artykuł: Posttraining isoflurane anaesthesia and memory consolidation of two-way active avoidance (Jurado-Berbel P., Torras-Garcia M., Costa-Miserachs D., Portell-Cortes I.)
artykuł: Error Correction in Healthy Subjects and Cocaine Users : an fMRI study (Simoes-Franklin C., Garavan H., Dixon V.)
artykuł: Navigation decisions of rats based on a virtual spatial information: comparison to pattern discrimination (Nekovarova E., Bures J.)
artykuł: Chronic nicotine administration restores genetic-induced cognitive defects via recovery of endogenous cholinergic activity (Granon S., Besson M., Cloez-Tayarani I., Cormier A., Changeux J. P., Faure P.)
artykuł: The role of opioids in energy and reward-induced feeding (Levine A. S.)
artykuł: Preliminary studies of the delayed behavioural effects of postnatal exposure to PCB 153 in female mice (Spowart-Manning,dr. L., Anwyl R., Rowan M. J.)
artykuł: Musicians as a model for early and going neuroplasticity (Jancke L.)
artykuł: Consolidating lasting memories: involvement of emotional arousal, stress hormones and amygdala activation (McGaugh J. L.)
artykuł: The Constancy Effect of selective attention: Testing the influence of perceptual load and spatial competition on velocity perception (Wegener D., Orlando Galashan, F., Markowski D. N., Kreiter A. K.)
artykuł: Neuropsychology and magnetic resonance imaging in paediatric temporal lobe epilepsy: impact of pathology type (Cormack F., Martinos M., Vargha-Khadem F., Baldeweg T.)
artykuł: Antidepressant effect of nicotine (Vieyra-Reyes P., Palomero-Rivero M., Drucker-Colin R.)
artykuł: A new model of human spatial mapping (Roche R., Commins S., Mangaoang M., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Reinforcement learning signals predict future decisions (Cohen M. X., Cohen R.)
artykuł: Categorical processing of continuous dimensions in inferotemporal cortex (Jagadeesh B.)
artykuł: Hippocampal place units in the freely moving rat: why they fire where they fire - revisited (McNaughton B. L.)
artykuł: The impact of survey versus route perspective on mental images constructed from visual experience or verbal description (Thinus-Blanc C., Peruch P., Denis M.)
artykuł: Luminosity-dependent circadian modification of synaptic strength in the visual cortex of freely behaving rats (Tsanov M., Manahan-Vaughan D.)
artykuł: Path planning: prefrontal cortex as an efficient wayfinder navigator system (Hok V., Sicre A., Dowd D., Save E., Fenton A. A., Poucet B.)
artykuł: Role of prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum in guidance of instrumental behaviour by expected reward (Hauber W.)
artykuł: Chronic hyperammonemia alters the neurochemical and motor responses to activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the nucleus accumbens of rats in vivo (Cauli O., Llansola M., Mlili el N., Rejas V., Errami, Felipo V.)
artykuł: Behavioural studies on opioid involvement in feeding (O'Hare E.)
artykuł: Effects of nicotine on novelty seeking in adolescent and adult male mice (Redolat R., Carrasco M. C., Gomez M. C., Fernandez I., Spitalnick E.)
artykuł: Dopamine-dependent stimulus evaluation by nucleus accumbens neurons (Nicola S., Fields H. L.)
artykuł: Post-training intrahippocampal infusion of nicotine prevented spatial memory retention deficits by the Cyclooxygenase-2- specific inhibitor celecoxib in rats (Sharifzadeh M., Tavasoli M., Naghdi N., Ghanbari A., Amini M.)
artykuł: Intracranial self-stimulation ameliorates the memory decifit in rats bearing lesions of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (Segura A. G., Redolar-Ripoll D., Aldavert-Vera L., Morgado-Bernal I., Segura-Torres D.)
artykuł: Intracranial self-stimulation ameliorates the memory decifit in rats bearing lesions of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (Gatell Segura A., Redolar-Ripoll D., Aldavert-Vera L., Morgado-Bernal I., Segura-Torres)
artykuł: Inhibition of human hippocampal function via the 2-Back working memory task (Mullally S. M., Roche R. A. P., Laing C., Robertson I. H., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: The effect of overexposure to context on context conditioning (Perez-Villalba A., Mackintosh N. J., Carvera A., Teruel V., Olucha F., Raiz A.)
artykuł: Lesions of the thalamic reticular nucleus of rats do not impair performance in a test of divided attention (Iraklis P., Brown V. J.)
artykuł: Attractors as the cortical contribution to memory computations (Treves A.)
artykuł: Complex behavioral changes induced by partial bilateral mesencephalic lesion (Pioli E. Y., Meissner W., Sohr R., Gross C. E., Bezard E., Bioulac B. H.)
artykuł: Expression of NCAM polysialylation in the prefrontal cortex: task-specific activation during memory consolidation (Horst J., Regan C. R., Murphy K. J.)
artykuł: The role of the frontal eye fields (FEF) in auditory attentional capture (Smith D. T., Schenk T.)
