In this work we analyse basic characteristics of Love wave sensors implemented in waveguide structures composed of a lossy viscoelastic surface layer deposited on a lossless elastic substrate. It has to be noted that Love wave sensors working at ultrasonic frequencies have the highest mass density sensitivity Sσvp among all known ultrasonic sensors, such as QCM, Lamb wave or Rayleigh wave sensors. In this paper we have established an exact analytical formula for the mass density sensitivity Sσvp of the Love wave sensors in the form of an explicit algebraic expression. Subsequently, using this developed analytical formula, we compared theoretically the mass density sensitivity Sσvp for various Love wave waveguide structures, such as: (1) lossy PMMA surface layer on lossless Quartz substrate and (2) lossy PMMA on lossless Diamond substrate. The performed analysis shows that the mass density sensitivity Sσvp (real and imaginary part) for a sensor with a structure PMMA on Diamond is five times higher than that of a PMMA on Quartz structure. It was found that the mass density sensitivity Sσvp for Love wave sensors increases with the increase of the ratio: bulk shear wave velocity in the substrate to bulk shear wave velocity in the surface layer.
In this paper, the authors analyse the propagation of surface Love waves in an elastic layered waveguide (elastic guiding layer deposited on an elastic substrate) covered on its surface with a Newtonian liquid layer of finite thickness. By solving the equations of motion in the constituent regions (elastic substrate, elastic surface layer and Newtonian liquid) and imposing the appropriate boundary conditions, the authors established an analytical form of the complex dispersion equation for Love surface waves. Further, decomposition of the complex dispersion equation into its real and imaginary part, enabled for evaluation of the phase velocity and attenuation dispersion curves of the Love wave. Subsequently, the influence of the finite thickness of a Newtonian liquid on the dispersion curves was evaluated. Theoretical (numerical) analysis shows that when the thickness of the Newtonian liquid layer exceeds approximately four penetration depths 4δ of the wave in a Newtonian liquid, then this Newtonian liquid layer can be regarded as a semi-infinite half-space. The results obtained in this paper can be important in the design and optimization of ultrasonic Love wave sensors such as: biosensors, chemosensors and viscosity sensors. Love wave viscosity sensors can be used to assess the viscosity of various liquids, e.g. liquid polymers.
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