W artykule przedstawiono system instalacji blendingu benzyn - nowej technologii benzyny, która ma sprostać wymaganiom Unii Europejskiej stawianym przez Dyrektywę 98/70/EC. Scharakteryzowano kolejne etapy rozwoju benzyn oraz porównano wymagania dla benzyn obowiązujące w Polsce z wymaganiami Unii Europejskiej.
The paper presents a new scheme to blend gasolines - the upgraded technology which will meet EU requirements covered by the Directive 98/70/EC. Following phases of gasoline technologies development are discussed on comparing requirements for gasolines standing in Poland with those in European Union.
It was presented engine tests of gasoline U-95 with special attention to its ecological characteristic. Legal rules relating to emission requirements for engines in European Union and in Poland have been described.
It was presented engine tests of gasoline U-95 with special attention to its ecological characteristics. Legal rules relating to emission requirements for engines in European Union and in Poland have been described.