artykuł: Behavioural changes in rats exposed to perinatal MDMA (Gyarmati S., Timar J., Lee S., Kiss E., Szabo A., Furts S.)
artykuł: Spatial learning in the rat is NMDA-receptor dependent: evidence from an object displacement task (Hennigan A., Larkin A., Gobbo O., Fahej B., O'Mara S. M., Kelly A. M.)
artykuł: Cognitive organization of relevant and irrelevant spatial information does not require commissural communication between the two hippocampi or hemispheres (Wesierska M., Malinowska M., Fenton A. A.)
artykuł: Cyclooxygenase and synaptic plasticity (Cowley T., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Excitotoxic damage to the retrosplenial cortex selectively impairs active avoidance learning in Wistar rats (Lukoyanov N. V., Lukoyanova E. A.)
artykuł: CB1 receptor antagonism in hedonic homeostasis (Nomikos G.)
artykuł: Morphine-induced amnesia in morphine-sensitized rats: role of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) (Zarrindast M. R., Farajzadeh Z., Rostand P., Rezayof A., Nourjah P.)
artykuł: Multiple mechanisms of associative control over drug seeking: a behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis (DiCiano P.)
artykuł: Group cognitive behavioural therapy for major depressive disorder: relationship to neuropsychological function and measures of stress (McMackin D., Anderson D., McDonough M., McKeon P., Cooney J. M.)
artykuł: Quality Fiber Tracking related DTI with l.ST tomograph (Garbin G., Ukmar M., Weis L., Longo R., Battaglini P. P.)
artykuł: The effect of acute stressors and rat strains on the genetic expression in the brain (Trneckova L., Hynie S., Klenerova V., Armario A.)
artykuł: Neuromodulatory substrates of drug and food reward: the role of dopamine-opioid-endocannabinoid interactions (di Chiara G., De Luca M. A., Solinas M., Bassareo V.)
artykuł: Attentional functions of the thalamic reticular nucleus in the rat (Brown V. J., Petrof I.)
artykuł: The development of an automated screening system for analysing the effects of 17-b-estradiol and other estrogenic compounds on stem cell fate. (Harris K. A., Verhaegen S., Murphy K. J., Regan C. M.)
artykuł: Characteristics of place cell firing in an environment requiring path integration (Paz-Villagran V., Save E., Poucet B.)
artykuł: Differential effects of full and partial dopamine D2 receptor agonists on striopallidal gaba-mediated inhibition of subthalamic-pallidal glutamate release in the awake rat. (Duffy A. M., Jeffrey C., Glennon I., Scharrenburg,van G., William, O'Connor W. T.)
artykuł: Role of morphine on injury-induced microglial accumulation in the leech CNS: involvement of nitric oxide (Nasser O. S., Yahyavi N., Tasili P.)
artykuł: Evidence of crosstalk between spatial and habit memory systems (Da Cunha C., Wietzikoski S., Wietzikoski E. C., Silva M. H. C., Castro C. W., Pedrozo Jr. J. C., Ferro M. M., Canteras N. S.)
artykuł: The effects of early nutrition on brain structure (Isaacs E., Gadian D. G., Lucas A.)
artykuł: Anterior thalamic lesions, postoperative enrichment, spatial memory and functional recovery (Loukavenko E., Ottley M. C., Moran J. P., Darlymple-Alford J. C.)
artykuł: Endocannabinoid signalling: a common target for high fat diets and substances of abuse? (Di Marzo V.)
artykuł: Is the brain a Bayesian machine? (Rustichini A.)
artykuł: Conditioned release of corticosterone by conditioned stimuli associated with addictive drugs (Pert A., Sandstrom J. M., DeVries A. C.)
artykuł: U-shaped sensitivity to variability in face recognition (Gruning A., Rijsbergen,von N., Treves A.)
artykuł: Emotional content and declarative memory: an event related potential study (Gasbarri A., Arnone B., Pompili A., Marchetti A., Pacitti C., Tavares M. C., Tomaz C.)
artykuł: The Automated Spatial Array Task, a novel method for measuring hippocampal sensitive memory in a touch screen equipped operant box (Talpos J. C., Dias R., Bussey T. F., Saksida L. M.)
artykuł: Comparison of animate contours processing in visual areas 17,18 and 21a of the cat. (Yinon U., Bregman T.)
artykuł: Conscious and unconscious category adaptation in emotional faces (Rijsbergen,van N., Treves A.)
artykuł: A physiological and behavioral investigation of two animal models of schizophrenia: effect of environment and clozapine (Moran M. P., De Suza I. E. J., Brady A. T., Kenny C. M., O'Keeffe M. A., McCabe O. M., Duffy A. M., Mulvany S. K., O'Connor W. T.)
artykuł: Basal but not KCL-stimulated medial prefrontal aspartate release is reduced by clozapine: a microdialysis study in two rat models of schizophrenia (Kenny C. M., De Souza I. E. J., Brady A. T., O'Keeffe M. A., McCabe O. M., Moran M. P., Duffy A. M., Malvany S. K., O'Connor W. T.)
