Ochrona infrastruktury krytycznej to proces, który obejmuje dużą liczbę obszarów zadaniowych i kompetencji oraz angażujący wiele zainteresowanych stron. Proces ten obejmuje wszelkie działania zmierzające do zapewnienia funkcjonalności, ciągłości działań i integralności infrastruktury krytycznej, zakłada również stopniowe dochodzenie do oczekiwanego rezultatu oraz nieustanne doskonalenie.
One of the main tasks of internal security is to guarantee the functionality of the critical infrastructure systems. The protection of critical infrastructure, so important for the security of the state and its citizens, is also the most important task for the heads of government and local government administration. Access to this type of services becomes a key issue from the point of view of the efficient functioning and development of a modern state, society and economy. These services and the infrastructure that provides them have been referred to as critical infrastructure. As a result of events caused by natural or human activities, critical infrastructure may be destroyed or damaged. The consequence may be a threat to the continuity of key services, and thus the property, health or even life of citizens. Taking into account also the fact that such incidents negatively affect the economic development of the state, it should be stated that the critical infrastructure plays a key role in the functioning of the state and the life of its citizens, and its protection is one of the priorities for the Polish state. Critical infrastructure protection is a process that covers a large number of task areas and competences, and involves many stakeholders. This process includes all activities aimed at ensuring functionality and continuity of activities an integrity of the critical infrastructure, it also assumes a gradual achievement of the expected result and continuous improvement.
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