Artykuł podkreśla znaczenie planowania budżetu w układzie zadaniowym dla Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej i ogólnej działalności Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Podstawowym przedmiotem zawartych w niniejszej pracy rozważań są zasady sporządzania analizy finansowej, opierające się na celowości wydatkowania powierzonych środków publicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwraca się na zakres zadań realizowanych w ramach poszczególnych funkcji działalności państwa oraz mierniki, które mogą być wykorzystane do pomiaru efektywności gospodarowania finansami wojska przez resort obrony, a co za tym idzie, do poprawy wydajności pracy całego ministerstwa oraz sił zbrojnych. Całość pracy opiera się na wykazie podstawowych wydatków związanych z szeroko pojętą obronnością państwa.
The article stresses the importance of budget planning in the task ori-ented method for the Ministry of National Defence and general operation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Special attention is drawn to the range of tasks performed within the framework of particular functions in the whole operation of the state and criteria that can be applied to measure the effectiveness of military financial management by the military sector, consequently leading to the work output improvement of the whole ministry and armed forces as well. The whole is based on the register of the basic expenditures connected with widely understood defence of the state.
The paper is the continuation of the publication entitled “The Development of Civil and Military Cooperation. Part 1” (Obronność, Zeszyty Naukowe no.2 (18)/2016). In both articles, the author attempts to answer the question of what factors, and to what extent, affected the development of Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. The first part analyses the origin of, and the reasons for establishing, CIMIC, and the process of its institutionalization in the Polish and NATO Armed Forces, as well as the influence of the international humanitarian law of armed conflict on creating CIMIC and on its evolution. In the second part, the author describes the manner in which the expe-rience gathered in the previous conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Iraq, influenced the development of CIMIC. Moreover, the paper also analyses what the link is between the professionalization of the Polish Armed Forces and the development of civil and military cooperation.
Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) is now an integral part of any operation which, both in the Polish Armed Forces and similarly other NATO countries, was structured basing on experiences in the Balkans. Poland in its implementation of CIMIC took advantage largely on what had been developed and created in NATO staffs, adopting the procedures to national capabilities. Until then, its implementation had been uncoordinated and scattered among other executive cells. The origin and development of CIMIC in the Polish Armed Forces is closely connected with the evolution of battlefield conditions as well as new requirements and challenges resulting from international obligations related to Poland’s membership in international organizations such as, among others, NATO, the UN and the EU.
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