artykuł: Look away: neural correlates for suppression of the visual grasp reflex in the anti-saccade task (Everling S.)
artykuł: Lateralization of repetition effects in event-related potentials to words in left- and right-handed women (Nowicka A., Marchewka A., Szatkowska I.)
artykuł: A neurobiological approach to self-control (Churchland-Smith P.)
artykuł: Transcriptional regulation following passive avoidance learning (O'Sullivan N. C., Conboy C. M., Murphy K. J.)
artykuł: Functional specialization of different sub-regions of the somatosensory thalamic nuclei in the rat. (Swiejkowski D. A., Kublik E., Wrobel A.)
artykuł: Enduring effects of chronic unpredictable stress in mid-aged rats on spatial learning and memory in aging (Borcel E., Pérez-Álvarez L., Sandi C., Venero C.)
artykuł: The role of the entorhinal cortex in perceptual learning (Mundy M. E., Dwyer D. M., Honey R. C.)
artykuł: Role of the anandamide reuptake inhibitor AM404 in the modulation of emotional reactivity in rats (Campolongo P., Campolongo M., Trezza F., Scattoni M. L., Frau R., Gessa G. L., Cuomo V., Piomelli D.)
artykuł: Facilitation of extinction of conditioned fear in the rat cortex and amygdala (Maroun M., Hagit R., Irit A.)
artykuł: Synaesthesia in the Irish population: the influence of genetics and development (Barnett K. J., Corvin A., Mitchell K. J., Newell F. N.)
artykuł: Enriched environment effects on visual system development and plasticity (Sale A., Berardi N., Maffei L.)
artykuł: Investigation of markers of autonoetic consciousness accompanying episodic autobiographical recall (Muireann I., Coen R., Lawror B. A.)
artykuł: Error-related negativity elicited by subliminal visual stimuli (Pavone E. F., Girelli M., Marzi C. A.)
artykuł: The perception of temporal order for auditory stimuli: the effect of age and gender (Szymaszek A., Szelag E., Sliwowska M.)
artykuł: Coping with uncertainty during response selection in a reaction time task (Hocherman S., Inzelberg R.)
artykuł: Non-invasive imaging of neural oscillations underlying cognitive and sensory processing. (Gonazales A., Sara L., de Peralta Menendez R. G., Khateb A., Pegna A., Thut G., Landis T.)
artykuł: The role of dopamine in the innate attraction towards male pheromones displayed by female mice (Agustin M. C., Martinez-Ricos J., Martinez-Garcia F., Lanuza E.)
artykuł: EEG and behavioural analysis of Alzheimer model animals (Cho S. Y., Shim I. S., Kim J. W., Hwang E. W., Han S. K., Kim H. T.)
artykuł: Prefrontal cortical activity during eyeblink conditioning and subsequent cooling of the interpositus nucleus in rabbit (Wikgren J., Lavond D. G., Nokia M. S., Karbonen T.)
artykuł: Visual object processing and visual learning are linked within the hippocampus proper: an intracranial ERP study (Vannoucci M., Grunwald T., Died T., Helmstaedter C., Elger C. E.)
artykuł: Activity and plasticity in the amygdala following controllable vs. uncontrollable stress. (Kavushansky A., Vouimba R. M., Cohen H., Richten-Levin G.)
artykuł: Development of filial attachment in sheep: from behaviour to brain (Nowak R.)
artykuł: Functional features of the rat subicular microcircuits studied in vitro (Menendez de la Prida L.)
artykuł: Controlled impact device for simulating TBI with an animal model (Gilchrist M. D., Colgan N., O'Connor W. T., Smyth A., Kenny C.)
artykuł: The effects of fornix lesions on timing behaviour in rats (Kyd R., Pearce J. M., Haselgrove M., Amin E., Aggleton J.)
artykuł: Lesions of rat infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex enhance renewal of extinguished appetitive Pavlovian responding (Rhodes S. E. V., Killcross A. S.)
artykuł: Bimanual estimation of length: a fMRI study (Weis L., Zalla T., Garbin G., Lango R., Bruno R., Battanglini P. P.)
artykuł: Attentional and oculomotor capture (Theeuwes J.)
artykuł: Visual recovery of touch (Serino A., Farnel A., Haggard P., Moricil C., Borsotti M., Ladavas E.)
artykuł: Sensory substitution and balance (Pasqualotto A., Fouilleul A., Sampaio,prof. E., Rougier,prof. P., Liard C.)
artykuł: Learning-induced reduction in predisposition for LTP: mechanism and functional significance (Barkai E., Drorit S.)
artykuł: Neuronal encoding of touch (Diamond M.)
artykuł: Choosing the greater of two goods: neural correlates of value based decision making (Sugrue L. P., Corrado G. S., Newsome W. T.)
artykuł: Synchronous activity in the nuclei Principalis, Oralis and Interpolaris of the rat under urethane anesthesia (Sanchez-Jimenez A., Garcia-Gonzalez V., Moreno A., Panetsos F.)
artykuł: On the distinction between visual selection and saccade preparation in the frontal eye fields of monkeys (Juan C.-H.)
