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Research background: The precarious employment in non-governmental organizations has not been the subject of thorough scientific considerations so far. Meanwhile, the dominance of flexible forms of employment in an organization evokes a sense of instability, insecurity and uncertainty among employees. It weakens the relationship between staff and the organization, which, by not providing employees with prospects for permanent employment, creates a threat to its own development. The COVID-19 pandemic is reinforcing these fears as the situation in the labour market continues to deteriorate. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting NGOs employment of contract employees, as a key condition for crowding out precarious employment. Methods: Logistic regression analysis was conducted based on a national representative survey of 1500 Polish NGOs. Findings & value added: Its results indicate that NGOs are increasing the employment of contract staff in order to cope with the excessive bureaucracy of public administration. A stimulating impact on employment is also provided by difficulties in maintaining good staff and volunteers, as well as when there is no sense of security in running an organization. In turn, the lack of people ready to selflessly get involved in an organization's activities, as well as difficulties in accessing premises appropriate to NGOs both reduce the desire among staff to be employed full-time. The monitoring of precarious employment (PE) in NGOs is of key importance in the shaping and effectiveness of national policies aimed at improving the living standards of society as a whole. NGOs are an important element, as they fill the gaps remaining in the implementation of such policies. In the long term, improving the quality of full-time employment in such entities by reducing the barriers to their activity will increase their potential for fulfilling their social mission. To date, such barriers and their relation to employment have not been considered in research literature. However, a considerable proportion of employees in the Polish NGO sector may join the ranks of those excluded from employment and deprived of income due to the crisis on the job market caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This article contributes to the existing literature and practice by identifying the influence of wide spectrum of barriers of NGOs activity on permanent employment.
Research background: The commercialization of non-governmental organizations through undertaking an activity based on the commercial sale of services and products is a phenomenon which raises controversy among numerous researchers. Traditionally, NGOs act in a sector of social services to solve problems, such as homelessness, exclusion or social pathologies. They also provide different services which cannot be provided by the market, for instance in education, the healthcare system, culture, or art. Driven by a social mission, NGOs introduce their concepts, strongly relying on fees to perform their activity. They also obtain funds in the form of public donations or payments from private or institutional donors. Growing social needs and changes in the governmental policy aimed at reducing social-aid spending have put pressure on NGOs to develop entrepreneurial strategies to gain financial support. Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to investigate how particular funding sources affect the probability of non-governmental organizations? commercialization. Methods: Data for the analyses have been collected from a national survey of Polish non-governmental organizations. In the analysis of logistic regression, a specially-developed model was used to estimate the probability of NGOs? commercialization, depending on the selected categories of funding sources. Findings & Value added: An analysis of the results indicates clearly that the likelihood of NGOs? commercialization slightly decreases as a greater number of private external financial sources is used. In contrast with existing literature, which claims that government funding is crowding out commercial activity, this research finds that, to some extent, public funds positively stimulate the commercialization of NGOs. The contribution of this research is that it introduces the category of internal financing sources of non-profit organizations, which have been overlooked in previous studies. The article provides clear statistical arguments demonstrating that private internal revenues strongly affect the commercialization of the organizations surveyed. The paper is the first to present a model that comprehensively considers the probability of NGOs? commercialization, including private external and internal, as well as public, sources of funding.
The economic slowdown in Poland, which is mainly a consequence of the ongoing global financial crisis since 2008, exposed Polish firms to the danger of loss of liquidity risk arising among others from the deteriorating financial condition of companies and limited access to short-term finance. It determines not only the proper functioning of any enterprise, but often the ability of surviving on the market. The article presents the results of analyzes of relationship between the dynamics of changes in different types of short-term loans and the gross domestic product. It also presents the most important types of financial crises and the factors that determine them. An attempt was made to present the credit policy of banks to changes in the economic situation in Poland.
