In the paper, in an interdisciplinary way, an attempt was made to define the term "social innovation" in the context of strengthening active social policy and community organising. It appears that multifaceted tendencies and changes in the development of technological and social innovations determine the need to take into account numerous tasks, functions, needs, determinants and systematic efforts to ensure that community inhabitants have good living and development conditions.
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The paper combines both cognitive and analytical field as well as practical application of knowledge gathered as a result ofresearch carried out, focuses on issues of conditions and development determinants of local labour markets slaskievoivodeship in phase ofdemographic change. The results of the conducted research allowed to develop recommendations for modernization and development basedmainly on knowledge and education of labour market in phase of demographic change.
Artykuł, łącząc zarówno obszar poznawczy i analityczny, jak i praktyczne zastosowanie zgromadzonej w wyniku zrealizowanych badań wiedzy, skupia się na problematyce uwarunkowań i determinant rozwoju lokalnych rynków pracy województwa śląskiego w fazie zmiany demograficznej. Wyniki prowadzonych badań pozwoliły na opracowanie rekomendacji służących modernizacji i rozwojowi, opartego głównie na wiedzy i edukacji rynku pracy w fazie zmiany demograficznej.
Artykuł skupia się na złożonej i nieposiadającej w piśmiennictwie szerszego i głębszego opisu tematyce rozwoju i awansu zawodowego młodych kadr górniczych. Zarówno nieliczne w tym obszarze problemowym badania oraz obserwacje wskazują, że rozwój i awans zawodowy oparty o tradycyjne formy górniczej pracy i zatrudnienia będzie zanikał. Kluczową determinantą tego procesu będzie Rewolucja Przemysłowa 4.0., której skutki już się ujawniają w działaniach Kombinatu Górniczo-Hutniczego Miedź Polska S.A. i Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. ukierunkowanych na powstanie e-kopalni. Można założyć, że osiągnięcie celu, jakim jest inteligentna kopalnia może całościowo zredefiniować dotychczasowy model rozwoju i awansu zawodowego młodych kadr górniczych w kierunku odejścia od tradycyjnej górniczej „szychty” do permanentnego rozwoju opartego na najnowocześniejszych i inteligentnych technologiach.
The paper focuses on a complex and lacking in literature a broader and deeper description of development and promotion of young mining personnel. Both the few in this problem area research and observations indicate that professional development and promotion based on traditional forms of mining and employment will disappear. The key determinant of this process will be the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which effects are already evident in activities of Kombinat Górniczo Hutniczy Miedź Polska S.A. and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. focused on creation of the E-mine. It can be assumed that achieving the objective of a smart mine can completely redefine current model of professional development and promotion of young mining personnel towards moving away from traditional mining “shifts” to permanent development based on the most modern and intelligent technologies.
The article focuses on the subject of training qualified staff and profiling of vocational training fields. As researchers note, there is currently no doubt that for the effectiveness of the vocational training system to be as high as possible, it is necessary to bring the vocational school closer to the world of work, the labour market and businesses to school. In the 21st century, an employee must be a well-educated expert. In today's economies, where knowledge is a key resource, there is a characteristic pattern. Finding a job is determined 70% by professional knowledge (hard competences) and 30% by soft skills (social competences). However, 70% of work is lost due to a lack of soft skills and 30% due to a lack of professional expertise. Against this background, the author of the article - analysing the dual education system - indicates that coordinating vocational training with the needs of the labour market is an extremely effective method.
Objective: The purpose of this article is to justify the need for interdisciplinary research on demographic change due to the need to prepare for the challenges arising from many public policies, such as family, labour market, education and social security. The identified challenges and areas imply a broad reflection, which should focus on a holistic approach to active social policy and the labour market. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article were verified using a: literature review, statistical research and comparative analysis. Findings: The changes, processes and forecasts presented in the article indicate that in order to reduce mismatches in the labour market in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, measures should be taken to build the future shape of urban policies – especially in the phase of aging of the society. Not taking this type of action may delay preparation of Jastrzębie-Zdrój for changes in the age structure of inhabitants, whichseems inevitable. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of dynamically developing demographic changes. Based on the conclusions presented in the article, it seems that the biggest contemporary challenge for the community, institutions and people creating Jastrzębie-Zdrój’s future may be maintaining the longest possible professional activity of the aging population of Jastrzębie-Zdrój while building a modern active social policy and labour market corresponding to the economic structure of cities.
Purpose: the main goal of this article is to determine whether demographic changes threaten the development of the labor market and education system. Methodology: theses and research questions were verified by means of a group interview, carried out with a target group of experts representing nurses and midwives in their trade union organizations. The basic recording technique for the interview was sound and audio recording. Findings: demographic changes will affect the future shape of education and the labor market. The most serious challenge is the need to adjust education levels to the age structure of the population resulting from demographic change. There is a need to improve people’s competences by promoting the idea of lifelong learning. As a result of aging, labor resources will come from a much older population than today. This is a challenge of updating current training programs to adapt them to aging societies – and Europe’s competitiveness will depend on the quality of their employment and the efficiency of their work. Originality: knowledge presented in the article indicates that special attention should be paid to supporting the smooth transition of young people from education stage to the labor market, as well as ensuring the longest possible economic activity of people over the age of 50. Considering the above, it should be clearly stated that demographic, economic and social trends have led the period of economic activity of Poles and citizens of most European countries being extended.