artykuł: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of NMDA receptor subunit distribution in adult cat visual area 17 (Theuwissen T., Yermeulen N., Van der Gucht E., Arckens L.)
artykuł: Sex differences in processing of the affective visual stimuli as revealed by fMRI (Kuniecki M., Urbanik A., Podsiadlo L., Kozub J., Sobiecka B., Binder M.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological comparison of cognitive impairments In multiple sclerosis (Sinem K., Gulsen G. D., Ozgur E., Hakan G., Tamer D.)
artykuł: Analgesic effect of intrathecal injection of histogranin and noradrenalin in alleviation of neuropathic pain (Nasirinezhad F., Salari S.)
artykuł: Progression of cognitive alterations in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease overexpressing mutant hAPPswe (Middei S., Daniele S., Caprioli A., Ghirardi O., Ammassari-Teule M.)
artykuł: Effect of ascorbic acid on apomorphine-induced licking behavior in rat (Hassan K., Ehteshamie S., Tayebifard H., Farzin D.)
artykuł: Neurophysiological correlates of self-face recognition (Keyes H., Maguire A., Brady N., Reilly R.)
artykuł: How monocular deprivation shifts ocular dominance in visual cortex (Bear M. F.)
artykuł: Evidence of configural processing in crossmodal face matching (Casey S. J., Newell F. N.)
artykuł: Sensitization of the rewarding effects of morphine: effects of AMPA glutamate receptor blockade (Aguilar M. A., Manzanedo C., Ribeiro Do Couto B., Rodriquez-Arias M., Minarro J.)
artykuł: The involvement of cerebral cholinergic receptors on morphine-induced amnesia in morphine-sensitized mice (Ameneh R., Zarrindast M. R., Farahmandfar M., Rostami P.)
artykuł: Serotonin in the ventral striatum in view of anxiety-related behaviour (Ludwig V., Schwarting R. K. W.)
artykuł: Long term storage of a passive avoidance task is not associated with synapse change in the secondary visual cortex (Murphy G., Mulvany S. K., Murphy K. J., Regan C. M.)
artykuł: The cue-platform association in the watermaze task builds up gradually during acquisition through locomotion, and not whilst on the platform. (McGauran A. T., Harvey D., Commins S.)
artykuł: Involvement of the brain cannabinoid system in the rewarding effects of addictive drugs (Goldberg S.)
artykuł: Noradrenaline and learning - dependent cortical plasticity (Edeline J. M.)
artykuł: Emotionally negative stimuli are resistant to priming (Marchewka A., Nowicka A.)
artykuł: Molecular and behavioural characterisation of male BALB/c and CS7BL/6J mice (Oitzl M. S., Brinks V., Mark,van,der M., Cloet,de R.)
artykuł: Exercise, but not environmental enrichment, improves learning after kainic acid-induced hippocampal neurodegeneration in association with an increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Gobbo O. L., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Dose-dependent antidepressant effect of chronic lithium in porsolt forced swim test (Shaldubina A., Bersudsky, Agam G., Belmaker R. H.)
artykuł: The development of reaching movements during childhood (Favilla M.)
artykuł: The importance of color vision for fruit detection by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) (Araujo M. F. P., Lima E. M., Pessoa V. F.)
artykuł: Multipolar neurons - the structural and functional foundation of vegetative sympathetic ganglia. (Nuta M. M., Dragoi G. S., Gradinaru L.)
artykuł: Human frontal eye field and visual perception (Paus T.)
artykuł: Economics in the primate brain (Platt M. L.)
artykuł: Central muscarinic blockade with scopolamine interferes with efficient solution of the Active Allothetic Place Avoidance (AAPA) task by rats (Stuchlik A., Vales K.)
artykuł: Visualisation of neurotransmitter release in intact conscious brain using an integrated software toolkit (Butler S., Reilly R., Wellstead P., O'Connor W. T.)
artykuł: Push and reach related neuronal activity in the posterior parietal cortex and the superior colliculus of the primate brain (Hoffmann K. P., Nagy A., Rottmann S., Kruse W.)
artykuł: Reduction of the hand area in the homolateral primary motor cortex following unilateral section of the corticospinal tract at cervical level in monkeys (Rouiller E. M., Schmidlin E., Wannier T., Bloch J.)
artykuł: Interaction between proximal objects and distal cues in controlling hippocampal place cell activity (Renaudineau S., Save E., Poucet B.)
artykuł: Neurobiology of infant attachment: unique role of the locus coeruleus and amygdala supporting learning (Sullivan R. M.)
artykuł: Structural correlates of rapid functional plasticity in visual cortex (Sur M., Majewska A., Yu H., Oray S., Tropea D., Mower A.)
artykuł: How does evolution build a complex brain (Krubitzer L.)
artykuł: Delayed search for a social and a non-social goal object by the young domestic chick (Gallus gallus) (Rugani R., Regolin L., Vallortigara G.)
