Results of laboratory investigation of attenuation of light with wavelength in the range 260-900 nm in destilled water with onespiecies flourishment of Scendesmus obliquus algas. Variability of light attenuation coefficient spectra is shown. Measurement of concentration and of sizes of above mantioned algas was also performed.
Jest to pierwsza część obliczeń energii oddziaływania między cząsteczkami emulsji substancji ropopochodnych przy skokowej stałej Hamakera: 0,1; 0,2 i 0,3 x 10(20)J, rozmiarów cząsteczek od 0,5 do 10 um o odległości od 1 um do 10 um.
This publication contains the results of research conducted in 1997 on Hans Glacier in chosen points. The research included mineral particles of diameter bigger than 1um. The average sections of the particles and their average volumes were calculated Particle size distribution were also made. Based on the research it was found that there were considerable difference in particle size distribution of particles ind different points of the glacier.
W okresie lata (sierpień) 1997 roku prowadzono badania albedo powierzchni Lodowca Hansa. Średnie wartości albedo dla promieniowania w zakresie krótkofalowym (300
The work concerns investigation of concentration and particle size distribution mineral suspension in samples of water taken at the Hans Glacier in July of 1996. Particles of suspension were classifield according to their diameter using microscope and then particles size distribution was determined.
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