The authors of the article, based on literature studies, notes a current significant increase in the role and importance of professional preparation of employees, which is closely related to the rate of civilizational progress, including the extremely dynamically developing automation of numerous industrial and non-industrial areas. In this light, it seems that breaking the mental barriers to the automation process in order to strengthen its acceptance could play a decisive role in creating the development of the labor market and education
Culture - this is what remains when you forget everything you have learned. S. Lagerlof Purpose: In the cognitive space of the article, an important and significant social challenge arises, which is the preservation of cultural heritage in transformed post-industrial areas. Methodology: the theses presented in the article were verified using the following methods: literature review, critical analysis of literature, analysis and comparison of documents and an example of good practices. Result: the literature research confirms that the protection of cultural heritage is an important factor in socio-economic development. By preserving and using cultural heritage, the economic, cultural and social value of transformed post-industrial areas can be increased. Originality: The literature research confirms that the protection of cultural heritage is an important factor in socio-economic development. By preserving and using cultural heritage, the economic, cultural and social value of transformed post-industrial areas can be increased.
Purpose: the main purpose of the article is to justify need for interdisciplinary professional training of employees for challenges related to the growing importance of dynamically developing automation, which is closely related to the pace of civilization development. Design/methodology/approach: the theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. Findings: based on content of this article, a future emerges in which man, industry and surrounding reality will be shaped by automation developing with a hitherto unknown dynamics. This phenomenon may lead to the disappearance of a world dominated by the industrial age and the transition to a new era determined by technologies, dominated by data flow and its analysis. In automated economies, knowledge that is exemplified by the knowledge society that creates innovative solutions has become a key capital. It seems that automation in the context of economies' competitiveness will determine the need to raise the level of education and of competences, and to create and control new knowledge. Originality/value: the article enriches knowledge and develops discussion in the area of dynamically developing automation. Thanks to the knowledge presented in the article, it can be concluded that the decisive role in creating the development of labor market and education can be overcome by breaking social and professional barriers to automation processes - which may favor the social dimension of the individual and strengthen the sense of human life fullness.
Nothing stays the same. The only thing you can be sure of in life is change. Trudi Canavan Purpose: in the cognitive space of the article, an important and significant challenge arises, which is - in the perspective of the megatrends indicated in the article, demographic change and public health - the need to prepare a package of socio-economic activities dedicated primarily to the inhabitants of the areas where the process of closing down mining plants will take place. In this context, the issues of demographic change and health should be given priority in these areas in activities promoting social and economic activity in the transformation process. Methodology: the theses presented in the article were verified using the following methods: literature review, critical analysis of literature, analysis and comparison of documents and an example of good practices. Resultat: in the perspective of the next decades, numerous social and economic challenges and effects related to the transformation of mining plants in the space of local communities (commune, district) can be pointed out. While maintaining the hierarchy of objectives described in the European Green Deal Plan and clearly related to the plan for the transformation of mining plants, lasting cooperation of the three key stakeholders in this process, i.e., local communities (representation of local and territorial self-government), employers and representation of state policies, should be expected in their environment. Originality: the conclusions and recommendations from the article may be important for researchers and practitioners involved in the implementation of activities aimed at limiting the marginalization, differentiation and social and economic exclusion of residents of areas where the process of closing mining plants will take place.
Purpose: On the basis of their own research, the authors of the article undertook to determine the factors determining future social and economic development and to develop recommendations for strengthening active economic, social and labour market policies in mining municipalities and districts in Poland – in the perspective of the "European Green Deal" plan and "Just Transition" Design/methodology: the results presented in the article were obtained on the basis of the implementation of questionnaire research, expert interviews, literature review, critical literature analysis, documentation analysis, statistical descriptive analysis. Findings: As a result of the analyses and surveys carried out, the article presents an extensive set of conclusions, the most important of which are those relating to social. The presented attempt of the prospective approach to the phenomena and processes which may result from the transformation of the hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at better understanding of the role which may be fulfilled in the future by the local self-government in the area of which the operating or disused mines and mining enterprises are located. Secondly which are related to the perspective of the hard coal mining transformation process, first of all showed terms the scale of challenges faced by mining municipalities. The indicated processes are nowadays dominated by the challenge of creating new ecological solutions of high quality both in the sphere of their social acceptance in the utilitarian dimension. It is a process that allows for a better understanding of the role of local government in the transformation process, which will probably take up, in a fragmentary way, economic, social and environmental challenges resulting from the contemporary development of economy based on knowledge and determined by the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Originality: the findings and recommendations of the study may become relevant for practitioners and researchers dealing with climate change mitigation, strategy implementation, cross-sectoral partnerships and sustainable development of transformed areas.
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