Tytuł artykułu
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Business Models of Family and Non-family Enterprises : Methodological Aspect
Języki publikacji
Artykuł jest próbą zwrócenia uwagi na dotychczasowe sposoby radzenia sobie przez badaczy z identyfikacją i oceną wpływu odmienności na zachowania długookresowe oraz zaprezentowania koncepcji badań opartej na analizie modeli biznesu jako podstawy identyfikacji odmienności przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych. (fragment tekstu)
The attempt to investigate the essence of the family enterprise's specificity with its inherent characteristics has not, as can be gleaned from the literature review, succeeded in developing a universal research tool. The authors believe that adopting the concepts present in the literature is not possible, mainly because the majority of approaches is of general and universal nature and only some take into account the specificity and selected issues in detail. Based on the literature analysis and preliminary research findings, the authors consider that the application of business models for the comparative analyses of family enterprises may yield positive results. The difficulty appears to be the reconciliation of the pursuit of business model universality, as evinced by the previous concepts, with the need to take into account these elements of family enterprise which give its clear identity (family, its structure, influence on the management). The authors make an attempt at constructing a research concept, based on the modified concept of B.W. Wirtz. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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