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The author points out that the significance businesses' intellectual capital is already large and keeps growing. He goes on to present a model approach to the management of such a type of capital, with a particular emphasis on the HR management issues.
The aim of the article is to identify and analyse the main tendencies in and subject matter of research on innovation in low-technology sectors. The data analysed come from the Scopus database covering 1977–2015. The author concentrates on the dynamics of the numbers of such research articles, the major academic fields applied in this research, together with the industrial sectors, countries and topics studied. With respect to temporal dynamics, it is clear that the overall trend is growth, with more and more articles being published on innovation in low-tech sectors. These studies are concentrated mainly within four academic areas: business, management and accounting; economics, econometrics and finance; social sciences; engineering. As far as industrial sectors are concerned, the food industry is the most common subject of interest. The United States and Great Britain can be clearly identified as the countries most often studied. The main topics discussed concern technical issues related to new products, interactions between industry and research centres, together with aspects of innovation by managers and enterprises.
The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the main concentrations in research on innovations in the low technology sectors in terms of important research centers, researchers and journals. A set of three research questions was adopted according to the ranges of concentration specified in the article’s aim. The method of bibliometric analysis was used to search for a set of questions. The analytical data come from the Scopus database from 1977-2015. The center in which the most research in the analyzed area is conducted is the Spanish Universitat Politècnica de València. Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen published the most research, which was obtained by a relatively high total citations index. Regarding the most important journals focused on innovations in the low technology sectors, “Research Policy” and “Technovation” deserve attention. These are the titles where the most articles were published, they were relatively high quoted and the journals have a high impact factor. The general conclusion is that this research area is niche and unattractive to researchers and thus seems somewhat neglected.
Celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie i przeanalizowanie głównych koncentracji w badaniach nad innowacjami w sektorach niskich technologii w zakresie istotnych ośrodków naukowo – badawczych, badaczy i czasopism. Przyjęto zestaw trzech pytań badawczych odpowiadających zakresom koncentracji określonym w celu artykułu. Do poszukiwania odpowiedzi na zestaw pytań zastosowano metodę analizy bibliometrycznej. Dane analityczne pochodzą z bazy Scopus z okresu 1977-2015. Okazało się, że ośrodkiem, w którym prowadzi się najwięcej badań z analizowanego zakresu jest hiszpański Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Najwięcej badań, które uzyskały relatywnie wysoki sumaryczny indeks cytowań opublikował Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen. Jeżeli chodzi o najistotniejsze czasopisma skoncentrowane na innowacjach w sektorach niskich technologii to na szczególną uwagę zasługuje „Research Policy” i „Technovation”. Są to tytuły, gdzie opublikowano najwięcej artykułów, były one relatywnie wysoko cytowane a same czasopisma mają wysoki impact factor. Ogólny wniosek jest jednak taki, że ten obszar badawczy jest niszowy i mało atrakcyjny dla badaczy a tym samym wydaje się nieco zaniedbany.
Artykuł opisuje, na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa The Body Shop International plc, prowadzenie biznesu w sposób społecznie i ekologicznie odpowiedzialny. Wyrazem odpowiedzialności społecznej firmy jest opisana w artykule działalność The Body Shop Foundation, skupiająca się w obszarach ochrony ludzkich i obywatelskich praw oraz ochronie zwierząt i środowiska naturalnego. Przedsiębiorstwo nieustannie stosuje społeczne i ekologiczne zasady funkcjonowania biznesu, demonstruje jawność i uczciwość w stosunkach z interesariuszami. Zaangażowanie w poprawę społecznego i środowiskowego porządku odnosi się do podejmowania właściwych strategicznych decyzji, działań względem interesariuszy i chęci polepszenia globalnej strategii prowadzenia biznesu. Proekologiczne i prospołeczne zarządzanie firmą koncentruje się wokół pięciu filarów: Protect Our Planet, Defend Human Rights, Support Community Trade, Activate Self-Esteem, Against Animal Testing. The Body Shop prowadzi program harmonijnego raportowania, który wskazuje szczególnie ważne sprawy w kontekście biznesu, przemysłu, środowiska i globalnego społeczeństwa. Raporty są publikowane dla sześciu kluczowych grup: klienci, pracownicy, akcjonariusze, franszyżyści, dostawcy i środowisko naturalne. Jeśli chodzi o ochronę środowiska naturalnego można wyszczególnić trzy kluczowe obszary działań: energia i zmiany klimatu, odpady, produkt i łańcuch dostaw. Opisany przykład firmy odpowiedzialnej społecznie powinien stać się wzorem do naśladowania dla polskich przedsiębiorstw i konsumentów.
