Artykuł koncentruje się na aktywności publicystycznej polskich środowisk republikańskich w odniesieniu do zagadnień powiązanych z szeroko pojętą obronnością państwa. Analizie poddane zostały artykuły ukazujące się na łamach pism „Rzeczy Wspólne” i „Nowa Konfederacja”. Ich autorzy koncentrowali się na sprawach takich jak powszechny pobór, obrona terytorialna, reformy armii, zewnętrzne zagrożenia dla Polski. W enuncjacjach tych bardzo wyraźny jest wątek służby wspólnocie, co wyrażać się musi także w zapewnieniu jej bezpieczeństwa. Wielu z autorów stanowi zaplecze Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, stąd można domniemywać, że tworzona w tych środowiskach myśl ma wpływ na posunięcia rządu sformowanego przez tę partię, w odniesieniu do spraw obronnych.
The article focuses on the journalistic activity of the Polish republican milieus on the issues related to broadly defined defense of the state. The articles which were analyzed were published in the magazines "Common Things" and "New Confederacy". Their authors focused on the issues such as general conscription, territorial defense, army reform, external threats to Poland. In these enunciations the theme of the service to the community which must also be expressed in the security of a community is very clear. Many of the authors are the backbone of the Law and Justice party, so it can be presumed that the thought created in these environments influences the government's moves in defense matters.
The aim of the article is to discuss the attitude of Polish republican circles to the issue of cooperation between countries in EastCentral Europe. The articles published in the “Rzeczy Wspólne” and “Nowa Konfederacja” magazines, which were published in 2010-2017, have been analyzed. The ideas of region integration have deep roots in Polish political thought. Their origins can be seen in the tradition of the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the concepts of Marshal Piłsudski. The ineffectiveness of the activities of the politicians of the Third Polish Republic in this field became the reason for criticism in republican articles. An important role in the analyzed visions was played by countries located outside the EU - Belarus and Ukraine, for geopolitical reasons considered as desirable allies. The slogan of deepening the integration of the Visegrad Group and strengthening the Eastern Partnership initiative was also popular. However, this cooperation was to take place between fully sovereign states.
The aim of the article is to discuss the attitude of Polish republican circles to the issue of cooperation between countries in EastCentral Europe. The articles published in the “Rzeczy Wspólne” and “Nowa Konfederacja” magazines, which were published in 2010-2017, have been analyzed. The ideas of region integration have deep roots in Polish political thought. Their origins can be seen in the tradition of the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the concepts of Marshal Piłsudski. The ineffectiveness of the activities of the politicians of the Third Polish Republic in this field became the reason for criticism in republican articles. An important role in the analyzed visions was played by countries located outside the EU - Belarus and Ukraine, for geopolitical reasons considered as desirable allies. The slogan of deepening the integration of the Visegrad Group and strengthening the Eastern Partnership initiative was also popular. However, this cooperation was to take place between fully sovereign states.
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