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The article investigates the impact of employees' dynamic capabilities (EDC) on job performance during various stages of a crisis in an organisation caused by a Black Swan event, mediated by job-related attitudes, such as person-job fit, work motivation, job satisfaction, and work engagement, based on EDC model of job performance. The article includes a critical literature review of the role of EDC and each job-related attitude in shaping employee job performance during a crisis caused by a Black Swan event as the basis for hypothesis development. The proposed hypotheses are verified by empirical studies conducted in 2021 on a sample of 1200 organisations from Poland, the USA, and Italy operating during the active wave of COVID-19. Statistical reasoning was made based on multigroup path analysis performed in IBM SPSS AMOS. The results confirmed the significant role of EDC in enhancing job performance during a crisis and revealed that work motivation is the most influential job-related attitude through which EDC impacts job performance across all stages of the crisis. The article contributes to the theory of human resource management and crisis management, presenting a comprehensive model of job performance based on EDC for various stages of a crisis caused by a Black Swan event. It also contributes to practice, showing entrepreneurs which work-related attitudes are crucial for obtaining the most benefit from EDC, enabling its proper translation into job performance growth. The article shows that work-related attitudes have a different value for shaping job performance, depending on the stage of crisis (caused by a Black Swan event) in which the organisation operates. Moreover, it confirms that EDC enables the possibility to obtain and maintain satisfactory job performance during a crisis, which suggests that EDC should be considered one of the new competitive advantages of contemporary organisations operating in the post-COVID-19 reality. (original abstract)
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- Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology
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