The author of the article analyses the transformations of the category of masculinity in social realist literature. For Stalinism a negative point of reference in the fight over a new model of masculinity was war and an image of young, brave soldiers of the Home Army, associated with the tradition of the Second Polish Republic. The attempts were made to juxtapose this model with a new type of masculinity founded on the idea of physical work on the reconstruction of the country, an image of a heroic soldier of the Red Army and the Secret Police functionaries. In the 1960s and 1970s the authors of militia fiction and the works belonging to the so‑called military patriotism referred to this Stalinist concept of masculinity.
Common history, common cultureThe review provides a brief overview of the collective work edited by Eugenia Prokop--Janiec that is devoted to literary and cultural Polish-Jewish contacts in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, recognized in the context of the changes in the processes of modernisation and modernity.
This article presents the current state of studies on literature of World War II. The author sets this against the backdrop of the substantial scholarship on literature of the Holocaust. The author analyses the possibilities and conditions for putting together a comparative monograph on Polish poetry and prose addressing World War II.
Autor szkicu prezentuje aktualny stan badań nad literaturą o II wojnie światowej. Ukazuje go na tle bogatej refleksji nad literaturą o Zagładzie. W swojej zasadniczej części analizuje szanse i warunki powstania syntezy monograficznej o polskiej poezji i prozie dotyczącej II wojny światowej.
Artykuł traktuje o Dzienniku wojennym Leopolda Buczkowskiego. Chodzi o odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące genezy tego tekstu, kolejnych faz jego powstawania. Jest to trudne zadanie, gdyż nie dysponujemy pierwotna wersją dzieła. Brak pierwotnej wersji utrudnia też badanie tzw. sfery materialnej dziennika. Możemy ja zrekonstruować tylko na podstawie zachowanej wersji rękopiśmienniczej. Autor artykułu (z pozycji problemów edytorskich i filologicznych) omawia też Dziennik wojenny na tle innych wczesnych utworów Buczkowskiego (Wertepy, Czarny potok, zbiór kilkudziesięciu wierszy). Wskazuje na potrzebę nowego wydania Dziennika wojennego oraz na błędy popełnione w istniejącym wydaniu.
The paper discussed Dziennik wojenny [War Journal] by Leopold Buczkowski. It posed a question concerning the origins of the text and the subsequent stages of its development. That is a challenging task since the original version of the work is not available. Additionally, the lack of the first version makes it difficult to examine the so-called material sphere of the journal. It can be reconstructed only based on the surviving manuscript version. The author of the paper also discussed Dziennik wojenny against the background of other early works by Buczkowski (Wertepy and Czarny potok, a collection of a few dozen poems), from the perspective of editorial and philological problems. He also demonstrated the need for a new edition of Dziennik wojenny, and indicated the errors committed in the existing edition.
Recenzja omawia książkę Magdaleny Ruty „Bez Żydów?”, która stanowi prekursorskie opracowanie tekstów prozatorskich i poetyckich utrwalonych w języku jidysz.
The review discusses Magdalena Ruta’s book “Bez Żydów? (Without the Jews?),” a precursory study of prose and poetical texts recorded in Yiddish.
The article discusses Marek Zaleski’s monograph Intensywność i rzeczy pokrewne [Intensity and other related matters] (Warsaw 2022). The reviewed book reads like a crossover between a strictly academic text and an essay. In a number of different essays, Zaleski insightfully analyzes the category of intensity and related notions of collective and individual memory. Discussing the problems of contemporary Polish prose, the scholar draws on the findings of the new humanities.
Artykuł omawia monografię Marka Zaleskiego Intensywność i rzeczy pokrewne (Warszawa 2022). Recenzowana książka napisana jest stylem balansującym między dyskursem naukowym a wypowiedzią charakterystyczną dla poetyki eseju. Jej autor ciekawie analizuje w kilkunastu tekstach kategorię intensywności oraz pokrewne jej pojęcia pamięci zbiorowej, pamięci indywidualnej. Badacz, omawiając problemy najnowszej prozy polskiej, sięga po ustalenia najnowszej humanistyki.
This article synthesises the topic of the views of Nazi war criminals in the Polish post-war prose (1944–1989). The author enumerates the most important pieces of Polish prose treating the motif of German war criminals. This outline is an invitation to describe a portrait of the executioners and it signals several important problems related to the subject, including the question of the genesis of evil and the most important presentations of Nazis in Polish literature. Another significant issue is that of the transformation of the image of Nazis over time during the Communist era in Poland and the related stereotypes of Germans in Polish culture through history. The article also briefly discusses the topic of the executioners in the work of Jonathan Littell and Bogdan Rutha
The reviewer discusses Eugenia Prokop-Janiec’s newest book entitled "Pogranicze polsko-żydowskie" ("Polish-Jewish Borderland"). The scholar offers a new understanding of the category of borderland. At the same time she recalls the most recent Western publications about the Polish-Jewish issues in the Interwar period and suggests a new inspiring look at the neighborhood of two cultures.
