it as a frame parallel to the Global South paradigm may be problematic. Among the examples of similar issues with new theoretical projects, the experience of the complex and not always enthusiastic reception of the post-colonial theory in Poland is briefly discussed.
The paper argues that modern linguistics, despite having developed its own critical and reflexive branches such as the critical discourse analysis (CDA), has not been able to apply a critical perspective towards its own field yet. While the contextual character of its key notions (e.g. meaning or text structures) has been already widely accepted, the contextual nature of linguistics itself with all its tools has not been fully recognized. The paper argues that linguistics, including contemporary schools of discourse analysis, may be seen as strongly entangled in power relations. Several discourse analytical concepts are deconstructed by means of demonstrating their potential role in power structures reproduction. The latter may take shape of introducing or perpetuating textual hierarchies in academia and other social fields. The notions put under critical scrutiny context itself (social nature of which is not yet fully recognized) as well as textuality and its criteria (coherence, language competences, emotions, politicization, meta-discourse and reflexivity).
W artykule przedstawiono wizję rozwoju językoznawstwa rozumianego jako wzrost jego refleksyjności i kontekstowości. Pomimo powstania takich subdyscyplin, jak Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu, językoznawstwo nie zdołało w pełni zwrócić narzędzi krytycznej analizy ku sobie. Choć kontekstowa natura takich pojęć, jak „znaczenie” czy „struktura” tekstu została już powszechnie zaakceptowana, kontekstowy charakter samego językoznawstwa i większości jego fundamentalnych pojęć nie został jeszcze w pełni uznany. W artykule przedstawiono spojrzenie na językoznawstwo, wraz z analizą dyskursu, jako na narzędzia władzy czy też dziedziny nauki silnie uwikłane w relacje władzy. Na przykładzie analizy szeregu pojęć, głównie z zakresu teorii dyskursu, pokazano, jaką rolę w reprodukcji stosunków władzy oraz budowaniu hierarchii tekstów, w tym naukowych, mogą odgrywać narzędzia językoznawcze. Analizie poddano między innymi rolę pojęć takich jak: kontekst, kryteria tekstowości (w szczególności spójność), kompetencja językowa, emocjonalność, metadyskurs i polityzacja.
Artykuł przedstawia kilka prób interpretacji głównych wymiarów polskiej przestrzeni politycznej w świetle wybranych teorii podziałów politycznych. Po pierwsze, dwie główne osie przestrzeni politycznej, odpowiadające jednocześnie dwóm głównym osiom polskiej sceny politycznej, konfrontowane są z ogólnymi modelami Dogana oraz Kitschelta. W kolejnej części artykułu przedstawiono próbę odniesienia struktury polskiej sceny politycznej do opartego na kryteriach historycznych schematu Lipseta i Rokkana. Na zakończenie podjęto próbę interpretacji czterech wymiarów polskiej geografii wyborczej (dwóch głównych osi konfliktu politycznego, wymiaru poparcia dla mniejszości narodowych i religijnych oraz frekwencji wyborczej) jako różnych możliwych wariantów osi centrum–peryferie.
This article is an attempt at a fairly detailed analysis of the TV series Being Forty in its first version of the 1970s. The text proposes an interpretation of the film from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory and in particular reconstructs the social sphere of the film’s protagonists, which consists of the intelligentsia elite, the nomenklatura, the lower intelligentsia, and medium-level technical personnel. In the picture produced by the filmmakers, the role of the intelligentsia, especially its multi-generational old elite, is dominant. This vision does not fully correspond with the real place of the intelligentsia in Poland during the Gierek era. The authors of the article thus interpret the film as the scriptwriters’ appreciation of the intelligentsia, both in respect to its lower technical staff and to the part of the nomenklatura that was less rich in cultural capital. The interpretative framework proposed in the text seems useful for analyzing other works of art in order to reconstruct the social relations of the times in which they were created.