artykuł: Locomotor activity is a predictive test after global isquemia-reperfusion on mongolian gerbil (Ramos-Zuniga R., Gomez U., Navarro-Ruiz A., Luquin S., Garcia-Estrada J., Villasenor T., Solis R., Jimenez-Guerra R.)
artykuł: Taurine administration during lactation modifies hippocampal CA1 neurotransmission and behavioural programming In adult male mic (Gut M., Grabowska A., Urbaniak A., Forsberg L., Binder M., Sobiecka B., Kozub J.)
artykuł: Value-dependent learning in the human brain (O'Doherty J.)
artykuł: A pheromone that enforces learning in the newborn rabbit (Schaal B., Coureaud G., Montigny D., Moncomble A. S., Patris B.)
artykuł: Evaluation of learning deficit and effect of Cilostazol in temporal cerebral ischemic mice (Suge R., Sawada M., Araki N., Shimazu K., Nomura M.)
artykuł: A relation of polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule expression to motor learning induced synaptic change in the cerebellar cortex (Mulvany S., Murphy K. J., Regan C. M.)
artykuł: The effect of task-irrelevant visual information on the memory of haptic scenes (Achille P., Newell,dr F. N.)
artykuł: Effects of gaze contrast polarity on joint attention behaviours (Ricciardelli P., Betta E., Pruner S., Turatto M.)
artykuł: The glucocorticoid antagonist mifepristone modifies steroid signaling and spatial behaviour in CS7BL/6J mice (Oitzl M. S., Dalm S.)
artykuł: Visual modulation of subicular place cells firing fields (Brotons-Mas, Jorge R., Sanchez-Vives M. V., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Effects of neonatal novelty exposure on exploratory behavior and basal HPA axis activity in adult rats (Kitraki E., Daskalakis N., Kaperoni M., Kittas C.)
artykuł: Evidence for recollection in a task of episodic-like memory in the rat (Easton A., Eacott M. J., Zinkivskay A.)
artykuł: Effect of environment and clozapine on basal and stimulated medial prefrontal GABA release in two rat models of schizophrenia (De Souza I. E. J., Keffe M. A., Kenny C. M., McCabe O. M., Moran M. P., Duffy A. M., Fitzgerald C., Mulvany S. K., O'Connor W. T.)
artykuł: Electrical stimulation of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus in freely moving rate: time- and site-specific effects on two-way active avoidance conditioning (Andero-Gali R., Quiroz-Padilla M., Torras-Garcia M., Portell-Cortes I., Coll-Andreu M.)
artykuł: Spatial learning deficits in middle-aged mice: correlation with social and emotional behaviour and brain levels of neurotrophins (Cirulli F., Francia N., Pietropaolo S., Aloe L., Alleva E.)
artykuł: Convergence of differentially processed inputs in the primate amygdala (Gothard K.)
artykuł: Neural basis of complementary functions to response bias in the centromedian nucleus of thalamus (Kimura M., Minamimoto T., Hori Y.)
artykuł: Beyond conflict: functional substrates of performance monitoring (Magno E., Foxe J., Robertson I., Garavan H.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological characterization of synaptic connections of neurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus (Ulrich D.)
artykuł: The inhibitory components in the Sustained Attention to Response Task (Zardan L., Sarlo M., Stablum F.)
artykuł: Strain-specific enhancement of olfactory discrimination learning and spine density along hippocampal neurons following S-hydroxytryptamine4 receptors activation (Restivo L., Vetere G., Marchetti E., Roman F., Ammassari-Teule M.)
artykuł: Face recognition in AMD patients (Dinon J. F., Boucard M.)
artykuł: Neuro-glial and neuro-immune interactions underlying postlesional plasticity in the CNS after vestibular deafferentation (Campos-Torres A., de Kozak Y., Thillaye-Goldenberg B.)
artykuł: Effect of Dl- and D2-dopamine-receptor antagonists on sequential behavior in the rat (Domenger D., Schwarting R. K. W.)
artykuł: Behavioural changes in rats exposed to perinatal morphine (Timar J., Gyarmati S., Lee S., Kiss E., Furts S.)
artykuł: Chaos and modulation of oscillatory activity during l Hz repetitive TMS of the motor cortex: a combined EEG and TMS study (Fuggeta G., Fiaschi A., Manganotti P.)
artykuł: Functional underpinnings of capture by salient items in visual search (Ludwig C., Gilchrist I.)
artykuł: In search of memory's trace:the case of visual imprinting (Horn G.)
artykuł: Inhibition in learning - induced cortical plasticity (Kossut M.)
artykuł: Long-term enhancement of bursting in subiculum (Spruston N., Cooper D., Moore S.)
artykuł: Seizure frequency and cognitive performance in Nigerians with epilepsy (Ogunrin O., Adamolekun B., Ogunrin A.)
artykuł: Dynamics of activation of the hippocampus-amygdalaentorhinal cortex system under controllable versus uncontrollable stress (Richter-Levin E., Kogan I.)
artykuł: Sequential striatal lesions have additive effects on skilled forelimb movements: the role of ipsi- and contralateral motor control in a rat model of Parkinson's disease (Faraji J., Metz G. A.)