Autor recenzji omawia najnowszą książkę Eugenii Pokop-Janiec "Pogranicze polsko-żydowskie". Badaczka prezentuje w niej nowe rozumienie kategorii pogranicza. Przywołuje jednocześnie najnowsze zachodnie publikacje dotyczące problematyki relacji polsko-żydowskich w okresie międzywojennym. Proponuje nowe, inspirujące spojrzenie na sąsiedztwo dwóch kultur.
The author of this paper discusses the prose of Andrzej Brycht, comparing it with the writer’s biography and the collective biography and works of the “Współczesność” generation. The article presents and documents the uniqueness of Brycht’s early short stories in the context of his style and skill in building expressive literary characters. This paper closes with an attempt to give the reasons for the writer’s artistic failure.
The author of this paper provides a synthetic discussion of the image of the Warsaw Ghetto in Polish poetry, prose, and drama. The Warsaw Ghetto is the one with most literary representations among all of the ghettos that have existed in the territories that were part of the Second Polish Republic before the war. The scholar presents the topic in chronological order, discussing the image of the closed Warsaw district during wartime, in the post-war era, the Stalinist period, the time from the 1950s to the 1980s, and after the year 1989. The most notable changes in the ghetto imagery occur after the year 1989, and are associated with the abolishment of censorship, the invasion of pop-cultural reframings of the subject, and the debuts of writers born after the war. In his analysis the author also considers texts that do not take up the topic of the Warsaw Ghetto directly and he points to traces that open up the possibility of classifying those texts as works about the Warsaw city-beyond-the-wall.
Autor artykułu omawia syntetycznie obraz getta warszawskiego w polskiej poezji, prozie i dramacie. Ma ono najwięcej literackich realizacji spośród wszystkich gett istniejących na terenach dawnej Drugiej Rzeczpospolitej. Badacz prezentuje te tematykę w porządku chronologicznym omawiając obraz warszawskiej dzielnicy zamkniętej w czasie wojny, w epoce powojennej, stalinowskiej, od lat pięćdziesiątych do osiemdziesiątych oraz po roku 1989. Największe zmiany w obrazie getta dokonują się po roku 1989 i są związane ze zniesieniem cenzury, inwazją ujęć popkulturowych, pojawieniem się pisarzy urodzonych po wojnie. Autor poddaje refleksji również grupę tekstów, w których tematyka warszawskiego getta nie pojawia się bezpośrednio. Wskazuje ślady, według których można klasyfikować je jako utwory o warszawskim mieście za murem.
The author of the article studies the literary and cultural topos “Never more!”. He discusses its social and historical contexts as well as the instrumentalization of the anti-war rhetorics in the period of Peoples’ Republic of Poland (Pol. abbr. PRL). The outline also presents the place of anti-war rhetorics in the modern culture.
An essay entitled: “Holocaust Topology. Initial reconnaissance” deals with the issue of loci communes present in the Polish literature on Shoah. The author presents the current state of research into the Jewish topology and the basic issues related to the classification of topics on the Holocaust. Some key terms candidates for a future Holocaust topology lexicon – are presented and briefly explained
Recenzja omawia monografię Grzegorza Niziołka "Polski teatr Zagłady". To pionierskie opracowanie traktuje o wątkach holokaustowych w polskim teatrze powojennym. Autor nie ogranicza się do odnajdywania motywów holokaustowych, ale też ukazuje sposoby ich przemilczania, ukrywania.
The review considers Grzegorz Niziołek’s monograph "Polski teatr Zagłady" ("The Polish Theatre of Extermination"). The pioneering study treats of the Holocaust threads in Polish post-war theatre. The author does not limit his considerations to finding the Holocaust motifs, but also shows the modes in which they were silenced and hidden.
DEATH TRAINS – Some Notes on the Construction of the Dictionary Entry The article discusses the topos of the death train in Polish literature and collective imagination. In the first part, the author presents the genesis of the topos and reconstructs its meanings. In the second part, he focuses on the specific problems related to including the entry in the future dictionary of the topoi of the Holocaust. The topos of the death train is one of the oldest ones in the collection of the Holocaust‑related themes. It is often perceived as a synonym to the Shoah. The author of the article enumerates and briefly interprets the most significant literary and cultural examples of the death trains. Key words: Literary topos, Holocaust, Holocaust literature
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