The article presents The Body Shop Inc. as an example of how business may be conducted in a socially and environmentally responsible way. The company's social responsibility is expressed in the form of the Body Shop Foundation focused on defending human and civil rights as well as protecting animals and the natural environment. The company persists in applying social and ecological principles of business functioning, demonstrates publicness and fairness in relations with its stakeholders. Its involvement in improving the social and environmental order refers to the right strategic decisions making, initiatives aimed at stakeholders and the willingness to improve the global strategy of business conducting. The company's environmentally and socially friendly management is concentrated on five pillars: Protect our Planet, Defend Human Rights, Support Community Trade, Active Self-Esteem, Against Animal Testing. The Body Shop runs a program of harmonious reporting that points at the matters which are of particular importance in the context of business, industry, environment and the global society. The reports are produced for six key groups: clients, employees, shareholders, franchisees, suppliers and the natural environment. In the case of the natural environment, three key areas of action can be identified: energy and climate change, wastes, product and chain of supplies. The example of the presented, socially responsible company should become a patter to follow for Polish enterprises and consumers.
Cel: identyfikacja i analiza światowych tendencji w badaniach nad normą ISO 14001. Metody: metody bibliometryczne, dane z bazy Scopus obejmujące artykuły naukowe i konferencyjne z lat 1995–2016. Struktura: dynamika w czasie, główne obszary nauki, ośrodki naukowe, badacze, czasopisma, kraje i obszary tematyczne. Wnioski: rosnąca tendencja w czasie; koncentracja w ramach nauk inżynierskich, o środowisku i zarządzaniu; wiodące ośrodki: University of the Basque Country i University of Girona; badacze: S. Karapetrovic, I. Heras-Saizarbitoria, M. Casadesus i O. Boiral; czasopismo: „Journal of Cleaner Production”; kraje: USA, Hiszpania i Wielka Brytania; obszary tematyczne: wpływ normy na wyniki firmy, certyfikacja i integracja systemów zarządzania oraz motywy stosowania normy.
Objective: identification and analysis of global tendencies in research on ISO 14001 standard. Methods: bibliometric methods, data from Scopus covering scientific and conference articles from 1995 to 2016. Structure: dynamics in time, main scientific fields, research centers, researchers, journals, countries and thematic areas. Conclusions: growing tendencies in time; concentration within engineering, environmental and management sciences; leading centers: University of the Basque Country and University of Girona; researchers: S. Karapetrovic, I. Heras-Saizarbitoria, M. Casadesus and O. Boiral; Journal: “Journal of Cleaner Production”; countries: USA, Spain and UK; thematic areas: impact of norm on company performance, certification and integration of management systems, motives for applying the norm.
King Kazimierz the Great built the castle in Kalisz as part of a sequence of municipal defensive facilities in the northern part of the town, next to Toruńska Gate. During the Middle Ages this four-wing and four storey edifice contained an inner courtyard and was surrounded by a moat. The mediaeval castle burned down in 1537, and was destroyed by fire to such an extent that it was never totally rebuilt. In 1985-1987 archaeological studies of the castle ruins unearthed the foundations of a gate house, located in the former southern wing. It was discovered that the gate had been redesigned already during the Middle Ages. Its state, documented during the excavations, indicates that it had been destroyed by fire, but not in 1537. Presumably, the gate was damaged in 1656 and it certainly functioned in 1564 and 1628, as testified by written sources. The lowering of the threshold of the continuous footing of the gate house and the introduction of a cellar into the foundations had been connected already earlier with changed access to the castle. The new technical solution involved the manner of raising the drawbridge, and consisted of a counterweight. Such a device had appeared in Western Europe already in the course of the fourteenth century, and possibly even earlier. Up to now, the bridge in Kalisz had been ascribed a wide chronological range. Terminus post quern was defined by the time of the construction of the castle - between 1336 and 1343, while terminus ad quem coincided at the latest with the destruction of the gate in 1656. The article intends to establish a more precise date of installing the counterweight in the castle drawbridge. The first option was a dendrochronological study of beams in the gate crossing, and the second was an attempt at dating based on measurements of the brick used for facing the breach in the gate house foundation, executed for the purpose of building a drawbridge outfitted with a counterweight. The author chose the latter approach. Only a single