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Content available Things and space in old age and an ageing society
Poland belongs to the group of countries in which the ageing process of the population has taken on a very violent dimension. Demographic forecasts indicate that the population of Poland in the middle of the 21st century will be one of the oldest in the group of European Union countries. The ageing of the population is a challenge, not only for the seniors themselves, but also for the whole society. Minimizing the negative effects of the ageing process requires undertaking actions in various areas of social policy in order to prepare for an increase in the number of elderly people with a simultaneous decrease in the number of people at pre-age and working age. The aim of the article is to present the impact and significance of objects and space in which seniors function on the life of older people. The ageing process of the population forces the adoption of measures aimed at adapting the private and public environment to the needs of seniors, in particular people with reduced ability to self-care and self-care. The article uses data from the GUS, NFZ, EC, MRPiPS and the results of the author’s own research.
Content available MTG Lightning Imager – Prolegomena
W artykule zaprezentowano nowatorski, satelitarny instrument teledetekcyjny – Lightning Imager, znajdujący się na pokładzie niedawno umieszczonego na orbicie geostacjonarnej satelity Meteosat Third Generation – Imager 1. W skrócie omówiono cele misji, funkcję, budowę czujników, zasady detekcji i poziomy danych instrumentu oraz poszczególne produkty (Level 1 products oraz Level 2 products) generowane na podstawie danych LI wraz z ich krótką charakterystyką. Na koniec wymieniono kilka wcześniejszych chronologicznie misji satelitarnych o podobnych celach, które odniosły sukces w swej fazie orbitalnej, a których dostępne w trybie otwartym dane stanowią podstawę do licznych opracowań naukowych w dziedzinie. Celowo pominięto misje o charakterze militarnym, te które z różnych powodów nie doszły do skutku, dostarczały danych nie nadających się dla celów opracowań naukowych lub zakończyły się katastrofą. Takowe mogą stanowić temat osobnego, niemniej interesującego artykułu.
The article presents an innovative satellite remote sensing instrument – Lightning Imager on board the geostationary satellite Meteosat Third Generation – Imager 1 recently placed in orbit. Subsequently, the mission objectives, function, sensor construction, detection principles, and data levels are briefly discussed. Also, individual products (Level 1 products and Level 2 products) generated based on the LI data are described and shortly characterized. Finally, several chronologically earlier and of similar objectives, satellite missions that have been successful in their orbital phase were listed. Their data available in open-mode form are the basis for numerous scientific studies in the field. Missions of a military nature, those that for various reasons did not come to fruition, provided data not suitable for scientific studies, or ended in disaster were deliberately omitted. Such can be the subject of a separate, but interesting article.
The article presents current conditions for activities of institutions providing palliative and hospice care in Poland, taking under special consideration urban agglomeration of Szczecin. The results of presented research are based on an analysis of legal regulations of palliative and hospice care in Poland, an analysis of factual and financial reports of the institutions, and interviews focusing on the subject conducted with managers of such institutions. The article shows legal, financial and social aspects of provided care. It also indicates difficulties that come from current systemic solutions, which are inadequate to actual needs of patients.
Artykuł jest prezentacją stanu rzeczywistego działania podmiotów organizujących opiekę paliatywną i hospicyjną w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aglomeracji miejskiej Szczecina. Wyniki prezentowanych badań zostały oparte na analizie uwarunkowań prawnych opieki paliatywnej hospicyjnej w Polsce, analizę sprawozdań merytorycznych i finansowych podmiotów oraz na wywiadach skoncentrowanych na temacie przeprowadzonych z dyrektorami placówek. Artykuł pokazuje zarówno aspekty prawne, finansowe, jak i społeczne realizowanej opieki. Wskazuje również trudności wynikające z przyjętych rozwiązań systemowych nieadekwatnych do rzeczywistych potrzeb pacjentów.
Starzenie się społeczeństwa polskiego wiąże się z koniecznością zabezpieczenia potrzeb opiekuńczych i leczniczych rosnącej populacji seniorów oraz osób w terminalnych sta-nach choroby. Celem artykułu jest ocena ustawodawstwa zapewniającego ustrojową ochronę praw osób w terminalnych stanach choroby, w kontekście analizy skali zjawi-ska terminalnych stanów chorobowych oraz zapotrzebowania w zakresie usług świad-czonych terminalnie chorym i ich rodzinom.
Ageing of the Polish society entails the importance of securing caring and medici-nal services of the growing population of seniors and people in terminal states of illnesses. The aim of this article is to assess legal framework concerning institutio-nal protection of rights of people in terminal states of illnesses, in the context of the scale of terminal states of illnesses and the need for services aimed at terminal-ly ill and their families.
The ageing of the Polish population requires active response in many areas of the state’s social policy. One of these areas is securing the housing needs of the older people. At present, the main pillar of the assistance system addressed to the dependent seniors is the family care. In the light of the constant fall in the birth rate in Poland, which began in the early 1990s, and the ongoing migrations of citizens in their productive age, the potential of the families to provide care to their oldest members is reducing. Therefore, we need to think about securing the needs of the growing population of the dependent seniors. The particular attention should be paid to the housing situation of older dependents who need assistance and support in their daily functioning. The paper sets out to discuss the possibilities of securing the housing needs of seniors with limited independence, based on the currently applicable legal regulations. It presents the examples of good practices in the senior housing industry and information collected during the field research conducted by the Author in 2018 among the dependent seniors in Szczecin.
