Villages and small towns are usually surrounded by gardens and crop fields. These areas are associated with the flora and synanthropic vegetation that have appeared as a result of natural communities (mostly forest ones) having been destroyed by Man. Small towns are associated with ruderal (Latin ruderus – rubble, ruins) communities occurring spontaneously at household buildings, domesticated animal farming places, and transport routes. Such strongly human impacted areas, specific plants, mostly non-indigenous ones (anthropophytes), are invaded despite human effort, taking advantage of habitats that are overfertilized, mainly with nitrogen compounds. On the other hand, gardens and crop fields are colonized by segetal (Latin seges – crop, plough-field) communities, which are associated with crop fields, root crop fields, and industrially used plants. Crop fields, usually of single species, are invaded by alien species – weeds, whose spreading crop farmers try to prevent with various methods. Both types of habitats have common features, and the most important of them is soil rich in various nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds. These areas are colonized by vegetation of a nitrophilous character. It is paradoxical that communities created by Man are now most threatened by his activity.
Arable lands occupy about 30 percent of the area of the Załęcze Nature Park. Segetal weed associations in cereal plantations and in root crops were studied, and there were distinguished 6 associations, 3 communities, and several phytosociological units of lower rank. From geographical and ecological points of view, the presence of Arnoserido-Scleranthetum and Lamio-Veronicetum politae is of great significance here. Among species of weeds rare in this part of Poland are: Sherardia arvensis, Stachys annua, Bromus secalinus and others (for summary see page 565-566).
Referat wygłoszony 15 lipca 1999 r. w Skierniewicach na XXIII Konferencji Naukowej z cyklu: Rejonizacja chwastów segetalnych w Polsce, zorganizowanej przez Pracownię Herbologii Instytutu Warzywnictwa w Skierniewicach. Tematem konferencji było przenikanie gatunków ruderalnych z siedlisk sadowniczo-parkowych do zbiorowisk segetalnych upraw rolniczo-warzywniczych.
On the basis of 15 phytosociological releves the ruderal variant of the association Echinochloo-Setarietum was distinguished in the field cultivations of vegetables. This distinction was due to the abundant presence of species characteristic of the class Rudero- Secalietea. The described ruderal variant of the association reflects the natural conditions and various human impacts in the investigated agrophytocenoses.
Wydano przy pomocy finansowej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Komitetu Badań Naukowych
Misopates orontium is rarely observed in segetal communities of our country, including Central Poland. Its localities of small surface areas and low abundances are most frequently recorded. It is them that are most threatened with various factors, which frequently accumulate.
The article contains presentation of results of the studies on the vascular flora in the external dumping ground of Lignite Mine "Bełchatów", which were carried out in the years 1979-1984. The flora includes 233 species with 46 species among them being planted or sown.
Samples of 5 vascular plant species: Achillea millefolium L., Artemisia vulgaris L., Festuca gigantea (L.) VILL., Ranunculus acris L. s. str. and Vicia angustifolia L. were collected near Fuel Storage Station, Chemical Fibre Factory “Wistom” in Tomaszów Mazowiecki and Sewage Treatment Plant in Sulejów. Genotoxicity of environmental pollution was analysed using micronucleus assays in pollen mother and root tip cells in comparison with plant material collected in the Tatra and Babia G óra National Parks. Abnorm alities in morphology of plants growing in polluted areas were also found. The cytogenetical analyses revealed positive correlation between the percentage of micronuclei and the presence of heavy metals in soil. Pollen mother cells (germ line) were found more susceptible to DNA damage as compared with root tip cells (somatic line).
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