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In the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland, 2012 was the theme year of entrepreneurship, with the central aim of promoting entrepreneurship among young people. Throughout the year about 80 different events took place. The present study analysed the impact of the theme year and its activities. The study will examine the changes in the attitudes and perceptions towards entrepreneurship amongst young people. The first sample (N = 873) was collected in early 2012 and the second sample (N = 725) in early 2013. The results indicate the challenging nature of trying to influence attitudes towards entrepreneurship and perceptions of entrepreneur -ship. According to the results the perception of entrepreneurship changed slightly during the theme year, but only amongst upper secondary school students. Similarly a small change was observed in the relationship between the perception and appreciation of entrepreneurship. In addition the study shows how challenging it is to evaluate the impact of promotional activity at the regional level. (original abstract)
- Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
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