Research background: NGOs face an increasing expectation to be more business-like. They are becoming involved in selling services by performing a commercial activity, which, in turn, is a basic condition for creating social enterprises. The changes related to this approach are an essential condition for their survival and a significant reason for developing their new form as social enterprises. On the other hand, there is no lack of critical opinions related primarily to mission volatility. Currently, a discussion is taking place in the literature on factors that may affect NGOs' marketization; these, however, have not been empirically verified yet. The identified research gap constituted a major challenge for the author. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to verify whether conducting a business activity influences the entrepreneurial way of NGOs' operation, and to indicate the factors that have a significant impact on their marketization. Methods: On the basis of a representative national survey of 3,800 NGOs, including 412 social enterprises in Poland. a one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a stepwise backward regression analysis were carried out. Findings & Value added: The analysis of the results confirms that there are significant differences between NGOs operating as social enterprises and NGOs not performing a business activity. In contrast with the existing literature, this study indicates that social enterprises have less diversified revenue sources and use a more or less democratic governance model. Moreover, Polish social enterprises less frequently adjust their policy direction to donors' interests. The factors significantly affecting NGOs' marketization include action strategies for several years, activity in favor of external benefit takers, close business cooperation, lack of permanent financing sources, and regular activity combined with flexible working time.
Celem rozważań jest zaprezentowanie oddziaływania funduszy UE na innowacyjność MSP. Analiza empiryczna została oparta na wynikach badania ankietowego obejmującego 110 firm z sektora MSP funkcjonujących w Wielkopolsce. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy. Wyniki badania wskazują, iż małe firmy, w większym stopniu niż średnie, dostrzegają potrzebę wzmacniania ich pozycji rynkowej przez wprowadzanie nowych produktów. Natomiast średnie firmy częściej skupiają się na unowocześnianiu organizacji jednostki. Ponadto, istnieje pozytywny związek między korzystaniem z funduszy UE na realizację innowacyjnych inwestycji a zwiększeniem działalności eksportowej. Skuteczne konkurowanie na rynkach zagranicznych przez małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa może okazać się bardzo trudne bez podjęcia jakichkolwiek działań o charakterze innowacyjnym. Jednak, jeśli małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa wdrażają innowacje w firmie, to są to imitacje rozwiązań technologicznych, które już istniały jakiś czas w kraju lub/i za granicą. Takie technologie stwarzają przewagę konkurencyjną, nie jest ona jednak tak silna i trwała, jak w przypadku innowacji pierwotnych.
An aim of considerations is to present the impact of EU funds on SME innovativeness. An empirical analysis is based on findings of the survey comprising 110 firms from the sector of SMEs operating in Great Poland. The article is of the research nature. The survey findings show that small firms, to a greater extent than medium ones, see the need to strengthen their market position through introduction of new products. On the other hand, medium-sized companies more often are focused on modernisation of organisation of the unit. Moreover, there is a positive relation between the usage of EU funds for implementation of innovative investment projects and the increase of export activities. An efficient competition in foreign markets by small and medium-sized enterprises may become very difficult without undertaking whatever measures of the innovative nature. However, if small and medium enterprises implement innovations in their companies, those are imitations of technological solutions which have existed for some time in the country and/or abroad. Such technologies provide for competitive advantage, though it is not as strong and stable as in the case of primary innovations.
Цель рассуждений – представить воздействие фондов ЕС на инновационность МСП. Эмпирический анализ основан на результатах опроса, охватывающего 110 фирм из сектора МСП, действующих в Великой Польше. Статья имеет исследовательский характер. Результаты исследования показывают, что малые фирмы, в большей степени нежели средние, замечают необходимость укреплять свою позицию на рынке посредством введения новых продуктов. Средние же фирмы чаще сосредоточиваются на модернизации организации единицы. Кроме того существует положительная связь между пользованием фондами ЕС на реализацию инновационных инвестиций и повышением экспортной деятельности. Эффективное конкурирование на зарубежных рынках малыми и средними предприятиями может оказаться весьма трудным без принятия каких бы то ни было мер инновационного характера. Если уж малые и средние предприятия внедряют в фирме инновации, то это имитации технологических решений, которые уже определенное время существовали в стране и/или за рубежом. Такие технологии создают конкурентное преимущество, но оно не настолько сильно и прочно, как в случае первичных инноваций.
