Introduction to model of security systems based on ISO 27000 family of standards. The focus on the main purpose of the information security standards, including a full listing of the ISO 27000 documentation with description of particular security standards. An official definition of Information Security Management System (ISMS) its terms and purpose. A summary of world - survey from 2011 - 2012 showing the volume of ISO 27000 certifications and describing key factors of successful implementation of IT security standards that protect organizations against potential security threats.
Wprowadzenie do modelu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem informacji i danych w oparciu o standardy z rodziny ISO 27000. Podkreślenie istoty oraz historii wprowadzenia standardu wraz z wyszczególnieniem zakresu i podziału poszczególnych aspektów bezpieczeństwa. Definiowanie pojęcia Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji oraz zasad działania takich systemów. Podsumowanie gdzie standardy ISO 27000 zostały skutecznie wdrożone w skali światowej oraz czynników wpływających na skuteczne przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom wynikającym z nie stosowania standardów bezpieczeństwa IT na bazie badań przeprowadzonych w 2011 i 2012 roku . Omówienie roli bezpieczeństwa informacji w łacuchach dostaw.
Polish bituminous coal basins are associated exclusively with Carboniferous deposits, differing in origin and geological structure. This paper presents only a short review of papers mainly of Polish authors on the geological structure, stratigraphy of coal-bearing deposits, quality of coal, as well as selected aspects of economic geology of three Polish bituminous coal basins: the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB), Lower Silesian Coal Basin (LSCB) and Lublin Coal Basin (LCB). The paper provides also an overview on the investigations made on the interpretations of the origin of Polish coal deposits over the last 20 years with an emphasis on coal facies studies. The paper content is related to the conference entitled "Polish Coal” of the 3 rd Polish Geological Congress, which is planned in Wroclaw in September 2016. This conference covers a broad spectrum of issues such as: geology of coal basins and coal deposits, coal-bed methane, economic geology, petrology and geochemistry of coal, as well as origin, coalification and quality of coal.
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