Pandemia Covid-19 jest globalnym i bezprecedensowym kryzysem zdrowotnym, który od identyfikacji w grudniu 2019 rozprzestrzenił się na cały świat powodując pandemię. Obok bezpośredniego negatywnego wpływu na zdrowie ludzi kryzys ten wskazał na poważne konsekwencje ekonomiczne, głównie w zakresie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Największy spadek odnotowano w zapotrzebowaniu na energię elektryczną. Odnawialne źródła energii odnotowały, jako jedyne, wzrost o 1,5% popytu, spowodowany wyższą mocą instalowaną w energetyce wiatrowej i fotowoltaice.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a global and unprecedented health crisis which, from the moment of its identification in December 2019, has spread throughout the world causing the pandemic. Except the direct impact on the human health the crisis revealed serious economic consequences of the pandemic mainly in the scope of ensuring energy security. The biggest decline was observed in the demand for electric energy. Only the renewable energy sources, as the sole ones, reported the increase in demand by 1,5% as the result of higher installed generation capacity in wind energy and photovoltaics.
Consumption of energy is one of the important indicators in developing countries, but a lot of companies from the energy sector have to cope with three key challenges, namely how to reduce their impact on the environment, how to ensure the low cost of the energy production and how to improve the system overall performance? For Polish energy market, the number of challenges is greater. The growing demand for electricity and contemporary development of nuclear power technology allow today’s design, implement new solutions for high energy conversion system low unit cost for energy and fuel production. In the present paper, numerical analysis of modular high-temperature nuclear reactor coupled with the steam cycle for electricity production has been presented. The analysed system consists of three independent cycles. The first two are high-temperature nuclear reactor cycles which are equipped with two high-temperature nuclear reactors, heat exchangers, blowers, steam generators. The third cycle is a Rankine cycle which is equipped with up to four steam turbines, that operate in the heat recovery system. The analysis of such a system shows that is possible to achieve significantly greater efficiency than offered by traditional nuclear reactor technology.
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