Artykuł ma na celu określenie wpływu wartości organizacyjnych na komercjalizację polskich organizacji pozarządowych. Komercjalizacja organizacji pozarządowych jest postrzegana jako przyjmowanie metod rynkowych w procesie zarządzania, świadczenia usług oraz wypełniania misji społecznej. Z kolei wartości wyrażone przez misję społeczną stanowią najważniejsze punkty odniesienia i rdzeń zarządzania organizacjami pozarządowymi. Ponieważ organizacje non‑profit są zwykle postrzegane jako oparte na wartościach, których tożsamość jest zakorzeniona w zaspokajaniu potrzeb społeczności, pielęgnują one kulturę zaufania poprzez kształtowanie i wzmacnianie przekonań i wartości wśród interesariuszy. Mimo że w literaturze przedmiotu toczy się intensywna dyskusja na temat komercjalizacji organizacji pozarządowych, związki pomiędzy wartościami organizacyjnymi a komercjalizacją organizacji pozarządowych były dotychczas słabo weryfikowane empirycznie. Stąd identyfikacja tych zależności jest wartością dodaną tego artykułu. Na podstawie reprezentatywnego badania 1300 krajowych organizacji pozarządowych przeprowadzono analizę regresji logistycznej. Określenie za pomocą tej metody prawdopodobieństwa komercjalizacji organizacji non‑profit w wyniku adaptacji określonych wartości organizacyjnych jest nowym podejściem i stanowi oryginalny wkład artykułu do aktualnych badań w tym obszarze. Stwierdzono, że wartości przetrwania istotnie wpływają na komercjalizację organizacji pozarządowych. Badanie wskazuje, że wartości konserwatywne mają malejący wpływ na prawdopodobieństwo komercjalizacji NGO, natomiast wartości przedsiębiorcze stymulują ten wpływ. Wyniki wnoszą wkład do teorii zarządzania przez wartości, na podstawie których określono ramy teoretyczne artykułu oraz sformułowano hipotezy badawcze.
This study aims to identify the impact of organisational values on the commercialisation of Polish NGOs. The commercialisation of NGOs is seen as the market methods adoption process of managing, providing services and social mission fulfilling. Values expressed through social missions are the most important reference points and core of NGO management. As non‑profit organisations are usually viewed as value‑based organisations with their identity rooted in meeting community needs, they cultivate a culture of trust by shaping and strengthening beliefs and values among their stakeholders. Although there is an intense discussion in the literature on the commercialisation of non‑profits, the relationships between organisational values and commercialisation of non‑governmental organisations have been poorly empirically verified thus far. Hence the identification of these relationships is an added value of this article. Based on a representative survey of 1,300 national NGOs, a logistic regression analysis was conducted. Identifying with the use of this method the probability of commercialisation of non‑profits as a result of the adaptation of specific organisational values is a new approach which is an original contribution of this work to current research in this area. It has been found that survival values significantly influence the commercialisation of NGOs. The study indicates that conservative values have a decreasing impact on the probability of NGO commercialisation, while entrepreneurial values stimulate this impact. The results also contribute to the theory of Management by Values, on the basis of which the theoretical framework of the article was defined and hypotheses were formulated.
The article concerns the comparative analysis concerning credit market situation on the background of economic growth changes in Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Hungary. The main objective of this article is to identify the similarities and differences in the economic situation of the whole economies and credits market conditions in individual countries. This relationship has been verified for each country. To determine the strength of the relationship between the dynamics of changes in the value of credits and GDP, Pearson correlation analysis was used. The basis of the analysis presented in the article was data from central banks, Central Statistical Office and Eurostat. Time horizon under investigation covered the period of 2004-2013. The results of analysis indicate that both the economic condition of entire economies, as well as the situation in the credit market remained diverse in all analyzed countries. Among the most significant similarities there was found that changes in the rate of economic growth in the analyzed countries remained at a moderate depending on the dynamics of changes in the credit market. Although the analyzed countries experienced a financial crisis, not all of them recorded a negative growth rate of GDP and credits.
W artykule starano się zaprezentować kształtowanie się kredytów dla polskich przedsiębiorstw oraz ich stóp procentowych w latach 2004 – 2012. Przedmiotem rozważań jest również analiza zależności między poziomem stóp procentowych oraz dynamiką zmian kredytów dla firm. Dokonano również identyfikacji najistotniejszych czynników determinujących politykę kredytową banków w Polsce.
Specific character of SME determines a limited access to short-term capital which is essential for running the business. A financial tool which on one hand enables small entities to improve their financial liquidity and, on the other, to limit the risk connected to delays in settling the receivables, is non-recourse factoring. Both, its construction in the legal, tax and financial context, as well as the procedure of granting it by financial institutions make this instrument gain more and more popularity among the companies in Poland.
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