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This paper is the first publication from the series of four articles about cognitive challenges in management science. It is the result of the further discussions and reflections concerning the cognitive problems of management after publication of the books about epistemology of management. The question of identity of management perceived like a social science is important mainly to researchers, but also to reflective managers. The paper is a diagnosis of a current cognitive state with main thesis that management is still science in statu nascendi. Management belongs to the family of the social sciences and it is still in the primal stage of his evolution. First of all, there is a lack of agreement on the one paradigm or even one way of understanding and classifying the paradigms among scholars. Moreover, in consequence of multi-paradigmatic and multi-disciplinary approach, the polymethodological perspective must be applied to management sciences. That means, type of the methodological eclectism that is the third characteristic point of management epistemology. At the end of the chapter the case of the multiparadigmatic, poly-methodological and eclectic is shown in the marketing contemporary discourse.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Społeczna Akademia Nauk
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