artykuł: Integrated Memory for objects, places and temporal order: evidence for episodic-like memory in mice (de Souza Silva M. A., Huston J. P., Dere E.)
artykuł: Probabilistic mechanisms in sensorimotor control (Wolpert D.)
artykuł: Inhibition of DHPG induced LTD in the hippocampal CA1 in vitro (O'Leary D., Grennan G. Z., O'Connor J. J., Herron C. E.)
artykuł: Extinction of conditioned fear memory to a context is related to anxiety levels (Perez-Alvarez L., Borcel E., Venero C.)
artykuł: A Model of Repetition Blindness (Connolly C. G., Reilly R. G.)
artykuł: Sex differences in a spatial reference memory task associated with cytochrome oxidase activity through out the postnatal development (Blanco E., Miranda R., Begega A., Conejo N. M., Gonazalez-Pardo A., Arias J. L.)
artykuł: Restoration of learning ability in rats with hyperammonemia and with liver failure by oral administration of sildenafil (Erceg S., Morfort P., Maltolin C., Rodrigo R., Llansola M., Felipo V.)
artykuł: The contribution of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex to the stimulus-based attentional switching (Szatkowska I., Szymanska O., Bojarski P., Grabowska A.)
artykuł: Individual traits related to anxiety and social adaptation of male rats in the diving-for-food paradigm (Schroeder H., Valkanas G.)
artykuł: NMDA receptor activity is required to consolidate and decay spatial procedural memory traces (Federico F., Mandolesi L., Leggio M. G., Petrosini L.)
artykuł: Limbic thalamus and odour-place association learning (Gibb S. J., Wolf M., Dalrymple-Alford J. C.)
artykuł: Unstable hippocampal place cell firing in rats with entorhinal cortex lesions (Van Cauter T., Poucet B., Save E.)
artykuł: Brain activity mapping in mice during classical conditioning and roughness discrimination task (Cybulska-Klosowicz A., Kossut M.)
artykuł: Neuronal activity in orbitofrontal cortex Co-varies with delay and reward magnitude (Roesch M. R., Taylor A. R., Schoenbaum G.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological indexes of object-based visual selective attention (Del Zotto, Proverbio A. M., Zani A.)
artykuł: Electrical stimulation of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis in rats: analysis of HZF-3 and c-Fos expression (Boix-Trelis N., Vale-Martinez A., Costa-Miserachs D., Guillazo-Blanch G., Marti-Nicolovius)
artykuł: Prevention of deprivation-induced changes to visual cortex by brief daily binocular exposure (Schwarzkopf D. S., Vorobyov V., Sengpiel F.)
artykuł: The effects of left and right selective amygdalohippocampectomy on everyday memory, discourse production and spatial representation. (Mangaoang M., McMackin D., Quigley J., O'Mara S.)
artykuł: Concurrent TAL: aversive processing via capsaicin-sensitive vagal afferent fibres (Zafra M. A., Prados M., Molina F., Puerto A.)
artykuł: How experience shapes the neural mechanisms that form decisions about sensory stimuli (Gold J.)
artykuł: Perfusion with TRH into the medial prefrontal cortex following a mild local injury increases local glutamate release in the rat. (Smyth A. A., Gilchrist M. D., Kelly J. A., O'Connor W. T.)
artykuł: Consolidated fear conditioning engram reactivation makes it vulnerable to the disruption due to basolateral amygdal functional blockade (Bucherelli C., Baldi E., Mariottini C.)
artykuł: Frequency-dependent processing in whisker related neurons of the nuclei Principalis, Oralis and Interpolaris of the rat (Moreno A., Garcia-Gonzales V., Sanches-Jimenez A., Petrova F. P.)
artykuł: Does knowledge of associative links produce a typical semantic priming effect? (Rhodes S. M., Donaldson D. L.)
artykuł: Controlling adult visual cortical plasticity (Berardi N., Pizzorusso T., DiCristo G., Harauzov A., Cancedda L., Medini P., Landi S., Maffei L.)
artykuł: Differential involvement of the central amygdala in appetitive versus aversive learning (Knapska E., Walasek G., Nikolaev E., Neuhäusser- Wespy F., Lipp H. P., Kaczmarek L., Werka T.)
artykuł: A dual system of innervation to the epidermis revealed in transgenic mice expressing eGFP under the regulation of the promoter Thy1.2 (Belle M. D., Pattison E. F., Cheunsuang O., Kramer I., Sigrist M., Arber S., Morris R.)
artykuł: The cannabinoid system in brain reward and addiction (Molleman A., Hasenoehrl R.)
artykuł: Impact of intermittent exposure to individual housing and wheel running on behaviour and neurotrophin levels in mice (Pham T. M., Zhu S. W., Aberg E., Brene S., Mohammed A., Baumans V.)
artykuł: GHB effects on cocaine-induced place preference in mice (Rodriguez-Arias M., Maldonado C., Castillo A., Aguilar M. A., Minarro J.)
artykuł: Recent findings on brain opioid-opioid pathways (Kim E.-M.)
