Tematem artykułu jest odnaleziony przez autora nieznany przekaz późnośredniowiecznej pieśni pasyjnej o incipicie: „Pozdrowion bądź, krzyżu święty”. Rękopiśmienny zabytek znajduje się w inkunabule o sygnaturze 000298, zawierającym "Legendae de sanctis" Jakuba de Voragine, należącym do zbiorów Biblioteki Diecezjalnej w Sandomierzu. Pieśń jest zakończeniem kazania pasyjnego i funkcjonuje jako marginesowy zapisek na k. 76 recto przy łacińskim tekście "De passione Domini". Powstała w końcu XV lub w początkach XVI wieku. Odnaleziony utwór należy do pieśniowego i prozatorskiego polskojęzycznego potomstwa hymnu Wenancjusza Fortunata zatytułowanego "Vexilla regis prodeunt", a konkretnie jednej ze strof: O crux, ave, spes unica. Prezentuje typowe dla doloryzmu ujęcia Męki Pańskiej oraz reprezentatywne dla niego zagadnienia compassio. W artykule omówiono powinowactwa pieśni z innymi tego typu utworami oraz zarysowano tło religijno-kulturowe, na gruncie którego powstał utwór oraz wszystkie polskie teksty będące pozdrowieniami krzyża Chrystusa.
The subject of the article is an unknown account of late Medieval Passion with the incipit “Pozdrowion bądź, krzyżu święty” (“Be regarded, holly Cross”) found by the author of the paper. The handwritten relic is preserved in incunabulum (signature 000298), it contains Jacobus de Voraigne’s "Legendae de sanctis" ("Golden Legend"), and belongs to the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz. The hymn is a closing part of a passion sermon and functions as a marginal note on 76 recto page next to a Latin text "De passione Domini". It was composed at the end of the 15th c. or at the beginning of the 16th c. The recovered piece belongs to song and prose offspring of Venantius Fortunatus entitled "Vexilla regis prodeunt", and more specifically one of its stanza “O crux, ave, spes unica...”. It offers a presentation of Jesus Passion typical of dolorism and the issues of compassio, also representative of it. The article discusses the kinship of this hymn with other pieces of this kind, sketches the religious-cultural background on which the piece was composed and reviews all other Polish texts which regard the Cross.
The article is dedicated to anonymous 16th century religious Easter songs recorded in manuscript L 1684, which is part of the collection of the Diocese Library in Sandomierz. The manuscript, discovered by the article’s author, belonged to the Bernardine convent in Radom; parts of it were created in the second half of the 16th century, in the second half of the 17th century or in the early 18th century. The song Wszechmogący Ojca Najwyższego Syn Jezu Chryst is a mystery play song with references to religious Easter songs popular among the Bernardines, as well as songs included by Mikołaj from Wilkowieck in his mystery play, which revolves around motifs from the Scriptures and Biblical apocrypha. The song Chrystus Pan Zmartwychwstał includes diverse material where a text by Jakub Lubelczyk serves as a frame for the middle verses. The framework includes appellative prayers of the living for the dead (suffragia) from the 15th and 16th centuries, previously presented in the last part of ogurodzica. The discovered texts offer previously unknown variants of mysterysongs and procession litanies.
The object of interest is a description of manuscript L 1642 which belongs to the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz. This manuscript is a Hymnal, which was written in 1721 and it belonged to the Benedictine Sisters in Sandomierz. The material includes medieval European and Polish 16th and 17th century liturgical and paraliturgical songs. The texts in the manuscript are written in Latin and Polish. The Hymnal contains carols, the Advent, Easter and Passion songs among others; there are 77 works in total and only one has no musical notes (its text is written at the end of the manuscript). Most works are known and correspond with the content of other hymnals, e.g. the ones that belonged to the Benedictine Sisters in Staniątki, the Carmelite Sisters in Kraków, and the Clarisse Sisters in Gniezno. There are also some songs in Walenty Bartoszewski’s ("Parthenomelica albo Pienia nabożne o Pannie Najświętszej", 1613) and Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński’s works ("Pieśni katolickie nowo reformowane", 1638). The Hymnal is compiled by Anna Stogniewówna or, according to Magdalena Walter-Mazur, by Zofia Bratysiewiczówna. The manuscript is an interesting source of the known literary and musical culture of the Benedictine Sisters in Sandomierz. It also shows the popularity of these religious works. The Hymnal also contains some unknown versions of songs.
