The collaboration of two Rosary confraternities at the Dominican convent churches of Sandomierz, one at St Jacob's in the Old Town and the other at St Mary Magdalen's inside the city walls, is mentioned in some sources from the 17th and 18th century. The brethren appear to have had a customary part in organizing the festivities on the first Sunday of October (the Feast of the Virgin Mary of the Rosary) and the first Sunday after the New Year (the Feast of the Name of Jesus). The Dominicans of Sandomierz also encouraged the confraternities to show up on other occasions, especially on Sunday masses during Lent, Good Friday liturgy, Easter Monday (Emaus) and in the octave of Corpus Christi. The brethren's participation included reciting the Rosary and the singing of hymns, both in Latin and in Polish, carrying religious statues and banners in festive processions, and self-flagellation during Lent. The devotional practices of the Sandomierz Confraternities complemented the official liturgy of the Church and contributed to the development of paraliturgical forms of worship. The popularity of Rosary confraternities with the Sandomierz congregations was part of a general trend in the 17th and 18th century. The fact that the Dominicans actively assisted it greatly added to their reputation with all sections of society.
Analizowano zużycie matryc w wykroju na gotowo w trójzabiegowym procesie kucia odkuwki kołnierza w warunkach dynamicznych. W tym celu posłużono się obliczeniami numerycznymi, które pozwoliły określić obszary narażone na największe zużycie. Drugim etapem badań był proces napawania zużytych matryc metodą Weld Mold oraz określenie ich trwałości po tym zabiegu.
The die wear in three-operation process of flange forging in dynamic conditions was analyzed. For this purpose, numerical calculations were used, which helped to determine the areas most exposed to wear. The second stage of the study was the deposition process for worn dies by means of Weld Mold method and determination of their durability after the treatment.
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