artykuł: Acquisition of spatial relations between the distal cues and the platform's location occurs during locomotion in the morris watermaze (Deirdre H., Commins,dr S.)
artykuł: Observation of transient neural dynamics in the rodent hippocampus during behavior of a sequential decision task using predictive filter methods (Johnson A., Redish A. D.)
artykuł: Influence of differential housing on emotional behaviour and neurotrophin levels in mice (Shunwei Z., Yee B. K., Nyffeler M., Winbland B., Feldon J., Mohammed A. H.)
artykuł: Intracranial self-stimulation accelerates memory consolidation (Ruiz-Medina J., Redolar-Ripoll D., Morgado-Bernal I., Segura-Torres P.)
artykuł: Degradation of APP during the early phase of long-term memory consolidation (Conboy L., Keith J., Murphy, Ciaran M., Regan)
artykuł: Acute restraint stress effects on spatial memory and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor activity (Kremmyda O., Kittas C., Kitraki E.)
artykuł: Characterization of creatine kinase, brain type, as a new and valuable areal marker in mammalian neocortex (Jacobs S., Speleman S., Van den Bergh G., Clerens S., Arckens L.)
artykuł: The effects of systemic amphetamine treatment on the USpre-exposure effect and latent inhibition in CS7BL/6J mice (Meyer U., Chang T. D. L., Feldon J., Yee B. K.)
artykuł: Beta2-containing nicotinic receptor of the ventral tegmental area crucial for acquisition of nicotine self-administration but not for nicotine withdrawal syndrome (Besson M., Molles B., Suarez S., Pons S., Cormier A., David V., Cazala P., Maskos U., Changeux J. P., Granon S.)
artykuł: Early emotional learning (Braun K.)
artykuł: Lexico-semantic processing across different visual forms: fMRI evidence from native signers of British Sign Language (Dafydd W., MacSweeney M., Capek C. M., Woll B., Camphell R., David A. S., McGuire P. K., Brammer M. J.)
artykuł: Anterograde amnesia for spatial relationships in topographical disorientation (Morganti F., Rusconi M. L., Paladino A., Zago S.)
artykuł: Assessing the executive functions of students on a third level introductory programming course (Bergin S., Reilly R.)
artykuł: Short-term plasticity at synapses in the thalamic reticular nucleus: implications for a thalamic mechanism of selective attention (Crabtree J. W.)
artykuł: Sleep deprivation affects sleep pattern in the domestic chick (Gallus gallus) (Bobbo D., Nelini C., Mascetti G. G.)
artykuł: The human frontal eye fields in attention and eye movements (Muggleton N. G.)
artykuł: Neurochemical correlates of behavior of marmosets (Callithrix de Souza Silvapenicillata) exibited during predator confrontation: evidence for brain lateralization (de Souza Silva M. A., Hustona J. P., Topika B., Lamounier-Zepter V., Tomaz C., Barrosc M.)
artykuł: A motion sensitive area in the ferret suprasylvian cortex and its role in motion perception (Distler C., Hupfeld D. R., Phillip K., Hoffmann P.)
artykuł: Investigation of the spatial and temporal control mechanisms of the hippocampal CAl microcircuit: a computer model of dynamic heterassociative memory (Clark J., Graham B.)
artykuł: Bilateral effects of unilateral lesions in aphasia: an fMRI study (Clarke S., Adriani M., Fornari E., Firschknecht R., Sovilla J. B., Maeder P., Meuli R.)
artykuł: The effects of motivation on rates of responding: A reinforcement learning approach (Niv Y., Duw N., Dayan P.)
artykuł: Anterior thalamus and retrograde memory (Moran J. P., Dalrymple-Alford J. C.)
artykuł: Discharge patterns of hippocampal cells during in vitro recorded theta rhythm (Konopacka J., Golebiewski H., Kowalczyk T., Eckersdorf B.)
artykuł: Learning, memory and cortical plasticity (Flor H.)
artykuł: Posttraining epinephrine reduce memory deficit produced by lesion in the parafascicular nucleus (Nordby T., Torras-Garcia M., Costa-Miserachs D., Portell-Cortes L.)
artykuł: Investigation of brain adaptations underlying development of a drug-dependent state (Rombach N., Regan C. M., Murphy K. J.)
artykuł: The human frontal eye fields: involvement in visual encoding and preparation of finger movements? (Danielmeier C., Derrfuss J., Zysset S., Cramon,von D. Y.)
artykuł: Computerized system to train and evaluate visual delayed recognition in macaque monkeys (Cavada C., Garcia-Miguel M. J., Gonzalez F., Torres-Aleman I.)
artykuł: Brain serotonergic neurons as a preferential target of BSE prions (Vidal C., Herzog C., Callebert J., Kellermann O., Launay J. M., Laplanche J. L., Lefebvre-Roque M., Dormont D., Lesmezas C.)
artykuł: Relativity and the brain: spatial effects on temporal duration judgements (Seth A., Muggleton N. G., Walsh V.)
artykuł: Mirror neuron system and its implications for cognitive functions (Rizzolatti G.)
