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Etyczne przestrogi Zygmunta Baumana w obszarze ekonomii : perspektywa trzeciego milenium
Języki publikacji
Zygmunt Bauman is not only a sociologist and philosopher reputable in the world of science, he is also a father figure for people interested in the phenomenon of globalization. Bauman investigates how current economic and political changes influence the lives of particular societies. It was important to underline that also economists can make use of Bauman's ideas but with a few reservations That is why the following crucial areas were proposed relating to economic aspects: the meaning of consumptionism and wastage; global inequalities; the reasons and consequences of the global economic crisis, and some heterodox matters such as happiness, welfare, and well-being, all of which can be helpful in understanding the multidimensional globalization process. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Lodz, Poland
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- Bauman Z., To nie jest dziennik [This is not a Diary], Wydawnictwo Literackie, Cracow 2012.
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- Smoleński J., Mój przewodnik Zygmunt Bauman, "Gazeta Wyborcza" 2005, December 31st.
- Sztaudynger J.J., Rodzinny kapitał społeczny a wzrost gospodarczy w Polsce, "Ekonomista" 2009, No. 2, pp. 198-210.
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