spot was discovered in the examined ruins in which bricks were connected with the brick castle - the outer part of the gate house ground floor and the face of the outer cellar walls. An analysis of the finding led to a differentiation between the bricks of the original fragments and the secondary supplements of the face into two groups: older A and repair B. Counterparts of those sets were found in the castle in Bolesławiec on the Prosna - group B bricks, identified with the redesigning of the castle during the 1380s by Duke Władysław Opolczyk. This is the brick used during the expansion of the castle, placed on top of the original defensive wall from the time of Kazimierz, and the brick from the freestanding octagonal tower. Sets very similar to B group brick from Bolesławiec were found in the town wall in Byczyna, located in Opole (Silesia), some 10 kms from Bolesławiec, and in the face of a castle tower in Ostrzeszów. It is worth stressing that all three constructions were situated in terrains incorporated into the duchy ruled by Władysław Opolczyk: Byczyna - in the duchy of Opole, Bolesławiec - in the region of Wieluń (governed by Opolczyk from 1370 to 1401), and Ostrzeszów in the region of Ostrzeszów, which belonged to the duke of Opole probably from 1375 to 1393. The similarity between the brick from the Bolesławiec "workshop" of Władysław Opolczyk and the brick from the mediaeval constructions in Kalisz was probably not accidental. It is so considerable that the author hazarded a hypothesis claiming that at the turn of the fourteenth century Kalisz found itself within the range of the construction workshops used by the duke of Opole not only in the region of Opole itself (Byczyna), but also in the lands of Wieluń (Bolesławiec) and Ostrzeszów (Ostrzeszów) during the 1380s and the early 1390s. Presumably, the construction "workshop" of the duke of Opole could have made its way to royal lands only after Władysław Jagiełło regained the regions of Wieluń and Ostrzeszów in an expedition waged against Opolczyk in 1393. According to Długosz, Jagiełło captured castles in Olsztyn, Krzepice, Bobolice, Brzeźnica, Wieluń, Ostrzeszów and Grabów on the Prosna. The castle in Bolesławiec on the Prosna was the only one which he did not seize immediately, but besieged, albeit unsuccessfully. Not until the death of Władysław Opolczyk did his widow and sons surrender the castle to the monarch (1401). Apart from the mentioned brick measurements there are also two other categories of sources capable of casting more light. One is the archaeological stratigraphy of the gate-house foundation, indicating that the gate-house cellar existed already prior to the mid-fourteenth century. This assumption is evidenced by findings of coins between the floor beams in the crossing (a Toruń shilling from the time of Kazimierz Jagiellon, 1454-1456, and an unidentified, damaged Teutonic Order coin). On the other hand, written sources have provided two types of information. The privilege issued by Władysław Jagiełło in 1418 contains direct mention of defensive investments; in it, the king permitted the town to conduct free trade and entitled the Town Council to collect market charges, subsequently used for financing the preservation and conservation of the defensive city walls. The second possibility was royal initiative. Władysław Jagiełło who was a frequent visitor in Kalisz, was aware of the degradation of the local defensive walls and up to 1418 personally paid for their upkeep. The content of the document from 1418 indicates that already prior to the issuing of the privilege the town walls had to be repaired, and possibly had already been mended. Such an initiative would have called for financial sources other than the normal revenue of the town. Every researcher examining bricks analyses their size and notices their changeability. These two features can be identified with the progress of time, sometimes with localisation, and in other cases with the investor. All initial premises for further detailed studies are hypothetical. Without forejudging the possibility of generalising the individual examined phenomenon, namely, the distinct similarity between group B bricks from the castle in Bolesławiec on the Prosna and group B bricks from Kalisz Castle, the author believes that in this particular instance an analysis of similarity based on measurement led to a positive conclusion. The author is inclined to place the date of the construction of the new drawbridge cellar in Kalisz Castle in the years immediately after 1394, and to connect it with the activity of the building workshops which during the 1380s developed under the rule of Władysław Opolczyk in the lands of Wieluń and Ostrzeszów, and which at the time of the reign of Jagiełło could have reached Kalisz already as royal workshops. A study of the sizes of the brick, applied for the purpose of stratifying examples of mediaeval brick architecture is, as has been said in the introduction, a controversial method. Nonetheless, in the opinion of the author, researchers dealing with architecture cannot ignore it.
