The article (research essay) approaches the Silesian version of the wound. The thing about Jorg is rooted in the idea of Silesian at home and Silesian varieties of anxiety, striving, and sublime looking into the infinite. The house is revealed as a significant cultural and metaphysical structure in which the wounded person trains themselves, returns home, and works through the fall. The accompanying figure of Ȭma hides the knowledge about the gravity of what is absolute, what is in the distance, which should not appropriate life and rule over man. There is something terrifyingly symbolic in Jorg’s fate when he “loses” himself with music, along with Silesia and all that is human. Throwing oneself into the embrace of art and the world, the desire to embrace “everything,” to follow that which hurts, leads to difficulties in reconciling passion and crazy talent with the restraint and precision of the home, but also with keeping a man alive. The bill paid by a man is overwhelming.
Artykuł (esej badawczy) pozwala zobaczyć śląską odmianę rany. Rzecz o Jorgu zostaje zakorzeniona w idei śląskiego zadomowienia, lecz także w śląskich odmianach niepokoju, dążenia i wzniosłości spoglądającej w nieskończoność. Odsłonięty zostaje dom jako niebagatelna konstrukcja kulturowa i metafizyczna, w której poraniony człowiek ćwiczy sobą powrót do domu i przepracowuje upadek. Towarzysząca figura Ōmy kryje wiedzę o ciążeniu tego, co absolutne, co w oddali, co nie powinno zawłaszczać życia i władać człowiekiem. W losie Jorga jest coś przerażająco symbolicznego, gdy „traci się” wraz z muzyką, wraz ze Śląskiem i tym, co ludzkie. Rzucenie się w objęcia sztuki i świata, chęć objęcia „wszystkiego”, pójście za tym, co rani, prowadzi do trudności w uzgodnieniu pasji i szaleńczego talentu z powściągliwością i precyzją domu, ale też z utrzymaniem człowieka przy życiu. Rachunek zapłacony przez człowieka jest przygniatający.
Focusing on the concept of disaster, the author asks questions about a space for thinking and experiencing which emerges in the face of a catastrophe that either strikes directly, is heard of, seen or talked about, recurring in everyday life, through cultural texts and their transformations. The unfolding research leads to even more fundamental questions: Is a disaster an anticipation of something? Doesn’t it merely reveal what we are so eager to forget, having settled into our culture? The author refers to Freud’s concept of the uncanny (in German: Unheimliche). By putting it in the specific context of disaster, she studies it at its most radical, wondering what happens when this feeling of ‘being settled’ is turned into ruins. Can art penetrate the severity of disaster in the radical context of the post-catastrophic quality of Unheimliche? According to the article, culture must create a space offering a more relaxed approach to all that is human and to human community. This is for example the case of catastrophic texts. A story, a film or any other artistic production that visualises a disaster, even if only in the diminishing space of the familiar, the heimlich, provides some insight into the world of radical anxiety.
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