The text is a review of an academic handbook, the fourth in the series, which is an attempt to further expose the faces of (not only) Polish pedagogy. The handbook contains seventeen chapters devoted to the various trends in pedagogy, which, speaking after B. Śliwerski, are in "ongoing dispute with each other about their place in the center", and as a result such a sort of "pluralism centers" are created that even during the "unclear discourse" they after all, do not lose the universality of the task, which is the better human and his/her world. Due to its contents, this book, written in cooperation, can be a highly recommendable and reliable source of knowledge about education and its next development prospects.
The article presents some traps that result from, as M. Kundera would say, “the turbulences of reduction”, which bring the educational mission down to the rule of “either – or”: either keeping and handing down cultural legacy or its change. It can be said that that the article is a specific attempt of coming to terms with the vision of „liberal conservatism” always affected by the lack of closure and crack. At the same time it does not act totally in a chaotic space of signs and meanings, but in a space that is put in order dynamically and that is thought-provoking in the intensity and tension of poles of an oscillating system where one pole signifies identity and the other – difference; one – “code of reason” (discourse) and the other “code of understanding” (intuition).
W artykule ukazano zasadniczy cel badań, jakim jest rozwijanie świadomości ochrony środowiska naturalnego, które nie powinno dotyczyć jedynie świata zewnętrznego, lecz przynajmniej w takim samym stopniu (lub większym) świata wewnętrznego. Oznacza to, że przedmiotem badań jest świat duchowy mający na względzie dobro współczesnego człowieka i dobro przyszłych pokoleń, który musi się stać integralną częścią każdego rozwoju i procesu kształcenia. W takim myśleniu i działaniach uznaje się nie tylko wartość materialną środowiska przyrodniczego, ale głównie wartość duchową („przyroda niczego nie czyni daremnie”, „każde stworzenie jest święte przez wzgląd na Stwórcę”). Powyższy cel i przedmiot badań realizowany jest za pomocą metody hermeneutycznej. Zasadnicze wnioski sprowadzają się do tezy, że człowiek musi znać granicę intensyfikacji i ingerencji w naturę, nie tylko dlatego, że zmiany są nieodwracalne, lecz głównie dlatego, że mogą być nieobliczalne. Nie wystarczy tutaj samo „uświadomienie” skali zła, rozbijające się często o złe nawyki zmierzające nieuchronnie do rozkładu naszej kultury, lecz konieczne są działania edukacyjne uwzględniające przeżycie, przebudzenie i przemianę, która nie nastąpi, gdy człowiek w nią nie uwierzy, zaś nastąpi, gdy odpowie na to wyzwanie i sam zechce się przemienić.
This article is presenting Erving Goffman’s multilayer and polysemy reality analysis and analysis of our real and symbolic social life. This analysis should provoke a reader to think about world we are living (full of interaction rituals and dictated interpretation schemas) but first of all to think how to create and develop a man succeed in a world of paradox of being actor and a spectator.
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This article is showing the need of connecting historical and theoretical researches as well as need of introducing a new professional teacher and researcher, connecting what is discursive and intuitional. The central plot although, is showing main difference between aiming individualism (teacher, student) which makes him creative and original only for an exclusive group of people or makes him different from others and the same time discover objectively better form of human existence in which freedom is defnite for solidarity.
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The text is is written in the memory of the deceased in 2012, Professor Janina Parafiniuk-Soiński - academic teacher, scholar, longtime employee of the Szczecin University. Her former students and colleagues; professor. dr. Wieslaw Andrukowicz and dr. Renata Towlson, mention the various stages of her scientific work, as well as characterize their own relationship with her. They note that regardless of the passage of time, she continued to be full of creative initiative and courage towards new research challenges to a level greater than many young people
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The article presents the picture of complementary human development, that is, the simultaneous vertical and horizontal development, in which, beside thinking and purposeful acting, between worse to better from a certain point of view (individual or social), there is a multi-directional and ambiguous model of the development , involved in a variety of the development and oscillations traps between what is individual and what is social, which is a development “in plus” and which “in minus”. Hence, every development requires a real cost connected with its opposite. This means that no development can be placed in the strict framework “from - to”, but only in the context of dynamic, which are always complementary composition of genetic and cultural, spontaneous and organized elements.
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