This article is an attempt at a systematic presention of the history of groups of immigrants from Poland from the turn of the eigthteenth century to the 1950s. The Poles in Chile were above all scholars, craftsmen, workers, and priests. Thez lived scattered througout the whole territory of Chile, although the largest settlements were in Santiago and Valparaiso. Scattered, few in number, lacking conflicts with the surrounding Chilean population, the Poles formed their own organizations only in certain circustances. The first was formed in 1916 when the Polish Fund Committe of Chile was organized to aid victims of the European war. Based on this organization, the 1. Domeyko Polish Cultural Club was formed, but its activity ceased around 1920. Efforts were made to organize material assistance for Poland and Promote thr Polish cause; a dozen or so volunteers even joined the Polish Army. The next important stage in the history of Chile’s Polonia was the period after 1945, when the Polish population of Chile reached its highest level, 1000-1200 people. Numerous organizations were thenesteblished, and the sole Polish-language periodical "Polak w Chile” was also published. The common denominator linking the Polish population was opposition to the Communist government in Poland. Also discussed is the particular role of the Polish clergy in Chile, who from the middle of the nineteenth century carried out missionary activity among the Indians and then also within Polonia. They plazed an essential role in the maintenance of the national traditions of Chile’s Polonia.
The article is devoted to one of the founders of the Polish diplomatic service during the Second Polish Republic, and then the model of diplomatic education – Karol Bertoni. The author focuses on little-known threads from Bertoni’s rich biography and includes valuable illustrations. A significant part of the source materials used has not been studied so far.
Artykuł poświęcony jest jednemu z twórców polskiej służby dyplomatycznej i konsularnej w okresie II RP, a potem współtwórcy modelu kształcenia dyplomatów – Karolowi Bertoniemu. Autor koncentruje się na mało znanych wątkach z bogatej biografii Bertoniego zamieszczając także cenne ilustracje. Opracowanie oparte jest na materiałach archiwalnych, a wiele wykorzystanych materiałów źródłowych nie było dotychczas badanych. Znaczną część opracowania poświęcono wątkom rodzinnym. Zaangażowanie w dydaktykę, w tym w powstanie z inicjatywy prof. Ludwika Ehrlicha przy Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza w 1930 r. Studium Dyplomatycznego jedynie zasygnalizowano, podobnie, jak kształcenie w zakresie dyplomacji i wiedzy konsularnej w Warszawie i Krakowie, odsyłając do literatury. Autor wskazał na obszary wymagające dalszych badań, w tym okres wojny i tuż powojenny, zanim opuścił Polskę.