This article is one of the voices in the discussion on the semi-peripheral nature of knowledge production systems, inspired by the publication of Gra peryferyjna by Tomasz Warczok and Tomasz Zarycki. The authors answer two polemical voices in the discussion by focusing on the dangers of the materialistic correction of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory and the hegemonic position of the intelligentsia as a factor shaping the Polish field of social sciences.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi jeden z głosów w dyskusji nad półperyferyjnym charakterem systemów produkcji naukowej, dla której pretekstem była publikacja książki Gra peryferyjna Tomasza Warczoka i Tomasza Zaryckiego. Autorzy odpowiadają w nim na dwa głosy polemiczne w dyskusji, skupiając się na zagrożeniach materialistycznej korekty teorii Pierre’a Bourdieu i hegemonicznej pozycji inteligencji jako czynnika kształtującego polskie pole nauk społecznych.
This article is an introduction to the discussion on the semi-peripheral nature of knowledge production systems, inspired by the publication of Gra Peryferyjna by Tomasz Warczok and Tomasz Zarycki. At the same time, the authors summarize the most important issues raised in the book, that is the relational approach to the study of knowledge and science inspired by Pierre Bourdieu and Immanuel Wallerstein, as well as the dual nature of Polish political science.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi wprowadzenie do dyskusji nad półperyferyjnym charakterem systemów produkcji naukowej, dla której pretekstem była publikacja książki Gra peryferyjna Tomasza Warczoka i Tomasza Zaryckiego. Autorzy streszczają w nim jednocześnie najważniejsze kwestie poruszane w książce: relacyjne podejście do badań nauki inspirowane pracami Pierra Bourdieu i Immanuela Wallersteina, jak również dualny charakter polskich nauk politycznych.
The main aim of the article is to introduce the topic of the modern post-noble elites in Poland into the field of sociological inquiry. The article argues that although the heirs of the Polish nobility have for a long time been an object of interest of the media and a focus of numerous memoirs and historical books published in Poland, sociology has largely ignored the existence of this social group. This article has been planned as a first attempt at filling this gap. It reconstructs the genesis of the post-noble elite, the modern criteria of membership in the group and the mechanisms of its reproduction. Several interpretations of the mechanisms of sustaining the identity of the post-nobles have been presented as well. The presentation of these findings has been preceded by an overview of the recent studies of the aristocratic elite conducted inWestern Europe. The preliminary results of research in Poland seem to fit well with the patterns identified in the international studies which are discussed in the first part of the paper. They clearly demonstrate on the one hand, manifold similarities between the functioning of the Polish and Western post-aristocratic elites at the beginning of the 21st century, and on the other, they point to the unique significance of the “extended family” in the Polish post-noble milieu.
The book addresses issues related to labor market policy, shows the relevant mechanisms of its research, programming and implementation, and its subject is, in particular, the analysis of the situation of employees of employment offices and the unemployed themselves. The book is multidimensional. For me, the first part, in which the author presents his view on trends in the policy of the labor market that are decreasing in the environment of our science, presents to me a special focus. Recognizes the disproportionate emphasis on the analysis of legal acts, on "official documents, on target-set objectives, often unrealistic." He points to the dean of the research perspective in which the official who is the "face of the state" is present, which determines the quality of public service , de "perspectives of the final recipient", i.e. a citizen (quality of services for a citizen).
Książka porusza zagadnienia dotyczące polityki rynku pracy, pokazuje istotne mechanizmy jej badania, programowania i wdrażania, a jej przedmiotem jest zwłaszcza analiza sytuacji pracowników urzędów pracy i samych bezrobotnych. Książka jest wielowymiarowa. Dla mnie szczególne znaczenie ma pierwsza część, w której autorka przedstawia swoje spojrzenie na istniejące w środowisku naszej nauki tendencje w zakresie sposobów badania zjawisk w polityce rynku pracy. Dostrzega nieproporcjonalny nacisk na analizę aktów prawnych, specjalnych dokumentów, na odgórnie wyznaczane cele, często nierealistyczne. Wskazuje na deficyt perspektywy badawczej, w której obecny jest urzędnik będący "twarzą państwa", od którego pracy zależy jakość usługi publicznej, deficyt perspektywy "końcowego odbiorcy", czyli obywatela (jakość usług dla obywatela).
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