Artykuł prezentuje rysujące się na świecie tendencje w badaniach nad normą ISO 9001. Autor analizuje dynamikę tych badań na przestrzeni lat, pokazuje wokół jakich obszarów nauki się one koncentrują, które ośrodki naukowobadawcze, badacze, kraje i czasopisma są najistotniejsze w tym zakresie. Poruszona jest także kwestia istotnych obszarów tematycznych, które dominują w badaniach nad normą ISO 9001. Analizy były przeprowadzone na zbiorze danych pobranym z bazy Scopus i dotyczą artykułów naukowych i konferencyjnych z lat 1988 – 2015.
The article presents the emerging world tendencies in research on ISO 9001 standard. The author analyzes the dynamics of these research over the years, shows areas of science around which they are concentrated as well as indicates the most important scientific or research centers, researchers, countries and journals. The paper deals with a matter of major thematic areas that dominate in research on ISO 9001 standard. The analyses were performed on the data set collected from Scopus and concern scientific articles and conference papers from the years 1988-2015.
Content available Czynniki stresu w zarządzaniu firmą
W związku z obejmującą każdą sferę życia i każdy niemalże okres w życiu człowieka współzależnością człowiek - organizacja (przedsiębiorstwo, firma) nieuchronne wydaje się powstawanie pewnych napięć na tej właśnie linii. Stawia to przed menedżerami wyzwanie radzenia sobie ze stresem organizacyjnym zarówno pracowniczym, jak i menedżerskim. Skuteczny kierownik powinien umieć identyfikować podstawowe czynniki stresu (stresory). Stres jest procesem, którego nie można złagodzić w prosty sposób, za pomocą doraźnych działań bądź jednorazowych akcji, potrzebna jest długotrwała strategia łagodzenia stresu organizacyjnego.
The relationship between human and an organization includes every area of life and almost every period in a lifetime. With regard to that fact, some tensions have become inevitable. It challenges managers to cope with organizational stress, both workers' and managerial. An effective manager should be able to identify basic stress factors (stressors). One should remember that stress is a process which cannot be reduced in a straightforward way by means of temporary operations or isolated actions. What is essential is a long-term strategy of alleviating organizational stress.
The contemporary managers shall be acquainted with the knowledge about the practical use of management tools which number is growing yearly. The authors empirically analyze the issue from the point of view of so-caUed system organization theory that in last years becomes very popular and is applied in management practice. Three spheres of the evaluation of the theory's knowledge are underlined, namely, tools concerning quality management, environment management, and, morę and morę frequently used, proso-cial management which uses the CSR conception (Corporate Social Responsibility). The essential point of the research is the perception of tools from the above mentioned spheres. In details, the guestion is about the knowledge, usage and usefulness of such management tools as: ISO 9000 series of standards, Six sigma, Kaizen, ISO 14000 series of standards, EMAS, AA1000, and SA8000.
W dzisiejszej rzeczywistości gospodarczej zarówno menedżerowie zarządzający przedsiębiorstwami jak i pozostałe zainteresowane strony (interesariusze) z klientami na czele stoją przed koniecznością odpowiedzialnego traktowania problemów ochrony środowiska naturalnego. W artykule omówione zostały najczęściej spotykane na wyrobach oznakowania ekologiczne takie jak: Polski Znak Ekologiczny, Europejski Znak Ekologiczny, Pętla Mobiusa, Zielony Punkt i inne. W drugiej części artykułu zostały przedstawione wyniki badań potencjalnych klientów oraz kierownictwa i personelu łódzkich sklepów w zakresie społecznej percepcji tychże oznakowań. Prezentowane wyniki pokazują poziom świadomości badanych osób w zakresie znajomości ekoetykiet spotykanych na produktach, oraz świadomości i wrażliwości na kwestie ochrony środowiska. Analiza wyników ułatwi przedsiębiorstwom i kierującym nimi menedżerom odpowiedzialne zarządzanie zarówno w aspekcie ochrony środowiska, właściwego procesu produkcji oraz zaangażowanego ekologicznie marketingu.
In the present economic reality both managers of enterprises and other stakeholders including clients face the necessity of approaching the environmental protection issues in a responsible way. The article presents the most frequently used eco-labels: Polish Eco-Sign, European Eco-Sign Mobius' Loop, Green Point etc.. Research results concerning the clients as well as management and personnel of the shops in Lódź and their perception of eco-labels have been also presented. The results show the awareness level of the investigated persons concerning the knowledge of eco-labels placed on products and the sensitiveness to environmental issues. The analysis will help the enterprises and their managers perform a responsible management in terms of environmental protection, appropriate production processes and involvement of ecological marketing.
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