Rozwój szkoły prawa natury w dobie Oświecenia wpłynął na europejską myśl prawną i sprowokował dyskusję nad metodami interpretacji prawa. Francuska i niemiecka jurysprudencja w XIX w. rozwinęła różne podejścia w zakresie metodologii, odwołując się do historycznych, społecznych i wielowymiarowych aspektów, podstaw i źródeł prawa. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja oraz porównanie kluczowych idei, charakterystycznych dla ewolucji głównych stanowisk dotyczących metody wykładni prawa, jakie pojawiły się na gruncie francuskiej jurysprudencji w XIX w. i pierwszej połowie XX w. Pozytywistyczna szkoła egzegezy dominowała we francuskich studiach nad prawem od początku XIX w. W połowie tego wieku pojawił się nowy trend poszukiwań badawczych. Przedstawiciele tego nurtu rozważali pluralizm metod stosowanych w badaniach naukowych nad prawem. Podczas dwóch ostatnich dekad XIX w. i w pierwszej połowie XX w. we Francji obserwuje się rozwój tzw. szkoły wolnego prawa (libre recherche scientifique), której inicjatorem był François Gény.
The development of the “natural law” movement during the Enlightenment era has influenced European legal thought and provoked discussions on the law interpretation method. In the 19th century, French and German legal scholarship developed different methodological approaches referring to some historical, social, and multidimensional aspects and foundations of law. The article explores the evolution of the main scientific positions on the method of interpretation of the law which have appeared in French jurisprudence in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. In France, from the early 19th century, the positivist school of exegesis dominated legal studies. In the half of the century, a new trend of scientific research was developed. The representatives of the current have pondered pluralism of the methods applied in legal research. Then, in France, we observe the rise of the “free scientific research” initiated by François Gény.
The “natural law” movement provoked some discussions on the method of interpretation of law within the European legal thought. Diverse methodological approaches referring to some social, historical, and multidimensional aspects and foundations of law were developed by French and German legal scholarship at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The present article focuses on the main scientific positions on the method of interpretation of law present in French jurisprudence. Since the beginning of the 19th century, French legal studies were dominated by the positivist school of exegesis. Scholarship and legal practitioners sought the opportunity to rebuild their authority. It was accompanied by the attempts to prepare a new theoretical ground for the legal order. Then, some representatives of a new trend in scientific research considered pluralism of the methods applied in legal research. Raymond Saleilles postulated the need for the evolutionary perspective in legal science. This approach appears to be similar to the concept of the law of nature with variable content adopted by Rudolf Stammler in Germany. Since the last two decades of the 19th century, François Gény, the supporter of a greater flexibility in interpretation of a legal text, developed libre recherche scientifique. He questioned the idea of autonomy of the legal science, calling for its integration with other disciplines.
Objectives This paper aims to present the relations between legal, economic, technological instruments and the factors affecting the dominating standard of social awareness which affects ethical choices in the scope of environmental protection. Material and methods The article uses the method of analysis and criticism of the literature as well as dogmatic and legal. Results Effective environmental protection demands an interdisciplinary approach. It should rest on the foundation of legal regulations setting out rules for the use and protection of natural resources with the principle of sustainable development. People need these resources for survival but they contribute to their degradation. To secure the basic rights of people, the environment and economic growth, effective environmental protection is a must. Conclusions This analysis served to develop a model that integrates these elements for the purpose of effective environmental protection. In a nutshell, effective environmental protection cannot be attained through legal instruments alone; they must be coordinated – the use of the best available techniques – with adequate economic tools and ethical standing of the society.
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Introduction. Poland is a member of the WHO European Region where a complete eradication of measles and rubella is planned to be finished by 2015. Poland accounted for 99% of all reported rubella cases in 27 EU/EEA countries in 2013. It is a good time to evaluate whether the established Polish vaccination strategy was sufficient to reach the goal of rubella elimination in the near future. Aim. The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiology of rubella in Poland when the disease outbreak took place in 2013, to determine the reasons of that situation and to find the solution for future rubella elimination strategies. Material and methods. To analyze the epidemiology of rubella in Poland during the disease outbreak in 2013 the authors used rubella surveillance data collected by the Provincial and National Notifiable Disease Reporting System in 2004-2013. The information at the provincial level derived from one of the 16 provinces (Malopolska). The data on MMR vaccination coverage in 2003-2012 derived from the National Surveillance System. The percentages of rubella cases and vaccine coverage between Poland with Malopolska province were compared. Results. The outbreak started in late 2012 and continued through 2013, when 38548 rubella cases (incidence rate 100.1/ 100 000) were notified. Geographically, rubella cases were reported from the entire country, with the highest incidence rate in Malopolska province (254.9/100 000). Only 5 cases from Malopolska and 120 in whole country were laboratory confirmed, the remaining 99.7% were reported solely on the basis of clinical signs. The vaccination coverage was not sufficient to protect the population against rubella outbreak in Poland, especially among adolescents and young adult males. Conclusions. The strengthening of routine immunization program and implementation of some additional vaccination campaigns in young adults as well as laboratory confirmation of all suspected cases are the challenges that will have to be met to eliminate rubella in Poland
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