The question of the connection between solar and thunderstorm activity is not new. The discussion among scientists began before the cosmic era. The correlations of the ground-based registration of the cosmic ray flux and meteorological observations have been performed since the 50s of the 20th century. The discussed problem is related to the influence of cosmic rays on the creation of clouds, particularly thunderstorm clouds. The intensity of the galactic cosmic ray flux is controlled by the density and velocity of the solar wind. The increase in the solar wind flux during high solar activity leads to decreasing galactic cosmic ray flux, but on the other hand, the solar activity creates solar cosmic rays. Using data from the PERUN system and the DEMETER satellite, we tried to estimate the connection between the thunderstorm activity in Poland and solar activity during the period of the DEMETER operational activity (2004-2010). The influence of thunderstorms on the ionosphere and its dependence on solar activity is also discussed. However, due to the short time interval of the available data covering an insignificant part of the solar cycle, close to the minimum activity, our findings are not fully conclusive. No correlation was found between the cosmic ray flux and lightning activity given by the number of the discharges. However, some of the most energetic lightning discharges in the analyzed period occurred close to the minimum of the solar activity and their appearance is discussed.
Adjusting to an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis is a complex process. Caregivers tend to experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, which in turn may have adverse effects on their well-being. Although the detrimental effects of caregiving on psychological and physical health are well documented, more research is needed to give a comprehensive portrait of the caregiving experience, especially in the areas of aloneness and social isolation. Loneliness remains a neglected aspect of the caregiving experience. Results from this study offer important insights into the caregiving experience for psychologists and other healthcare professionals.
Przystosowanie się do choroby Alzheimera jest złożonym procesem. Opiekunowie doświadczają samotności i izolacji, co może niekorzystnie wpływać na ich samopoczucie. Mimo iż negatywny wpływ, jaki może wywrzeć sprawowanie opieki na zdrowie psychiczne i fizyczne, został potwierdzony w wielu badaniach, nie udało się jeszcze uzyskać kompleksowego portretu opiekuna i jego doświadczeń, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o doświadczenie samotności i izolacji społecznej. Samotność pozostaje zaniedbanym aspektem doświadczenia opiekuńczego. Wyniki tego badania oferują ważne informacje na temat doświadczenia w opiece zarówno dla psychologów, jak i innych osób zaangażowanych w pomoc osobom starszym.
Artykuł opisuje sposób jak hospicja dziecięce w Polsce rozstrzygają wybrane aspek-ty zaangażowania wolontariuszy w pracę swojej organizacji. Podczas prowadzonych badań przyjrzano się zwłaszcza popularyzacji idei wolontariatu przez te placówki, sposobom prowadzenia przez nie rekrutacji do wolontariatu oraz przygotowaniu kandydatów do pracy wolontariackiej i utrzymania ich późniejszego zaangażowania. Metodą służącą zebraniu informacji była analiza treści stron internetowych 36 organi-zacji prowadzących hospicja dziecięce. Ustalono, że organizacje zabiegają o pozyskiwanie wolontariuszy do różnych typów wolontariatu, tj. stałego i akcyjnego, medycznego i pozamedycznego, szkolnego i real-izowanego przez dorosłych, w tym odrębnie przez seniorów. Okazało się również, że organizacje wykazują dbałość o właściwą rekrutację wolontariuszy, ich przygotowanie do działania poprzez system szkoleń i samokształcenie, chronią przed wypaleniem zawodowym, między innymi zapewniając wsparcie koordyna-tora wolontariatu i psychologa.
The aim of the article is to describe how children’s hospices in Poland manage certain aspects of volunteer involvement in the work of their organization. The research focused on issues such as popularizing the idea of volunteering, recruiting for volunteering and preparing candidates for voluntary work and maintaining engagement. The method of obtaining information was to analyze the content of websites of 36 organizations that run children’s hospices. The surveyed organizations acquire volunteers for various types of volunteering, ie permanent and temporary, medical and non-medical, carried out by adults, including programs dedicated to seniors. It was also found that organizations care for the proper recruitment of volunteers, their preparation for the action through the training system and self-education, protect against occupational burnout, including providing support to the volunteer coordinator and psychologist.
ELF/VLF waves have been registered in the outer polar cusps simultaneously with high energy electrons fluxes by the satellites Magion 4 (subsatellite to Interball 1), Polar and CLUSTER. Further, we discuss similar observations in the different regions of the ionosphere, where DEMETER registered energetic electrons. The DEMETER satellite operating on the nearly polar orbit at the altitude 650 km crossed different regions in the ionosphere. Registrations of ELF/VLF/HF waves together with the energetic electrons in the polar cusp, in the ionospheric trough and over thunderstorm areas are presented in this paper. The three satellites of ESA’s Swarm mission provide additional information on the ELF waves in the mentioned areas together with electron density and temperature. A brief discussion of the generation of these emissions by the so-called “fan instability” (FI) and beam instability is presented.
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