Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniom zaangażowania i potencjalnej roli organizacji pozarządowych (NGO) w realizacji programu Natura 2000 w Polsce. Wyniki badań prowadzonych wśród członków i wolontariuszy tych organizacji wskazują na duże znaczenie programu dla ich działalności. NGO chętnie włączają się w dyskusje dotyczące kształtu Natury 2000 w Polsce, deklarując przy tym chęć pomocy w jego realizacji. Ze względu na brak partnerskich relacji z jednostkami bezpośrednio odpowiedzialnymi za ten program rola NGO we wdrażaniu Natury 2000 nie została jak dotąd jasno określona. Organizacje pozarządowe posiadają bazę ekspertów, doświadczeń, informacji o lokalnej przyrodzie i zamieszkującej ją społeczności, które mogą okazać się bardzo przydatne przy realizacji zamierzeń programu Natura 2000 w naszym kraju.
The Natura 2000 programme, which is a new method of protecting the natural environment in Poland, is implemented not only by scientific institutions but also by non-governmental organisations. Due to the relatively short tradition of NGOs in Poland and the specific character of their activities, based predominantly on voluntary work, it is hard to estimate how useful their role in further implementation of the programme will be in the future. The surveys presented in this paper were designed to provide answers to these and similar questions. The following study consists of two phases; (1) quantitative (surveys) focused on NGOs' characteristics (i.e. structure, staff) and (2) qualitative (i.e. in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, participant observations) related to opinions, convictions and motivation of the members, volunteers and organizers of the NGOs involved. The research is still under way. The preliminary results of the surveys indicate that the participants in the operations of the non-governmental organisations involved include various types of individuals (students, doctoral students, scientists and scholars, nature lovers), all of which work as volunteers. In most cases, they sign up in order to protect the natural heritage and experience a closer contact with nature. According to all the NGOs, the Natura 2000 programme is important. Most of the persons surveyed consider it to be a much needed and justified form of protecting nature globally and an important element stimulating the local activities of NGOs. The positive opinions of the NGOs surveyed on the very idea underlying the programme are not reflected in their assessment of its actual implementation, which is generally considered to be of little effectiveness. The non-governmental organisations involved see their main role in implementing the tasks of the Natura 2000 programme in planning and offering information & educational programmes and participating in the monitoring of the protected areas. Despite the negative opinions on the activities of the non-governmental organisations, a large proportions of these perform their statutory tasks properly. Apparently, what was particularly important for the programme, especially during the initial stage of its implementation, was the utilization of the NGOs' potential both in the monitoring of the Natura 2000 areas and in the negotiations with local communities. The following project is financed by the 6th Framework EU Programme (006463 EU-wide monitoring methods and systems of surveillance for species and habitats of Community interest).
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