Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate and assess the incidence of silicosis cases acknowledged as occupational diseases in Poland in 2000–2019. Material and Methods The cases of all medically recognized pneumoconioses, including silicoses, certified as occupational diseases were studied. The records were extracted from the Central Register of Occupational Diseases, the only official Polish central electronic data base of occupational diseases. Results During the period 2000–2019, 2066 confirmed cases of silicoses and 10 665 cases of other pneumoconioses including asbestosis and coal workers’ pneumoconiosis were reported to the Central Register of Occupational Diseases. Silicoses accounted for 12.8–21.2% of all pneumoconioses. The number of confirmed silicoses cases was growing along with the length of latency period and was the highest for the period of ≥40 years (513 cases). Over 70% of silicoses cases occurred after occupational exposure >20 years. The most workers who evolved silicosis were employed in manufacturing, predominantly casting of iron, mining and quarrying and construction. Conclusions The number of confirmed cases of silicosis in Poland decreased in 2000–2019 but the disease still remains an important health problem. Prevention is crucial to reduce further disease incidence. The medical monitoring standards of exposed workers should be improved. Developing new diagnosing guidelines with the use of other imaging examinations, like high-resolution computed tomography, has to be considered. The analysis should contribute into the implementation of silicosis preventative programmes, both at the enterprise and national level.
ObjectivesVarious indirect or direct airway challenge tests are used to measure nonspecific bronchial hyper-responsiveness (NSBHR). The evaluation of NSBHR in diagnosing occupational asthma (OA) is performed, e.g., to monitor the specific inhalation challenge test (SICT). The aim of this study was to preliminarily compare the results of methacholine and mannitol inhalation challenge tests in SICT monitoring in bakers with work-related airway symptoms.Material and MethodsFour bakery workers with a suspicion of OA underwent single-blind placebo-controlled SICTs involving workplace allergens, accompanied by the evaluation of NSBHR with mannitol and methacholine, both before and after SICTs. Clinical examinations, spirometry tests, skin prick tests (SPTs) to common aeroallergens and occupational allergens, as well as tests to determine serum specific IgE antibodies to occupational aeroallergens were also performed.ResultsPositive SPTs results to occupational aeroallergens were found in all bakery workers, and specific IgE antibodies to flour were detected in 2 subjects. Three patients displayed positive SICT reactions. In all of these 3 patients, airway responsiveness to methacholine increased significantly. In 2 patients, airway reaction to mannitol was significant, whereas in 1 subject there was no increase in NSBHR after mannitol inhalation. The patient with a negative SICT result did not reveal any changes in NSBHR before and after the test, either to methacholine or mannitol.ConclusionsThe data obtained by the authors show that there is no clear correlation between the methacholine and mannitol inhalation challenge tests in SICT monitoring. Preliminary results indicate the need for further investigations to evaluate the usefulness of the mannitol challenge test in the diagnostics of OA.