artykuł: Pre-conflict interaction and conflict cause related to reconciliation in language impaired preschool boys (Horowitz L., Ljungberg T., Rydelius P. A., Hedenbro M.)
artykuł: The subjective accentuation for different tempi in young, elderly and very old subjects (Kolodziejczyk I., Szelag E.)
artykuł: Memory for emotional events. The effects of stress hormone activation on memory consolidation in man (Deady D. K., O'Carroll R. E.)
artykuł: The retina of crayfish Procambarus clarkii shows crustacean hyperglycemic hormone circadian variations (Fanjul-Moles M. L., Escamilla-Chimal E. G.)
artykuł: The role of dynamics in the perception of facial emotional expressions (Rymarczyk K., Biele C., Grabowska A., Widenska D.)
artykuł: Attention related beta activity in the lateral-posterior nucleus of the cat (Wrobel A., Ghazaryn A., Bekisz M., Smyda J.)
artykuł: Cortical and subcortical pathways for processing facial expressions (Furl N.)
artykuł: Visual and motor imagery training (McAvinue L., Robertson I.)
artykuł: Dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex regulates raťs behavioural flexibility in an operant behaviour system (Winter S., Dickmann M., Schwabe K. S.)
artykuł: Exercise-induced changes in cognitive function: a role for IGF? (Kelly A. M., Griffin E. W., Mullally S., O'Mara S. M., Warmington S. A.)
artykuł: Mental number line disruption in a right neglect patient (Pia L., Berti A.)
artykuł: Differential contribution of the parafascicular nucleus in implicit and explicit memory tasks (Quiroz-Padilla M. F., Guillazo-Blanch G., Vale-Martinez A., Marti-Nicolovius)
artykuł: Impaired performance of heavy marijuana users on a decision-making task: An Fmri Study (Porrino L. J., Livengood L. B., Liguori A.)
artykuł: Short-and long-term effects of rewards on the deployment of visual selective attention (Chiara D. L., Chelazzi L.)
artykuł: Synaptic changes in frontal cortex underlying altered executive functions in pre-symptomatic in G93A plus/plus mice over-expressing the human Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Gly93 -> ALA) mutation (Sgobin C. A., Trabalza A., Zona C., Ammassari-Teule)
artykuł: Orexin a integration of feeding, wakefulness and activity: implications for energy balance (Kotz C. M.)
artykuł: Influence of rat strain and supplier on general behaviour and spatial learning (Loscher J. S., Thomas C. W., Murphy K. J., Regan C. M.)
artykuł: Are interhemispheric transfer time and hemispheric asymmetries really assessable by reaction time analyses? (Ballanger B., Boulinguez P., Benraiss A.)
artykuł: Interferon-a inhibits synaptic plasticity in vivo (Fahey B., Cowlej T. R., Kelleher D. P., O'Dwyer A. M., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Effects of birthweight on childhood cognition: a monozygotic twin study (Edmonds C. J., Gringras P., Lucas A., Isaacs E. B.)
artykuł: Olfactory discrimination learning in Tg2S76 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (Moran P. M., Hazeel C., Talbot C. J.)
artykuł: Subliminal visual stimuli yield inhibition of return but not facilitation (Mele S., Berlucchi G., Marzi C. A., Savazzi S.)
artykuł: The human frontal eye fields in attention and eye movements (Muggleton N. G.)
artykuł: Neural correlates of perceptual and movement decisions in monkey prefrontal cortex (Acuna C.)
artykuł: Fear conditioning in rats: is the N150 component related to shock anticipation? (Knippenberg J. M. J., MaesJ.H.R., Luijtelaar,von E. L. J. M.)
artykuł: Neural control of probabilistic motor learning (Ashe J.)
artykuł: Role of the neurokinin-3 receptors in the modulation of behavioral and neurochemical effects of acute cocaine (de Souza Silva M. A., Johan G., Muller C. P., Kart E., Huston J. P.)
artykuł: Chronic mild stress induces depressive behaviors in adult but not young rats: potential role for AMPA receptors (Toth E., Gersner R., Dar D., Kiwkowitz M., Zanger A.)
artykuł: Spatial learning and object recognition in adult rats exposed pre- and/or postnatally to alcohol (Caballero-Bleda M., Popovic M., Puelles L., Guerri C.)
artykuł: Metabotropic glutamate receptors and the control of the TRN input to thalamocortical neurones in vitro and in vivo (Salt T. E.)
artykuł: Blinded by fear: anxiety and the time course of attention to fearful faces in the attentional blink (Peers P. V., Colder A. J., Lawrence A. D.)
artykuł: Auditory perception of temporal order (Szelag E., Szymaszek A., Sliwowska M.)
artykuł: Memory for object-place-context configurations is dependent on the hippocampus in the rat. (Langston R. F., Wood E. R.)
artykuł: Posttraining isoflurane anaesthesia and memory consolidation of two-way active avoidance (Jurado-Berbel P., Torras-Garcia M., Costa-Miserachs D., Portell-Cortes I.)
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