The article is an analysis of pasquils about Bishops Stanisław Józef Hozjusz, Jan Aleksander Lipski and Krzysztof Antoni Szembek. There are the pieces of occasionally political poetry from the period of the interregnum after the death of August II Sas and the fight for the crown by two rivals: his son’s August III and Stanisław Leszczyński (in the years 1733–1736). The Bishops, who come under attack, were adherents of Fryderyk August, but the occasional poetry was written by adherents of Leszczyński, August’s political antagonists. The article presents various political faults, symbols of betrayal, and heraldic conceits which were used to bring discredit on clergy. The author shows the adopted strategies which were used in the polemical poems.
The subject of the report is the jubilee of the 25th anniversary of the Department of Old Polish Literature and the Literature of Polish Enlightenment at the University of Rzeszow. The celebration took place on 14th December 2016. It gathered the authorities of the Rzeszow University, the Institute of Polish Philology, the employees of the Department and numerous guests from other scientific units of the Faculty. During the meeting occasional publication entitled Staropolskie i oświeceniowe tematy i preteksty (Old-Polish and Enlightenment topics and pre-texts). It is filled with the present employees’ of the Department works and the jubilee presentation of its output and the output of people constituting the Department in the past and at present. An occasional lecture was delivered by Professor Jerzy Jarzębski.
This article was written as a preface to a thematic issue of „Tematy i Konteksty” entitled „Literature in the face of epidemic crisis„. It is the essay addressing the impact, which COVID-19 virus has had on contemporary man and the reality surrounding him. The author, in his deliberations, focused on many aspects of the pandemic: medical, sociological, philosophical, psychological and cultural. A very important element of the essay is an attempt of capture universal social-cultural mechanisms, which are distinctive to a time of pandemic. Another crucial issue addressed in this essay is tracing the cultural and literary paradigms, which are followed in both social and individual aspects of time of pandemic. The other essential matter which was looked into are people’s attitudes taken towards virus itself, other people and themselves.
Artykuł napisany został jako wstęp do numeru tematycznego „Tematów i Kontekstów” pt. Literatura wobec kryzysu epidemii. Jest to esej omawiający wpływ wirusa Covid-19 na współczesnego człowieka i otaczającą go rzeczywistość. W rozważaniach autor skupił się na wielu aspektach pandemii: medycznych, socjologicznych, filozoficznych, psychologicznych i kulturowych. Ważnym składnikiem rozważań jest próba uchwycenia uniwersalnych mechanizmów społeczno-kulturowych towarzyszących czasom epidemii, prześledzenie paradygmatów kulturowych i literackich, które realizowane są w aspekcie społecznym i jednostkowym w czasach zarazy, postaw wobec wirusa, drugiego człowieka i samego siebie.
The paper is an introduction to the discussion devoted to literary evidence of “unification initiatives” (unions, alliances, international agreements and other unification projects) as witnessed in the history of Europe over many centuries. Artistic writings have long presented the dialogue between union partners, taking place both in public (international or national) as well as private space. Among these phenomena, particularly noteworthy are unification visions, cultural osmosis, evidence of individual participation in unification processes, acts of building the collective awareness, ways of interpreting both shared and alien cultural or religious symbols, literary expressions of the relations between “I” and “You”, strategies used in constructing the linguistic image of the shared world and alien worlds. The paper attempts to systematize specific issues related to these problems and is an introduction to the discussion carried out in the latest issue of „Tematy i Konteksty”.
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