Respiratory diseases are a cause of long-term sickness absence, and even of partial or complete inability to work. This paper presents the first in Poland description of principles of good practice in occupational health service provided for people with respiratory diseases. The issues concerning the certification of the ability to work in this group of patients are discussed. The key-principles of preventive care of workers with obstructive and interstitial lung diseases with particular attention paid to the control of major risk factors are also presented. The importance of possible contraindications for job performance by workers affected by these diseases, as well as the responsibilities of occupational health physicians were highlighted. Med Pr 2013;64(3):427–438
Choroby układu oddechowego są istotną przyczyną długotrwałej absencji chorobowej, a nawet częściowej lub całkowitej niezdolności do pracy zawodowej. Artykuł jest pierwszym w Polsce opracowaniem zasad dobrych praktyk w opiece profilaktycznej nad osobami z chorobami układu oddechowego. Omówiono w nim zagadnienia związane z orzekaniem o zdolności do pracy u tych osób oraz przedstawiono kluczowe elementy opieki profilaktycznej nad pracownikiem z obturacyjnymi i śródmiąższowymi chorobami układu oddechowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kontroli czynników ryzyka. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwe przeciwwskazania do wykonywania pracy w przypadku tych schorzeń oraz zadań lekarza sprawującego opiekę profilaktyczną. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):427–438
Objectives: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be work-related. It has been estimated that 15% of the population burden of COPD is attributable to occupational exposure. However, in Poland COPD is rarely recognized as an occupational disease. The aim of the study has been to analyze the causes of the low prevalence of work-related COPD in the context of the existing criteria as well as to analyze which part of the assessment – clinical or hygienic one – is responsible for such a low rate of occupational COPD recognitions. Material and Methods: The study group included 150 patients hospitalized with a suspicion of occupational COPD. Each patient underwent a clinical examination, spirometry and reversibility test using bronchodilator. Moreover, hygienic evaluation of work conditions was performed in all the considered cases. Results: In the case of the patients who fulfilled the criteria for COPD diagnosis in accordance with the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) occupational origins of the disease, the disease was not recognized because 24.1% of the individuals did not meet spirometric criteria included in a definition of COPD in the Polish list of occupational diseases, while 27.8% of the individuals did not fulfill the criterion of a documented exposure to dusts and irritant gases. None of these criteria was fulfilled by 42.6% of the patients. Conclusions: In our country, both clinical and hygienic criteria result in limitations in recognition of occupational COPD. There is the need to establish new guidelines for the recognition of COPD as a compensable disease in Poland. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(2):139–150
ObjectivesEpidemiological data on cancer diseases are alarming. The workplace has become an increasingly important site for disseminating health information and implementing health promotion activities. Occupational medicine physicians (OMPs) have the opportunity to carry out primary and secondary preventive activities focused on civilization diseases, especially cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of OMPs in cancer prevention, including the analysis of factors determining the implementation of preventive measures, as part of standard healthcare for employees.Material and MethodsThe study was conducted among 362 OMPs. The interviews were carried out by the computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) method.ResultsOver 60% of the surveyed OMPs are ready to implement cancer preventive activities among employees. The doctors with the longest seniority in occupational health services are more likely to declare unwillingness to implement cancer preventive activities. Patient’s consent, informing women about the program and adjusting the time of the medical visit are the most important conditions for introducing cancer prevention programs by OMPs. Neither seniority nor the number of examinations performed by a physician influenced the currently implemented cancer preventive activities as part of occupational health services (including the evaluation of cancer risk factors occurrence among employees).ConclusionsIn Poland, OMPs are willing to implement cancer preventive activities among employees, but their current activity in this area is limited and needs development. The most specific actions should be addressed to doctors with the longest seniority in occupational health services, who are frequently unwilling to implement cancer preventive activities. Strengthening the preventive potential of Polish occupational health services requires a systemic approach to the scope and way of action of healthcare professionals.
ObjectivesCardiovascular and metabolic disorders constitute major health problems in the working populations in Europe. The aim of this project was to evaluate the health condition of workers employed in a Polish research and medical institution, and then to establish the necessary preventive actions by creating a modern model of occupational healthcare integrated with civilization disease (CivD) prevention.Material and MethodsOverall, 100 workers voluntarily participated in a health program for CivD prevention during mandatory prophylactic examinations. Data from these examinations was collected in a system of electronic documentation to enable the analysis of the workers’ health condition and risk factors of CivDs.ResultsWomen accounted for 72% of the employees who voluntarily participated in the prevention program, and 80% of the subjects had university education. As regards the health condition, 27% of the patients had elevated systolic, and 23% diastolic, blood pressure, and 21% had an abnormal fasting glucose level. Stressful job was an important factor correlated with an excessive body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, as well as total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Smoking, sedentary work and a lack of physical activity were significant factors for abdominal obesity. Generally, 94% of the program participants required some further interventions in lifestyle, diagnostics or treatment.ConclusionsCivilization disease prevention should focus on increasing physical activity both in leisure time and at the workplace as far as practicable. There is a need for implementing projects leading to occupational stress reduction and smoking cessation. Men as well as workers with vocational and elementary education need to be recruited for prevention programs dedicated to employees.
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